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【Cheat Code : versiontwo】 ● Dev Note ● In this month, I dived into the new texture loading method, which I was always eager to do. It was possible to take a step thanks to the new map loading system that I made one month earlier. Now texture loads at every frame when game process is idle, instead of loading whole buch of them when the game executed. For now there's some lag when move into different map, but technically if I slice up the map just enough, there will be no loading time at all! I also finished(almost) the Pipeline:map_5, by adding some platform and elevator. There's an LED like light to indicate elevator status and I really love how it turned out. It came out really well. I also implanted very smooth movement for elevator, but in current status elevator will stay still. the way to actually unlock the elevator will be stationed in Pipeline:map_6. ===========================[ Patch Note ]=========================== [Requirement & TroubleShoot] https://applepopsicle.fanbox.cc/posts/2061211 ========================================================= || : Use of any kind of features in 'option' is not recommended. || ========================================================= 【Update list】 ─ Pipeline:Map_5 Completed (Elevator, Platform to top left area has been added.) ─ Major Change on Texture loading method (Initial execution time has been reduced in half, in change of minor increase of loading time. Complete lag-free loading became technically possible. ─ Slightly improved texture breakage handling when zooming. 【bug fix】 ─ Fixed an issue where game crashes when HScene plays in verion ─ Fixed an issue where few Animated Texture at Pipeline:map5 doesn't follow the zoom rate when HScene is activated. ─ Removed invisible platform near the boulder at bottom left area in Pipeline:map_4. ─ Fixed the potential bug that the healing-bud might not be able to be seen. 【bug list】 ─ The initial placement position of ??? in TestZone does not match with the actual action range. ─ If enter the testzone and leave after starting a new game, return point doesn't match with the previous status. ─ There's still a room for the improvement on collision detection method for elevator in Pipeline:map_5 ─ If player get pushed by the first blob in the First map, player is sent to the very front part of the map due to knockback stacking. ─ If player enters Testzone while HScene is playing, Zoom&Player render become problematic. ==========================[ パッチノート ]========================== [システム要件 & トラブルシュート] https://applepopsicle.fanbox.cc/posts/2061215 ========================================== || オプション機能の利用は推奨されておりません。 || ========================================== 【アップデートリスト】 ─ Pipeline:Map_5 の完成 (Elevator、左上へのに Platform を追加) ─ゲームテクスチャローディング方式を大幅に変更 (初期実行時間半分に短縮、マップ移動時のローディング時間の小幅増加、今後技術的にロード時間を完全に除去することが可能になりました。) ─ Zoom時にテクスチャが割れる現象を小幅緩和 【バグフィックス】 ─バージョン0.1.1.2dで複数のHSceneが再生されない現象を修正しました。 ─ Pipeline:Map_5 で HScene 発生時、一部マップアニメーションテクスチャがズーム拡大率に対応しない現象を修正しました。 ─ Pipeline:Map_4から左下の岩付近の透明なプラットフォームを削除しました。 ─ Healingbudが表示されない潜在的なバグを修正しました。 【バグリスト】 ─ TestZoneでの???の初期配置位置と実体行動範囲が一致していません。 ─ ゲームを新たに起動した後、TestZone訪問後に退場すると、SavePointに間違って移動されます。 ─ Pipeline:Map_5 で Elevator のヒートボックス計算方式に改善の余地が残っています。 ─ Pipeline:Map_0 で最初の blob によって壁に数秒間押された場合、マップの最前方に吹き飛ばされます。 ─ゲーム内でHSceneの実行中にTestzoneに移動すると、Zoomとプレイヤーの表示に問題が発生します。



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