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【Cheat Code : versiontwo】 ● Dev Note ● Stretcher HScene Completed, Attack ability in N2stated added, Option fcuntion revived, Loading time greatly reduced! So many unfinished features are completed in this month. It feels like mind has been tidy up by finishing these unfinished tasks. It's been awhile having a fresh mind like this, very good start for a new year. ===========================[ Patch Note ]=========================== [Requirement & TroubleShoot] https://applepopsicle.fanbox.cc/posts/2061211 【Update list】 ─ Stretcher_N2 Escape has been added to routine. ─ Player is now able to attack in "affected(N2) state. ─ HScene Texture has been separated to individual texture. Game Loading time has been greatly reduced. ─ Pipeline:map_0 Texture has been separated. Map loading time has been reduced in certain condition. ─ Animation added in Pipeline:map_2 (Light Flickering) ─ Option function(Resolution Change & Key Configuration)is now available. ─ 1440x900, 1600x900 Resolution is now available. ─ Additional Effect for when hitting the HealingBud & Crystal has been added. ─ Control lock in zoomed state at Testzone is now released. 【bug fix】 ─ Made HScene camera in Testzone to properly display center of HScene animation. ─ Fixed an issue where player can't escape when bounced to the wall by the first Blob in Pipeline:map_0 ─ Fixed an issue where player rendering and zoom function doesn't work properly if player moves to testzone when HScene is playing. ─ Fixed an issue where Hit affect doesn't displayed when player gets hit by obstacle(LiquidFall) in Pipeline:map_5 ─ Fixed an potential issue where HScene could not ended properly after the Finish routine. ─ Fixed an issue where Playbar for HScene display panel in Testzone doesn't indicate its position correctly. ─ Fixed an issue where the Change of Status or Cloth was not possible in Testzone when the game has been started for the first time. ─ Fixed an issue where Elevator doesn't Initialized properly, affecting other maps wall hitbox. ─ Fixed an issue where Shortcut Key Guide in TestZone indicates completely different key. ─ Fixed an issue where Player can cancel the Sitting animation while saving, by using Clothes Change Ability. ─ Fixed an issue where QTE game Texture and Hit effect animation renders at wrong position. ─ Fixed player destination when exiting the Testzone to be affected by save status. ─ [Hotfix] Fixed an issue where game crashes when move to other map in some occasion ─ [Hotfix] Fixed an issue where game crashes when player attacks Stretcher in "Affected(N2)"State. ─ [Hotfix] Fixed an issue where game crashes after death. ─ [Hotfix] Fixed an issue where player not be able to move after closing the Testzone confirm Window. ─ [Hotfix] Fixed an issue where the Clone doesn't spawn even after player dies while having Gen. ─ [Hotfix] Fixed an issue where pits are covered by invisible wall. ─ [Hotfix] Fixed an issue where 3rd LoopCount in HScene displaymode at Testzone malfunctioning. 【bug list】 ─ At GameStart, the game crashes with a low probability. ==========================[ パッチノート ]========================== [システム要件 & トラブルシュート] https://applepopsicle.fanbox.cc/posts/2061215 【アップデートリスト】 ─ Stretcher_N2 HSceneのEscape routineが追加されました。 ─ Player が「Affected(N2)」状態のときに攻撃ができるようになりました。 ─ HSceneテクスチャがリアルタイムでロードされるように細分化されました。 ゲーム起動時間が大幅に短縮されました。 ─ Pipeline:map_0のテクスチャが細分化されました。 マップロード時間が条件付きで短縮されました。 ─ Pipeline:map_2 にアニメーションが追加されました。 (Light flickering) ─ オプション機能(解像度変更、キー変更)が使用可能になりました。 ─ 1400×900、1600×900の解像度が追加されました。 ─ HealingBudとCrystalを打つと追加のEffectが表示されます。 ─ TestzoneでZoom時の適用されていた操作ロックが削除されました。 【バグフィックス】 ─ TestZoneでは、HScene固定カメラがアニメーションの中央を表示するように調整されました。 ─ Pipeline:map_0 で最初の Blob によって壁に追い込まれれば逃げられなくなるバグが修正されました。 ─ HSceneプレイ中にTestzoneに移動すると、プレーヤーのレンダリングとズーム機能に問題が発生していた現象を修正しました。 ─ Pipline_map_5で障害物(LiquidFall)に被撃された場合、被撃アニメーションが省略されていた現象を修正しました。 ─ HSceneプレイ中にFinishアニメーションパートの終了が適切に行われないことがある潜在的なバグを修正しました。 ─ TestZoneでカメラをズームしたときにHScene Controller Panelの再生バー位置が正しく適用されないバグを修正しました。 ─ ゲーム初回開始後、Testzoneに入場する際、StatusやClothの変更が不可能だった現象を修正しました。 ─ Pipeline:map_5のエレベーターが適切に初期化されていないまま他のマップの壁ヒートボックスに影響を及ぼす現象を修正しました。 ─ Testzoneでのショートカットガイドが全く異なる操作キーを表示できるバグを修正しました。 ─ Testzoneから退場するときにプレイヤーが移動する場所がセーブ状態によって変わるように修正しました。 ─プレイヤーがセーブ中のとき、Cloth Swtich Abilityを通じてSittingアニメーションを強制的に終了させる現象を修正しました。 ─ QTEゲームのテクスチャと被撃アニメーションがずれてレンダリングされる現象を修正しました。 ─ [Hotfix] マップ移動中に確率的にゲームがクラッシュする現象を修正しました。 ─ [Hotfix] Stretcherを「affacted(N2)」状態で攻撃すると、ゲームがクラッシュする現象を修正しました。 ─ [Hotfix] HSceneによる死判定後にゲームがクラッシュする現象を修正しました。 ─ [Hotfix] Testzoneへの移動を確認するウィンドウを終了した後に移動できなくなる現象を修正しました。 ─ [Hotfix] Genを持った状態で死亡してもCloneが生成されない現象を修正しました。 ─ [Hotfix] 崖などが壁に詰まり落ちることができなくなる現象を修正しました。 ─ [Hotfix] TestzoneのHScene display modeで3番目のループ回数が誤動作する現象を修正しました。 【バグリスト】 ─ ゲーム初回開始(GameStart)時に低確率でゲームがクラッシュします。




There's an error on pressing start causing a crash, Pressing continue works fine though.


Also crashes on Stretcher_N2 ending. The event at the start to fight all the blobs does not trigger and the attack animation with the orb is not visible anymore.


Hate to be the barer of bad news, after coming out of the test zone everything seems to just start failing, hitting blobs turns them into white boxes, drops multiply to infinity. Movement sprite starts to bug out facing the wrong way and falling down the pit doesn't kill you anymore you're just stuck down there.


Few bugs occurance also check on my end, but I couldn't check other few. I want to ask some question about it. 1) I was not able to have "start crashing" problem. Did that happened right after you run the game, or was there any input you did before? Can you purposefully make that crash happen once more? 2) is "attack animation with the orb is not visible" problem related to "blob fight"? when does that happen?


1) So on the menu as you boot up the game, pressing start comes up with a C++ error. But for some reason that's not happening anymore, maybe because I got to the checkpoint seat? 2) The orb isn't visible. So the blob fight does not happen at all now, the event cutscene does not play and you can just walk straight through to the save point still nude. (Reloading however, the orb reappears) Stretcher_N2 scene on failure fades to black and crashes the game. 3)Seems to on occassion after testing a few more times, that the sprites get locked up and your character starts sliding/bouncing depending on touching an enemy as well as the 'death' pits seem to have no hitbox trigger to respawn the player to the edge again. Not sure what's triggering these either.


I've redownloaded and unzipped the game multiple times too with firewall disabled etc. Just in case. Didn't seem to make a difference.


Thanks to your report, was able to fix the all found bugs. There was even a fatal bug with one word code difference that I couldn't find without doing investigation so it was really a great help. File in this post has been Updated with the hotfix version. Although I couldn't check the occurrence of "failing after quitting testzone". you already did offer many help, but I would be more helpful if you mention how exactly that situation happened.


Spotted a Bug - When falling into a pit in the Tutorial Zone / Mini Boss fight, the game does not restart. Test Zone Animation for Stretcher N2 the Heart Scene is stuck infinitely due to duplicate options, might be the cause of other issues - yet to test.


Thanks for the report! As I'm currently focusing on map design at the moment, I'll work on those bugs few days later. I'll update this reply my status on bug hunting.


Apparently stupid developer didn't update .exe file after fixing bugs. Now things will work properly, I guess. "Stuck in loop with Stretcher-N2 HScene" problem, however, was the bug unfound before. Problem now has been solved. Thanks for the report!


Can sound be added? Playing without sound is really no fun


I also want to add sound to game, but I have zero knowledge about sound effects & music. so adding sound was always delayed by programming and animating etc. I'll spare some time to learn about sound in this month.