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A curiosity arose in Simon as he stared down at his daughter, her breath ragged and lips flush. Holding so much power in his hands was intoxicating. Did the device really work every time, no matter the condition of its recipient? Whether or not they wanted to, would it make anyone cum… in an instant?

We follow Simon, an obsessively-driven and brilliant engineer, who struggles to remain a father as he turns his perverse invention on his own daughter.

There’s sex. There’s tension. There’s forced orgasms. There’s 📦… I guess this is an origin story in the VLVT Pornographic Universe. At over 7k words, it’s pretty substantial too! I hope everyone gives it a read and enjoys.

Note: This story is not for the faint of heart. It explores some seriously flawed characters. Reader discretion is advised!

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My goal here was to give the characters a situation and have them ‘write’ the story, propelling it forward by expressing their flaws. Everyone here has a secret or two, and their agendas aren’t always obvious. This is writer-speak for “I didn’t have a plan”, but I think it worked out pretty well!

Compared to my other works, the world-building is sparse. We spend more time with characters and props (ahem) than we do establishing a larger universe. That’s definitely not a problem! I think this writing is some of my best, especially if you’re looking at zingers-per-minute (ZPM). These characters (and the narrator) just kept finding interesting things to say.

I’m aware how deeply fucked up most of this content is. Beta readers were incredibly uncomfortable at times. That’s what fiction is for, and I’m sure you know I feel that way if you’ve seen some of my other works. These characters are irredeemable. I just like exploring the way they justify their actions—remember, nobody thinks they’re a ‘bad guy’.

The poster was a lot of fun to put together. The walls and ceiling are based on the Dark Room from Life is Strange, which started things off on the right note. After that, it was just nice kicking back and getting into Simon’s head to lay out all the junk. I also like that this poster is “safe for work”…

One final note: Thank you all for supporting my creative efforts, including writing. Last time I published, there were a handful of you guys who were really affected. You told me it was the first erotic fiction you’d ever read or enjoyed, and that meant a lot to me. Thanks ❤️




I didnt knew you were such a good writer. Lovely! Emma is such a lucky girl, basicly living inside the box, existing to orgasm. Will we get more? Chapter? Pictures? Or other projects first?


Thank you! I don't have any further ideas for this world, but I might make a sequel some day. As for more art, I've got the whole 3d scene built, but I don't really know how to portray "Emma" with the tools I have.


Have a child find the box after Emma and her father had to move, as this one box got mixed up and left somewhere.


That's an idea! Actually, that's a lot like the Attic series I'm doing :>


That was an incredible read, couldn't stop once I started. Loved the narrative of the origin of The Box, loved the twists it took especially once Misha entered. Really loved the small bits of Tickling you gave us, thats been something I have been wanting to see with the Box since I first laid eyes on one of your renders of it hehe


Thanks! It really does pick up steam when Misha enters the picture huh. I'm glad it ticked all your boxes (hah)


Indeed it did, really intense stuff & well done at that. Hehe, hope we get some more tickling with this Box in the future ;) With the feet soo exposed, I mean its just begging to happen.


Tickling is on hold until I finish developing tech that lets me apply wrinkles better. I've gotten a start on it, but it's not *there* yet.


Ooooo color me intrigued, knowing that it is coming in the future has me excited hehe