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Next up in the remastering studio is a 2018 set featuring Lily. I don't see myself doing a lot of poster remasters, but there's always been a couple things bothering me about this one, and I wanted to expand on it more.

I think the results speak for themselves!

There are 11 posters in the archive, plus the original 6. There's one foot fetish pic in the set as well, for all my weird bros. Enjoy!

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Password: theresnowaythatfits

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The plan was to mock up a fake cam site and put her "stream" into it, but it would take so long to make a good web design, logo, and chat that I decided to just do the posters and call it there. I've got a lot of projects going, and I'd rather spend my time finishing those.

Progress is under way on BotB and there are some new assets coming together as well. Stay tuned, and thanks as always for the support!







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This should definitely be a video. Good job!