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<あらすじ> 部屋の中を散らかした小人に対して主婦は怒りをあらわにする。 その様子を見た主婦の友達はピアノを弾いて主婦をなだめる。 小人もピアノのきれいな音色に魅了されてピアノペダルの上にやってきた。 何度も迫ってくる主婦の巨大な足に踏まれながらも穏やかな曲を楽しんでいた。 そんな小人の存在に気づいた主婦は小人をピアノペダルの上で踏み潰してやろうとピアノを弾き始める。 小人はなんとか逃げようとするが努力はむなしく主婦の足の下で踏み潰されてしまう。 <Synopsis> A housewife cleaned up her room last night, but for some reason the room is a mess this morning. She is convinced it is the work of tiny boy. She is furious with him. Her friend sees this and soothes her feelings by playing the piano. Her feelings are calmed. Then tiny boy also came to the piano pedal, attracted by the beautiful sound of the piano. He was enjoying the peaceful tune while being trampled by her friend's huge foot that kept coming closer and closer. Then she noticed tiny boy on the piano pedals and she plotted to trample the little boy. The tiny boy manages to escape from her foot, but his efforts are in vain as he is trampled under her foot. https://minimums-asmr.com/ws360ppfopianopedal/



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