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I'm somewhat late in starting on my Christmas Ayane pack. I was mostly just not sure if I should change her outfit to be Christmassy, or keep the ninja outfit that I had originally planned for her(that got voted on a long time ago). Decided to keep the outfit, and the Christmas stuff is more incidental than anything. It won't be a very big pack of animations, just because I'll be busier around Christmas time and so I don't have a ton of time to work on these.

That said, I've been kinda working on my big dumb project some more here and there. The first step will be the hardest and longest part, honestly, so I've been taking it just a step at a time. I call it a big dumb project, but it's honestly more big than dumb, but it's pretty dumb too since it's so big that I have to be dumb to go through with it. Like, if I did even a quarter of what I have planned, most people would call me crazy. I honestly don't expect to make everything I have planned for it, but dammit I'm gonna try. The impact will just be so much less if I don't go all the way, at least in my opinion.

I still won't be revealing what it is, what sort of content is in it, what the point is, or what it's for, but I'll give ya some hints... you know how I said I want it done by February at least? Now why would that be I wonder... what sort of event is there that takes place in the first quarter of the year?

Or maybe I'm just obfuscating and trying to put people down the wrong path and send them on a wild goose chase. Certainly not. Couldn't be me.

At the end of it all, I think it'll turn out to be an interesting and fun experience for me that will have a little bit of something for everyone. Although it could still upset some people at the same time depending on the outcome. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anyway, I'll properly announce that Angel won the Public Christmas Poll. I already turned off responses for that form and have the results announced there on the form, but I figured I'd say it here as well.




Yay more her content. Well I guess I am fine with it as long shes getting impaled by dick instead of a long sword resulting in death xD


So... no Ultimecia at the moment? I still like that Angel won, I know there will be good content from her.


Not at the moment, but I probably will do something with her relatively soon since I'm kind of in the mood for it. I do like me an evil sorceress.


I completely forgot that we voted for the Ayane outfit. How long ago was that by this point? I have no problem with that outfit being used with Christmas just a backdrop. Yay Angel! Yay that outfit! Is the big dumb project an animation of a Valentine's Day date...? Wedding???


That outfit is the best anyways. But if color customization is possible... why not make it white? Make her a snow ninja that is trying to hide but came across our headless man comfy abode. Funky shit on those teases. I see bikinis fancy clothing... and honestly... I can't stop seeing a buff dude on 2 second one The censoring makes the person look wide. Curtains are still present... so this is still some sort of show... Is it an auction....? And wait is there something coming for this weekend? Is it Angel? Too many polls so I'm kind of lost.


Seems like it was back in August, so yeah. Long time now. Before my Halloween extravaganza. Wouldn't be a bad idea, but not exactly. x)


Looking forward to the hell portal opening in February o7


Making it white looks a little weird, unfortunately. The original texture is too dark, so all detail disappears and it just looks like a flat white texture. Well, 2nd one is actually not just a solo shot, so there is a buff headless man in the shot so that might be throwing things off. x) It'll be a show alright, but maybe not in the way you're thinking. x) Nothing this weekend. Angel animation will be on the 24th alone with Ayane. Just ending the poll since it's been a week.


Ok I think I found something: Is that someone with dark hair wearing that really hot outfit you gave to young Luna in your recent works in the third pic? That's all I got though. C'mon people we are in this together! We can crack this!


Well, I hope she's at least sweating profusely for no reason whatsoever... maybe they are too close to the fire. That does look like Sephiroth in the first image... and the girl does look very final fantastical... but at first glance that distortion looks like Jill Valentine's old model... if anything, these are cool optical illusions. Where everyone sees different shit. Look, I love the heck out of the A2 animation... but not having something to look forward to on a weekend is sad... (-ω-、)


There will be some sweat. Even in the cold winter night, one can work up a sweat when doing enough physical activities. x) I might be wrong, and I didn't really check it, but I think the glass distortion effect might be removing some alphas, which results in some baldness behind the glass... So that one could be difficult. But yeah, that's a stained glass Sephiroth. Sorry, that's just how the cookie crumbles sometimes. x)


But who's hair does that belong to??? It goes down to the boobs... Quick! To the archives!!!! ☆o(><;)○


A yes that makes sense. Even when blurred, I can see that's not rendered hair. Ok so... are these just models tossed in whatever background you're using...? Or is there a reason why they are positioned where they are??? Is... Sephiroth inside a tank??? Is he frozen?? I can see the REAL proportions through some of them triangles... but why he be so high???


That's just a picture. Where's a place that has a lot of stained glass? That's what the background is supposed to be(albeit, extremely simple since I don't want to spend ages on a background that is just there for dressing). The forefront stained glass is a distortion effect to obscure the character that is physically in the scene. As for positioning, things are there with reason, at least for the most part.


There's a hint in there as to who it is... but I won't point it out. I'll give a vague hint, I suppose. Pay attention to the colors.


I honestly have 0 idea of what I'm looking at so I'll leave it to smarter people to figure it out. Really looking forward to you branching out to bigger and dumber things. I'm a big fan of your Halloween stuff so you had me at big. Also, really stoked about you doing some KOF. It barely gets any love outside of Mai. Any girls that you'd like to animate in the future?


The colors of what man... the more hints you give the more lost I get. (・`ω´・)!!! What color!? The hair!?? Brown??? Everyone has brown hair!? My mental fuck is showing me Aerith every time I look at the last one... Does this have anything to do with FF7 Remake release date??? It was on April... and Sephiroth is way too random for something random. And as weird as this all seems, I don't think this is some fever dream animation... is just something we've never seen.


But hey.... can you like... have a birthday cake on the background.... of the uh... Christmas thing...?a very... lazily made cake...? No reason of course... just something to add to the sweetness. (´-ω-`)(´-ω-`)(´-ω-`)(´-ω-`)


I got plans for quite a few, yeah. Vice and Mature, Shermie, B. Jenet, Vanessa, Dolores, among others. Honestly too many to count, and I don't know when I will get around to them, but I do plan on it. Hopefully next year sometime.


Well, is there a discrepency in the hair color somewhere? Who knows! You're getting somewhat close, but not exactly. What else is early in the year? It might not be a fever dream but it might feel like one at the end of it all.


I've been playing crisis core, word is a certain someone is working on a model for Cissnei, is that on your list?


Ah the Spooky Month. Distorts all the time around it. Oh I got it then. It's Easter Mass at a church that worships Sephiroth. And Aerith is the one leading it. Nailed it.


What? The day of love??? Somewhere...? Somewhere!? Where's Somewhere!?? In a single glass!? It's blurred you maniac!? ALL HAIR LOOKS BROWN!!! I can tell the pose more than I can tell A DISCREPANCY IN THE HAIR!!!! (・`ω´・) I'm supposed to be playing games!! And I'm here wasting an hour looking through a portal of my subconscious!? The fuck...!?


lol. I made them hard to decipher intentionally. There's just a tiny spot where there's a discrepancy in the hair. Now what would cause there to be a discrepancy in the hair? Who knows! That's all the hint I will give. x) There's more than Valentine's. It's a special day that is specific to this whole thing. A more... personal day.


Youlitteshit...grgrggmgmg.... Ok....is see b-blue... is that.... Kyrie's cap?????? And the long hair on her right side???? What day.... what month...? Earlier?? February??? Is it a fake special day or a real life special day???


Yeah, there you go. You got it. I knew you had it in ya, boy! It's a fake, yet real special day. I did something for it last year.


Ah its probably your anniversary day And god fucking DAMN how do people figure anything out from these images lmao. Fucking incredible


Yep, that's it. It's actually pretty funny to me, too. I don't think people will get the 2nd, though. I intentionally made that one night impossible. Like, I can see what the 1st and 3rd are just because I know it, but the second one even I can't really make out what it originally was. I see a vague shape if I squint, but yeah. Good luck to anyone who attempts it, lul.


Jesus!!! My dick would not just ignore it and let me play....! But it continues!!!!! THE fuck you talking 'bout!!?? The only special thing you did around that time was your April fools animation. With a measly 358 likes....


I still couldn't figure out how is Kyrie in the first image lol As for the 2nd, I thought that was Ayane at first because of the pink / purple thing going on. But doubt its that easy. Some guy will probably figure it out though -_-


Kyrie is in the 3rd image. 1st is still a mystery, though people seem to think it's a particular character(but it isn't). If someone figures out the 2nd image, I will... I don't know what I'll do, but I'll be very, very impressed.


Wait last year is still this year.. and next year is tomorrow's... then last day's was wasn't.......???? My head is fucked....


Well since there's a lot of purple/pink I can kind of see that first tease you gave a while back with the girls in the purple/pink dress??


Yeah, it isn't the new year yet. So while what you picked was almost a year ago, it wasn't last year but this year. x) And yes, the pink dress in the last one is in this one... but there might be more than one character wearing said pink dress? Who knows though. ;)


Even then, I thought the 3rd image was some girl with a ponytail o_o Only characters I thought of was Claire Redfield or Ellie from TLOU, but neither seem like characters you would make large projects around


Yes, so my theory still stands, there is a buff dude, presumably headless chan, wearing the dress as well.


There's only one series featured in this project. Related to the thing that got me popular in the first place, hence the whole anniversary angle. That's all I'll reveal on the subject at this point. x)


I have a vague idea of what the project is gonna be, but I'll shoot my shot once more teasers roll in lmao


I'm definitely curious if you'll get it, because I can't imagine anyone guessing what I actually have in store for them. x)


I really thought I had nailed it on that one x_x. Next time baby.


The first picture is giving me a advent children feeling, i would be guessing Sephiroth, but i could be wrong. No idea about the second character in the first picture though.


I’m so confused…😂😂 Even after reading all the stuff below, I have no idea what the bell I’m looking at still! Even so! I have faith that Lazy will bring it all together!


Crossing my fingers for Mature and Vice as XV DLC so that you can use those models.


Aside form the weeb degeneracy we are partaking in, I have to give you credit for doing something new and not cruising on your current skill level, great as it may be. As for the hint, February is a certain characters birthday, and the church with the figure behind, I think it's pretty clear? But the dark hair makes me think it's her counterpart with bigger...figures >_>. Third is the discount version of a certain ninja. Second is maybe the birthday gal? Is this the same tease for the stage play we got last time?


I enjoy doing new things every now and then, otherwise it gets pretty boring. Gotta let the creativity flow every now and then so I don't get burnt out. Won't reveal who is in the first one, since people got the 3rd(and it is Kyrie). But it's related to my 5th Year Anniversary of posting my stuff - gonna be a big ol' celebration. And yes it is. Though there will be some variations in scene and costumes.


Hoping so too. Also hope they get their old outfit back. Pants are nice and all, but I like me some pantyhose.


Damn, I thought it was a certain characters birthday, but not yours lol. Are the characters gonna be "greatest hits" or from a single game (like FF7R) ?

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Seeing people doing deep analysis trying to crack your color scheme puzzles while I'm out here thinking about the punt of how people would call you crazy "Crazyprocrastinator"


Don't get me wrong, that's music to my ears, feels like ages since we got a non-poll pack dedicated to the best FF characters, but what's the big and dumb in this? A theatrical play? A no-cut movie? Different costumes? You gotta attach something or someone to make this an unbearable wait (⊙.⊙(◉̃_᷅◉)⊙.⊙)

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Nah more like we been calling you diligentprecrastination since you open Subscribestar and Fanbox. But I do have to say tho that I have no idea what going on with all the photos all I can guess is that it's something related to your anniversary and that it is FF and maybe the second pic has blonde hair that all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Well, the unbearable wait might come sooner or later. I'll be teasing stuff with this every now and then. Some characters may be more... obvious than others. As for what the big and dumb in this is... well, it's just a really big project. The dumb relates to that in part, but there's more to it that's dumb that will be kept secret for now.


There might be some blond in there, and there might not. Could be a trick of the light. ;) Honestly, I'm mostly just trying to confuse people and get their minds rolling so that they can ultimately be disappointed when I fail to deliver. x)


Making it our fault for assuming and having high expectations. That's evil, but hilarious lol