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This is an English translation of my work.

Recommended for those who are not good at Japanese.



Author: numanuma

Translator: Mosaic


It was a while ago, but the playground equipment in the park near my house was getting old, and since there was a risk of it becoming dangerous to use, it was decided that they would renovate it all. And the public toilets in that same park were renovated as well. According to the girls who have used it before, it was very clean and the stalls were also spacious.

Back then, I was not interested in any such information at all, so I chose to ignore it. Rather than that, I was fascinated by the beautiful actresses on TV because I was at an age where I just hit puberty and was curious about sex in all kinds and forms.

At that time, there was a famous actress named Minatsuki Midori. I remembered she was moved to tears when she managed to win the Best Actress award in a certain contest, and she promised that she would continue to work hard on progressing her acting career.

And the day after the contest, when I was walking back home from school, I happened to see Minatsuki Midori in the public park. She wore a hat and sunglasses to disguise herself, but her breasts were emphasized so much through her blouse, her plump butt was also accentuated by her tight skirt, and her beautiful legs were wrapped in black stockings. I was hiding in the shadows and sneaking a peek at her all along.

I wanted to talk to her and get her autograph, but I ultimately chickened out and could only watch her from afar. Then she went into the public toilet and she wouldn’t come out for a while.

I tried to wait for her, but she didn't come out for hours and finally the night fell, so I had no choice but to go home.

That night, I happened to wake up in the middle of the night. Come to think of it, I wondered what happened to Minatsuki Midori......? I was really sleepy, but my curiosity got the better of me and I somehow managed to sneak out of the house and headed towards that public park.

I wouldn't normally do something like that, but for some reason my body moved on its own right now, and after confirming that there was no one in the women's restroom, I decided to open the stalls one by one from the end.

"Hmm~, it's really big and beautiful, for sure."

Then, I opened the door of the second stall from the back.

"What the hell am I even doing......? As expected, she has already left...... Huh?"

Surprisingly enough, Minatsuki Midori was there, hanging from the ceiling, dead and unmoving.

"Huh? Huh......?"

She had that ecstatic look on her face, with saliva dripping from the corner of her mouth and her nipples completely erect, while her naked body was dangling right in front of me. Her blouse, skirt, and stockings she had brought here were neatly folded and placed in the accessory cabinet, and her scent and warmth still remained inside of the stall.

At first I was confused, but even so I was moving my hand on my stiffened penis up and down in a rhythm. And before long, a large amount of my semen was splashed on her legs.

"W-What should I do!?"

I quickly wiped her with toilet paper, retrieved her blouse, skirt, stockings, and panties and ran back to my house.

The next day, the incident was extensively reported by the media all over, and as a result, even the stall inside of the toilet where Minatsuki Midori was turned into a lewd naked corpse suddenly became famous.




For a week after Minatsuki Midori hung herself, I was madly trying to masturbate while using her stockings, skirt and panties every single night.

For me, who was in Elementary School at the time, Midori’s death was such a shock.

However, it wasn't her death itself that shocked me...... but rather the corpse. The fact that she was reduced to a lump of hanging meat. That was what fascinated me the most.

"Haah~...... I wish I could have screwed the corpse of Minatsuki Midori at that time......"

The feeling of wanting to hold a lewd corpse in my arms was getting stronger and stronger with each passing day.

"But, there's no girl over the age of 1X that I'm on good terms with and who would have a plan to be slaughtered anytime soon......"

While I was thinking about that, I was sitting on the bench where I could see the public toilet, and there was also a girl wearing a volleyball outfit who sat next to me with a melancholic look on her face. She never looked at me at all and she looked really depressed.

And then she went to that public toilet.

"And now she just won't come out......"

About two hours had passed since she entered the public toilet, and it was already getting dark.

There was no one left in the park, and that girl from the public toilet was nowhere to be found.

So I went into the women's restroom once more.

"...... Here it is...... The stall inside of which Minatsuki Midori hung herself......"

I couldn’t really hear any sound from there...... No, I could only hear the faint sound of something leaking.

I slowly opened the door of the stall, and as expected, there was a lewd corpse.

She died by hanging herself by the neck, in a way that was apparently called the atypical hanging.

At that moment my heart was beating like alarm bell.

Yes, this very moment was a turning point in my life, and it was also the moment when I decided to do a job related to that particular public toilet in the future.

I entered the stall and locked it behind me. I then buried my face in the valley of that girl’s breasts.

"Nfuh, it’s so soft!"

I then took a look at the girl’s dead face. She had black hair that was tied in a ponytail and had her pupils wide open. Her purple discolored lips were also wide open, and from the tip of her protruding tongue, you could see drool dripping non-stop drop after drop.

"Onee-san, you are so beautiful!"

Perhaps it was because she was doing sports when she was still alive, even though her abs were slightly protruding from her body, she still had a feminine roundness to her and a very pleasant scent.

"So...... women have such small faces......and thin shoulders......"

The crotch part of the girl’s spats was wet, and the overflowing love juices were still leaking onto the toilet floor.

"Onee-san, take my first time! Please!"

I simply couldn’t take it anymore, so I shifted her spats and inserted my dick right inside of her. Then I banged my hips over and over again, prying her mouth open and licking her mouth and pouring my cum inside of her vagina.

"Umm, I need to call a Recycling Practitioner here, soon."

According to an investigation that was conducted later, the following was certified: the girl, Sukawa An's, unrequited love seemed to have been slaughtered in a different place on that same day, and that was a follow-up suicide, and she imitated the way in which Minatsuki Midori died, by hanging herself in the very same stall.

That incident was also reported on television, and the following month, a second imitator appeared and self-slaughtered by hanging herself in the same stall in the exact same public toilet.

In this way Minatsuki Midori’s self-slaughter would produce many imitators and copycats.

Before I knew it, this stall had become a "famous spot for slaughter" and in that year alone, ten livestock would voluntarily slaughter themselves or were slaughtered in this very same stall in the very same public toilet.

It was ten years later that I became the manager of this exact public park.




After graduating from school, I got a job as a public park manager. My Senpai at school happened to be the daughter of the management company of this public park, so as a result of getting along with her really well I was eventually appointed as her direct subordinate.

Any female manager would choose to voluntarily slaughter herself inside of that private toilet stall relatively soon after taking the position, so the company was actually looking for a male manager.

According to my Senpai, if the slaughter is already done there, especially if there is no particular wish in the will of the livestock or any will at all, you could do whatever you wanted to the body as long as the Recycling Practitioner could recover the corpse in the undamaged state.

A few days after I took office, I passed a girl while walking in the public park.


I made eye contact with that girl for a moment and she bowed her head politely, so I bowed back as well.

She was a beautiful girl with long black hair and a neat and clean look that would send natural shivers down people's spines. Long legs clad in black stockings extended from under her skirt. A bright red uniform nicely emphasized the outline of her huge breasts. As I could see from the way she bowed her head, there was an aura unique to only a noble lady around her.

At first glance she seemed polite, but her cold gaze was saying that she was completely looking down on people like me.

"That's great, if that girl dies in here, I'd definitely want to fuck her corpse."

You could call it a tendency: usually girls who tend to think very highly of themselves would also look down on those who they deem dull. But after I corrupt these girls with my superior technique, they would usually become very cute and obedient little kittens.

Besides, it feels so good to be able to do whatever you want with the corpse of a girl who looks down on others...... And so I secretly hoped that she would die really soon.

* * *

An hour later, I was overjoyed when I opened the door to the stall inside of the public toilet for a regularly scheduled cleaning.

That girl sat on the toilet bowl and hung herself while she was still masturbating. She was gloomy with a congested face, her intelligent eyes clouded with emptiness, her mouth left half-open, contorted with pleasure. Her nipples were fully erect, drool was dripping from her long protruding tongue, and a trickle of her love juice seeped through her pantyhose and ran down her beautiful legs, staining the floor with a small puddle.

I licked the drool dripping from her mouth and sucked on her erect nipples as I checked her student ID that she still had on herself.

Her name was Miyanomori Satsuki...... It seems that she was the daughter of the Miyanomori family, a really prestigious family in this town.

"Using her front hole may cause unnecessary trouble down the line. Shall I use the back door, then?"

Because this particular public toilet had so many unscheduled slaughters being carried out in recent years, they even added a mortuary-like room here where the bodies could be properly cleaned. That’s where I carried Satsuki’s corpse. I then pulled down her pantyhose to her thighs, and then I could see her narrow, presumably never even used anal. I then slowly spread it wide open with my fingers, and then I thrusted my hardened meat rod right into it.




"Umm, excuse me, but where is the toilet? I can't really stand it anymore!"

One day, a certain cheerful girl asked me where she could find a restroom in this park. She was a lively, bright and cheerful girl. She had short hair and a boyish temperament to her, and she was wearing a track and field uniform that almost looked like a bikini. She had quite the large breasts, and her athletic, toned, and healthy body was also really impressive. Perhaps she was just after her daily club activities, because her brown skin was glistening with sweat, and the glamor peculiar to sports girls simply overflowed from her.

"If you go straight from here, you'll find it no problem."

"Thank you~!"

She thanked me cheerfully and made her way to the public toilet. She must have put up with it so much that she was even closing her legs and fidgeting on the spot. That is why it never actually occurred to me that by saying "I can't stand it anymore!" She meant something completely different from normal.

* * *

And when I went to the public toilet when it was time to clean it up, the girl was already dead.

She filled the toilet bowl with water and put her head in it and just froze up in a position, with her head completely submerged inside of the bowl while the rest of her body was sticking upwards as if she was trying to perform a shoulder stand inside of the bowl, or as if she was pile drove inside of it.

She first blocked the toilet bowl completely, and filled it with water, and then she mixed it with her own pee, drowning herself...... She looked so bright and cheerful, I couldn’t believe she would do such a thing. But what a perverted idea to actually go and drown in a dirty sewer-like water while being completely naked.

This girl was actually amazing in a weird way...... and how come she was able to die while maintaining that pose?

There was also a single sheet of paper that was taped to a wall right next to her, with her suicide note being written on it.

"To the Manager,

I'm so sorry I blocked the toilet.

As an apology for doing that, please take my body back home and do whatever you desire to it ♡

                    From Nakamine Yuna"

When I saw this note, I thought of doing something that would make the perverted Yuna-chan happy on the other side, so I right away sprinkled her corpse with plenty of my pee, carried her corpse to the morgue, took a shower together with it, and then it was the time for the Recycling Practitioner to come by. But until that moment, I kept on admiring the girl's tight brown body.

And just as she wrote in her suicide note, I didn't hesitate to make the lewd corpse of this perverted sports girl my property, and have enjoyed it ever since.






Thank you for the translation XD