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  • Brush_Spanking_Sengoku.mp4
  • Brush_Spanking_Monagatari_Girls.mp4





--------アーティスト・ノート / Artist Notes-------



So this is technically the first time I have animated a hairbrush spanking. Since this is just a test animation I only did 2 short smacks and looped it. It is still a little rough but I was mainly focusing on the brush impact on the bottom. Originally I had both cheeks jiggle, but wanted to try just having one cheek jiggle at a time. Will need some more practice but hopefully the hairbrush can make it into a future work.

I haven't decided which girls from the Bakemonogatari series I want to make a full animation with yet. But sometime next month I plan to make an animation with them.

<3 Kana




Nice work, waiting for further realization! I think the objects in this scene look a little bigger than they should be. Have feeling that the characters should be upscaled... By the way, is it possible to apply a wooden texture to the hairbrush?


Another nice surprise, Kana! I'll have to agree with the other commenter that the brush does seem a bit big and further ask if there is one with a wooden texture. Not a big whoop though. Well lol guess it is! Great for a first try, but like all the other things you tried for the first time you will get better. It does seem a little choppy, but again its your first time doing so. I hope it finds its way into future works too :) Is it just me or does it seem like the brush is hitting a wall of muscle and just stopping at the impact site? Maybe the extra physics of the jiggle would have helped that. Then again, these girls look like they have bums you can bounce quarters off of with ease hehe. Seriously good stuff, Kana.


Thank you for the honest feedback! <3 Yeah, the objects are a little bigger than the characters. Since this was just a testing sandbox map I did not bother resizing the scene. When I work on the finalized animations I do take the time to resize the assets and maps so that it matches the character. As for the hairbrush, yes! I have familiarized myself with the material editor section for items in this sandbox and after I find a suitable wooden texture I plan to apply it to the hairbrush to make it more realistic looking in the future.


I do plan to apply a wooden texture to the hairbrush after I find a suitable one. Since it was just a test I applied a generic pinkish/red overlay I quickly made in paint just to test the material editor/overlay features in Koikatsu. I still need to practice in my sandbox a bit before I feel comfortable making a full hairbrush scene. The impact of the brush is something I am still working on. At first I had it just impact a cheek then it would immediately retract back up but I did not like how it looked since it was really quick. So I decided to experiment with having the brush stay for half a second. I will most likely lower it to maybe 1/4 a second and work on the jiggle effect to compliment it. Thanks for the feedback! <3


I *really* always try not to discourage anyone and hope it's always taken as constructive criticism. Truth is your work is worlds beyond everyone else's out there, Kana, so I truly hope you take it that way. Also, *ears perk up* sandbox? Do you need someone to lay over Kana's lap in the sandbox for Ms Brushybrush 2.0? I might volunteer ;)


I'm going a mite bit against the grain here and say the brush reminded me of a plastic brush I used to own, marketed towards 'active' girls and such, and plastic can in fact sting! So while I'm not opposed to a wood texture I didn't find anything wrong with the pink one. Just looked like a plastic wet hair detangle brush I personally used to own so it was a nice bit of nostalgia with me to see in spanking artworks. I'm not going to say disregard criticism, it helps you grow after all and you are looking for critiques on your tests to improve! So I do hope you find a nice wooden texture to place on it to make it look even better! (cont.)


As for the animation test, I think you got the right idea just animating two spanks and looping it to be able to better tell if what you're aiming for worked. It looked great from all angles, and I noticed the individual jiggle. Nice little touch, hopefully the test was a success and you can continue to utilize what you learned here! :) Side note, the largest breasted girl having larger nipples was another good touch since imo a lot of people forget us naturally buxom ladies more often than not have larger nipples as well, so that was another nice little detail to see. You have so many fun little things to admire along with the animations, like I said last time, and this was another good scene!


Thank you for the feedback! Yeah I still have a ways to go before I feel comfortable making a full scene with this implement. I will definitely be changing out the textures as well depending on the scene. I am always open to constructive criticism, especially on these test animations since it is a first try and will help me a lot in the long run. I like the large breasted girl as a character overall which is why I chose her as the test spanker. The larger nipples also compliments her really well so I foresee her returning in the future. :)


I am very welcoming to constructive criticism and even more so when it is a test animation. So I always appreciate it. :) For my sandbox I usually just pick a random map and choose girls from whichever anime series I'm in the mood for.


Glad to hear it. I just never like hurting feelings. I guess I'm one of those stereotypical over-polite Canucks, eh? hehe. As for the sandbox, was just funnin' you :)