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<あらすじ> 助手の女はいつも博士に雑に扱われていたのでいつか仕返ししてやりたいと思っていた。 そしてチャンスはやってきた。 女は博士の開発した縮小指輪に縮んだ身体が二度と元に戻らないように細工した。 優位に立った助手の女は博士を巨大な足で脅す。 10秒かけてゆっくり足を近づけ博士を追い詰める。 逃げようとする小さな博士を床にセロテープで固定し最終的に踏みにじって懲らしめる。 <Synopsis> The female assistant was always treated roughly by the doctor, so I wanted to get revenge someday. And then came the chance. She made a certain trick to the shrinking ring he developed. It is to prevent the shrunken body from returning to its original shape. Unaware of such tricks, he shrinks himself. And then he realized that his body wouldn't grow back. Gaining the upper hand, she threatens him with her giant feet. As she attempts to escape, she tapes him to her floor and eventually tramples him. https://minimums-asmr.com/ws360ppfohakasecrh/



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