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<あらすじ> とある男はダンスパーティに参加する直前に身体が縮んでしまった。 なんとかパーティ会場に到着したが女性は小さな彼の姿に一向に気づかない。 約束を破られたと感じた女性は足元に男がいるとも知らずに一人で踊り始めた。 男は何度も黒いパンプスで踏み潰されそうになるが一生懸命交わして逃げた。 しかし最終的にパンプスに踏み潰され男の人生は女性のパンプスの下で終わった。 <Synopsis> A man's body shrank just before he was to attend a dance party. He managed to arrive at the party venue, but the woman never noticed him. She mistakenly thought he had broken his promise and started dancing alone, unaware that he was at her feet. He was almost trampled by her black pumps several times, but he tried his best to cross them and escape. But eventually he was trampled by her pumps and his life ended under her pumps. https://minimums-asmr.com/ws360ppfopartycrush/



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