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Not super happy with the animation, as I mentioned before. Pretty basic, not that interesting, etc. Just been in a slightly weird funk, which really isn't that unusual for me around this time of year. That said, can't promise much for my Christmas stuff. Hopefully I'll be able to get something I like made, but I can't promise anything. Will probably take it somewhat easy January just to give myself some recovery time.

Last poll before the New Year. I am pretty curious to see how this poll will go. I have a couple of hunches how it might turn out, but to be honest I can't say one way or the other because I could see four of these five possibly winning. There's only one I don't see winning, and it's the character from the series that has almost always been in last place. That said, next month I think I'm gonna return to the original format of DoA + FF + Misc, except it'll only be three characters instead of five. Mix things up, see how it turns out, etc. I might also try out some new formats next year, just to keep things interesting. We'll see, though.

Also, just as a spoiler for the supporters, the winner of the public poll is Angel by a pretty big margin(bigger than Lunafreya's win in the first public poll). Was honestly expecting an Angel win, if I'm being honest. Patty's performance in the supporter poll made me a little less certain, but turns out my gut instinct was correct.




Well then, there we go. You did something I've been wanting to ask if you were interested, multiple angles of the same animation. Could at the very least be a fun "revisiting" of older animations. Like the extension you did. Honestly I really love the crossover angle. Really love seeing 2 different characters from different worlds "interacting" with each other. They also look like they fit perfectly, with the whole color matching and white hair. Is unfortunate that you didn't really like the way it came up. But more of this... It's weird that I'm asking you this but... Yeah... more dudes. Game character dudes. I Honestly rate this... "Wholesome" o(>ω<)o


Not a fan. Dante ruins it.

Makima x Denji

Not a fan of using A2 for a christmas themed animation... Hope we get a normal one with her default outfit and I mean hopefully soon and not months later since you used A2 now.


I only did it because technically headless man won. Otherwise, it's kind of annoying to do multiple angles, and not all of them look good from multiple angles. I had to do adjustments with this one just to get things semi passable, otherwise it was a mess. Dante and A2 would probably have a funny dynamic.

Makima x Denji

I really don't want to whine but I have been waiting for A2 for months... Why waste time animating the dude? I don't want to be a ass just disappointed. Love the 2B animations though... those are masterpieces. You should make stuff like that with A2.


I know! You probably will(and already are) be getting flack for Dante. But I find this animation so fun. Yes it's weird at first, but the I start adding context and I like it even more. There's CHARACTER in this animation and I love it. Remember, don't let people saying Dante sucks stop you from having fun like this and trying more shit. So! Angel be winning!? Do you remember my recommendation? Or do you have other plans?

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

That's just mean there's huge jump of fans from that time I'm not surprised if it's gonna keep increasing and multiple angles are pretty cool keep it up. Hope you will consider to use your Nier girls in some sort of groupie and I'm still waiting on my Kaine sir! Also more Dante.

Makima x Denji

I don't think people are here to see fun animations. The animation suffered as well. It's pretty meh.


I've always said that I make what I want to make when I want to make it, and there are times when I don't necessarily want to make something with the character that wins a poll, so I have to do something that keeps me interested. Making a semi-comedic animation is what did it for me. You're not the only person I've ever disappointed with an animation of mine, and you won't be the last and that's all there really is to it. I can't please everyone and I don't intend to try. If you don't like something, that's fine; you're free to voice your grievances at me. But I am one guy with thousands of people wanting me to do all sorts of different things and different characters, and I only have so much time to do them. As great as it would be to do everything everyone wants from me, I can't. I have to pick and choose what I do. A proper A2 will come eventually, but I can't promise it anytime soon.


What the fuck A2 that was a perfectly good piece of pizza >:( Not bad overall, even if you think it's basic. A2's red trashbag still makes me laugh. Personally no qualms with using Dante in it, I enjoy it. Sometimes it's nice to have some variety from the poor headless guy. Yeahhh Angel winning! Surprising she would be by such a large margin, I guess Zero just doesn't have the pull that the others from this universe do huh?


The universe didn't get "mainstream" popular until Automata, and Drakengard 3 was before it, so she definitely doesn't have the same pull as the Automata gals. Still a decent amount of votes, though.


I'll try the super pose with Angel, but I'm not sure how great it'll turn out. Might have to go for something else entirely.


Is that a confused/innocent(?) Dante looking at the camera saying "what"? This is like the second(third) time that a character speak in your animations lol.


I also recommend that it can be something similar to Serah riding animation. But if not, then anything that emphasizes them boobs. I THINK that's her appeal... I voted for Talim in this but doubt she'll win. I also recommend a move from the game that I'm hoping is easy to do since is something you've done multiple times. This animation keeps getting better the more I loop it btw... I'm not fucking kidding, feels so fucking fresh. So many implications and questions that elevates this animations to higher levels. Who's idea was it to get pizza and fuck? A2 looks mad, but is she loving it? A2 does the guy a favor by cuming first... But Dante is completely unfazed... not even filling the chamber... And has the balls of offering pizza instead. A2 being angry in a tsundere kind of way is just amazing. You know you love the characters when you somehow nailed how he would behave in this kind of situation. Good job man, seriously. ( ̄ω ̄)

Makima x Denji

Don't you think poll animations should be higher quality since you give people the option to pay more money for more voting power in polls?


I try to, but that's not always possible. I have a week at best to animate these, and I still have my normal schedule to deal with, on top of having my life to deal with. Creativity(and quality) isn't something you can just flick on and off at any given point in time. There are times when you just can't get into the mood for it. This is one of those times. You might say "well just take more time with it", but I can't. My name isn't a joke. My name isn't for show. I have set up things on a strict schedule because otherwise I will get lazy, I will procrastinate, and I will get nothing done. I have to keep a schedule to motivate myself. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't.


Honestly, I kinda just want to do a titjob again with Angel. That's what my caveman brain is saying it wants, anyway. I'm not sure who will win this poll. I've got my preference, and I've got my main assumption, but it's all in the air at this point. Won't really be able to tell for a day or two. Thanks. I probably spend too much time thinking about how some of these characters would act in these animations, if I'm being honest.


It'll be raining tomorrow all day on my homeland. Should I expect something?


Hemnn.... Ok.... I shee...(-ω-、) I bet she'll make it rain when the day... comes... (´-ω-`)(´-ω-`)(´-ω-`)(´-ω-`)


If you make her have that signature sign she does while doing it then sure I would be ok with it. But when the KoF day arrives she needs to get some!! Ok, so Zero didn't win, but I will still ask. From the 5 sister boss fights, wich is your favorite boss theme from Drakengard 3? Also who's is the camera here?? Is it us? Or is it Vergil looking disappointed? Dante might be multiversal... but he doesn't break 4th walls... Not in his older days anyways..

Makima x Denji

Sure, but still it sucks when you are in the higher tier and pay more money just to try to get your favourite to win and then you just get a ok animation with her compared to your other animations... What she is wearing looks ugly as well. Salty because I waited for months to get A2 in a poll and then you gotta hope that she wins and then you gotta hope that you actually feel like animating the character who won... Not gonna comment on this again but I hope you see my point here. I switched to 100 JPY a while ago because this isn't the first time this happened so I had to vent here. Hope to see A2 again... someday... in her main outfit please.


It's no so bad, even I can read it. Kind of reasonable for A2 to be mad though. Dante just kindly offered her a slice of cold, eaten pizza.


What's worse, spending for the highest tier and getting your character even if it's a meh animation, or spending for the highest tier and not getting your character? That's the nature of these polls, and I go out of my way to do more than most people would. Sometimes I do runner up, sometimes I do last place, sometimes I do even more than that. I do wish I could make everyone happy, but it is literally impossible, so I just do what I can when I can and when I feel like it.


Yeah... I think I might wait for it for her default outfit. The chaps will make it nicer for actual sex, I think. I've not actually played Darkengard 3. Never had a PS triple. From a quick listen though, I think Two's is the most listenable for me. POD 042, maybe. Or a reindeer(not modeled). This is Danta Claus after all, so it could also be an elf.


Hey now, some people enjoy cold pizza. x) Not me, though. Gotta be so hot I burn the roof of my mouth even after its been sitting for ten minutes.


I have a very deep attached to all 5 of them. I played them in loop while reading the entirety of Berserk. Weird, but Drakengard/Nier soundtrack always have that dark magical tone to it so it fits. The cool thing about these songs is how they start in the game. I noticed that the thing you modeled was the pizza? That a very nasty looking pizza, unhealthy as fuck. It's perfect. So I hope you make some for us some day. Whoever it was, it clearly had a very judgemental look to them. Since Danta was confused by it. But in a DMC world... who is Dantas reindeer? The horse boss? Or is it Griffon? Nah... must be the bike.


Probably more fitting than whatever I was listening to when reading Berserk(I don't actually remember what I was listening to. I read through Berserk up to when they got on the boat almost a decade and a half ago. They were on that boat for so long I barely remember anything other than the meme the boat became. RIP Miura). Nah, the pizza is from DMC4. The thing I modeled was the sleigh. x) Danta was just confused by A2 knocking his pizza away. RIP pizza. :( As for his reindeer. He's got Cerberus and Agni and Rudra and Nevan and Beowulf and Gilgamesh and Pandora and Lucifer and...

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

The funny animation are quite refreshing to see especially Dante, and I know not all people would appreciate some silly fun stuff so don't let it get to you. Just do what you can at your own pace. Also more fashion Dante.


RIPs all around... The sleigh heh? Even better! looks better than A2's DIY undergarments. XP What a bunch of freaks. Weapon reindeers don't sound very smart... Don't get what A2 sees on the man... The power of love I suppose. (-ω-、). Anyway stay strong! Hope they are treating you well at that there SubscibeStar. Let this stuff be test to see how people will react to yer big project! And I hope it gives you even more motivation. 。.:☆*:・'(*⌒―⌒*)))


Yeah for sure, Drakengard was definitely niche. Automata brought a lot of new people into the fan base, for better or for worse. I'd love to see a Zero animation in the future, but I gotta pull for Angel on this one. Just too damn hot.


Vote goes to Zhang. I love Talim alongside Amy but i have little doubt about her, and since fellow DW girl Guan Yinping wins a poll back than, the chance are bigger for Zhang. Lets see


I remember seeing Angel long before I really knew what King of Fighters was. She always was one of those fairly popular KoF girls that never got into the newest title until recently. Surprised it took as long as it did, honestly.


I probably spent more time on the sleigh than A2's outfit. That was like five-ten minutes compared to about half an hour on the sled. SubscribeStar peeps are pretty quiet and chill most of the time. Definitely much less activity there than here. As for my project, I've made some baby steps. It will be something, alright. I'm definitely more in the mindset to work on that than some of the other stuff.


Pretty sure Angel is like the most well-endowed character in KoF, probably tied with Shermie. They just get completely overshadowed by Mai because...it's Mai. Angel's outfit is so ridiculously horny, I'm surprised she's been left out of the games for so long. Bizarre. I've always really liked her though, so let's go Angel! And a titfuck with Angel? That would be the cherry on top.


Yeah, Mai is a bit too iconic to really be beat. That said, I've always had a thing for Vice and Mature since I became more acquainted with the series. Fighting games often have the habit of not including characters that are actually popular with the fanbase. Never really understood it other than that they want to milk the character... somehow.


Lol at the salt in the comments. I mean I feel sorta bad, but people gotta realize that any art / media spawned from public decision will almost never come from a place of genuine interest Plus, it's not like you're confined to poll animation purgatory, so we still get the really good stuff from you pretty frequently


For me, it's Whip. Vice and Mature are definitely up there though. Their designs are right up my alley, especially Mature. It's weird how they do that right? Like they'll add the series main characters pretty much every game, and then have some weird oddball choices to go along with new characters. I would think it's so they could sell them in character packs/DLC later, but that's more of a newer phenomenon, so I have no idea. Pretty dumb.


Well yeah, hope either Talim or Zhang wins. Its been awhile i enjoying your work, tho ( last time was Kyrie Remaster ) and i see some salts on this animation, i mean, damn. Oh and i see someone drops the Cissnei model. Lets make her, a pack, perhaps 🤣🤣🤣


Whip is nice. I also like Elizabeth too - gotta like a cravat. x) Well, before the whole DLC style method of releasing characters was a thing, they did tend to re-release fighting games a half dozen times with balance changes and new characters. We're past the point of Super Turbo Ultra+ style re-releases and instead it's now "Season x".


Elizabeth is definitely a hottie. KoF has a lot of really good girls, and yet really all we get is Mai. And like, maybe an Athena. Weak. I guess you're right, fighting games did have a bad habit of pulling shit like that. The original season pass before they existed. It was always hilarious when a game would drop with like, 10-15 characters, which was so pitiful for a series that has like 30 regular ones. At least now we just need to buy the game once, and then just buy whatever DLC for a character we want, instead of a bunch we don't want. Progress...?


I wouldn't really call it progress. In my mind, it's a step back, because at least with the re-releases, all the characters are there. At some point, these games are no longer gonna be supported, so how are you gonna get all the DLC when that happens? My thoughts, anyway.


True, true. And with games, and by extension, DLC and season passes getting more expensive, it's probably only going to get worse. Lord help you if you want to play a game in a series that's primarily online-focused and is older than 5 years at this point. I think I remember seeing a fighting game (Maybe it was a Tekken? DoA? I don't remember) that the base game was F2P with like 2 or so characters, and then you had to pay for the rest of the ones you wanted. Maybe that'll be the path it goes towards? I dunno. Video games are a shitshow sometimes man.


I think that might have started with Killer Instinct(I think?), but I want to say Tekken and DOA had a similar option as well. Could be totally wrong though. And yeah, video games are in a weird, nebulous state right now. Hope it gets better, but who knows at this point.


Oh man, I forgot about Killer Instinct, maybe you're right on that. Tekken sounds right, like Tekken 7 maybe? It was a couple years ago I know that. I hope so too, but it feels like I've been saying "I hope it gets better" for like the last decade in regards to video games. At least sometimes they still hit, but man. It's rough out there! Getting harder and harder to get more excited for games being previewed.


I think Tekken was like .. Tekken Revolution or something? It was a standalone version where I think Eliza was introduced. Though Tekken 7 may have had it too. Yeah, I know that feeling. Like I've said before, only game I'm excited for it Dragon's Dogma 2, and that's cuz after DMC5, I trust Itsuno to still put out a fun game.


Yeahhhh Tekken Revolution that was it. Man was it really out in 2016? Time sure flies. But yeah I knew Tekken had a F2P version. Wild that that's the game Eliza came out in. Is there any release date for DD2 yet, or is it still the nebulous 2023-2024 range? Looking forward to that one, DD1 was a fun and very replayable game. I won't lie, I got a little excited for the Armored Core 6 and Hades 2 trailers last week, but yeah that's really about it.


Yeah, I'm not expecting it til 2024. We got a shirt reveal, after all. But yeah, DD1 was great so I'm looking forward to it(not looking forward to the inevitable Elden Ring comparisons x). Only ever played Armored Core on a PS1 demo disc. Kinda curious how it'll be now, though. Hades 2... I need to get around to playing Hades. I have it, just haven't played it lol.


2024 sadly makes the most sense. But, good things come to those that wait, right? And maybe nobody will care about Elden Ring by that point (lol!!!) It's been a while since I've played an Armored Core as well. Maybe not as old as a PS1 demo disc from the Playstation Magazine, but quite some time. I trust FromSoft to do a good job with it. And yeah, Hades was a great game, if you don't mind the kind of repetitive nature of a roguelike. It was definitely one of my favorites of 2020.


I honestly love rougelikes, so Hades is something I'll most likely enjoy. Dead Cells, Binding of Isaac, Slay the Spire, Darkest Dungeon, FTL... stuff like that is up my alley. Games I can play for like, half an hour to an hour and then put down is kind of all I play these days. Just haven't actually started it up, because while I eventually end up playing them for half an hour to an hour, at the start I tend to sink hours into them and am kind of afraid of that happening here lol.


You have so much great content that even if you think you didn’t do a good job, there are lots of your work to keep people occupied.. I would hope… For instance, I love watching your Luna/Iris combo, Luna/Gentiana combo, hell there’s such great variety!! I think that you shouldn’t worry too much about expectations. As a supporter, i would rather you take your time and pay us no attention. You have a lifelong fan in me at least… Now…more creampie and liquids!!! We don’t want no damn cold pizza!!


Oh yeah, that can definitely happen with Hades. It's not as punishing as some of those other ones, but with the added challenges you can place on your run it can get pretty rough. I put plenty of hours into it back when I was playing, and there were many nights where it just became "Just one more run..." Whenever you get around to it, hope you have a good time though!


I'll be honest and say that I usually have a favorite going into these polls that when I roll them, I'm like "y'know? They wouldn't be so bad to do". They've never won. x) I was personally rooting for your choice on the Christmas poll, lol.


I've had many "just one more runs" for Dead Cells and Slay the Spire. You know it's bad(and a good game) when you make an excuse like, "Well, I barely started that run and got bad RNG so it doesn't even count". x)


Heh, I can only imagine the restraint you have, or any other creator when it comes to polls containing a clear favourite of theirs


Let the angel vs Luna?


You can't just waste a post-sex pizza! Dammit A2!