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Time for a spirited mid-July update! I've been working on a whole assortment of projects, and I want to let you in on them. Any of these could be done in July, and I suspect most will be done by August.

Fun With Hat Kid

🎵 Heeeere am I floating

'round my pillows 🎵

Mischievous characters… my favorite archetype! I've wanted to do something with Hat Kid for as long as she's been around, so we're finally getting to it. This means diving into a bit of unexplored territory, both for Hat Kid models and for toon-rendering techniques in general.

Flatness vs depth, video-gamey vs real, canon shapes vs exaggerated. I'm answering these questions by iterating a bunch and trying different things. I've got to say, I'm extremely happy with how it's coming out! Take a look.

The end result you're seeing is a composite of flat and detail-rich versions, where Hat Kid's body is lit differently than her clothes and the world around her.

Compositing technique (mp4)

This one poster is probably done, but I've got a couple more ideas roughly posed to round out a little series. When I have those fleshed out and built, I'll release the full set.

A Box in the Attic

Lots of folks have boxes in their attic, but Haruka's parents kept something a little more unusual. She knew it was up there, and she knew not to mention it… but what on earth was it?

What could possibly go wrong?

Wait, is this a *consensual* story with the Box? Sort of! Haruka climbs in and experiments of her own volition. That said, I'm thinking of making both Good and Bad endings.

Technical aspects of this build are nightmarish. Lord, deliver me from having to light this set any longer. It's not all bad, though. I've really enjoyed building the scenario, and I've gotten to do some fun work designing an outfit for Haruka (which of course she quickly discards).

This will be a larger poster set, with captions and bonuses as well.

Belly of the Beast

Schlorp, schlorp. 💦

I've put a few hours into this recently, mainly working on the audio track. Since progress has been somewhat arduous, I've switched to a "sound-first" approach for the remainder of the animation. Meaning I build the soundtrack first, then fit the animation to that. This should improve efficiency since I've already blocked out most of the major scenes.

Simon's Invention (Working title)

"It was just as intense the third time, and so it was the fourth. And the fifth. She cried like a baby as sweat soaked her pajama top and her cunt soaked everything else. Balled fists struck the same spot on her father's thigh over and over, but her strength was insignificant in the face of his insistence. As the minutes went on, her crying soured to a chaotic wailing, which Simon found he could shut off, conveniently, with the press of a button. He reveled in the sudden change, the instant that jolt went into her. For a few moments her mouth would hang open in silence and those eyes, red and streaked with tears, would stare off into the birth of the universe."

A piece of written fiction. Currently about half-way done at 4000 words. Dangerously spicy.

Velvet-san, why are you telling us all this at once?

I've been doing too many "surprise" releases lately! I want to include you guys in the process more, but I've been busy with life. Sorry about that. I don't know if I can return to normal just yet, but I'm working on it. We're all "working on it", right?

As always, much love, and thank you for the support! -v




Looking forwards to pretty much everything on that list!


I am excited for the A Box in the Attic story!


Now how about this: The box combined with the belly of the beast!?


Is the hat kid a game or something?