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gofile - https://gofile.io/d/61DjZP

voting - https://forms.gle/5j2bY1bu3UTBcg8w6

I got super lazy here with the preview. Couldn't even be assed to get it to fit in the preview box. Fairly mediocre animations, imo, but I did what I could with what limited time and motivation that I had. I'm slowly getting both back, and I should be backto normal in a week or two. Hopefully.

Regardless, I've been doing something else for a little bit. It's... uh... it's something alright. I'd honestly love to spill the beans on it, since it's such a stupid but fun idea, but I'll keep it to myself for now. Won't be seeing it for quite a while, but it's something I gotta prep ahead of time, otherwise it won't reach the scale I have in mind. That's all I'll say on that.

Very curious to see how this poll will go. I have some ideas how it'll swing, but I could be totally off.




If I wasn't in a shity situation at the moment I'd praise the animations. But for how busy and demotivated you were, they're just fine. Glad you where able to keep Hitomi's top on. It adds something at least. And although I can't get my blood pumping at the moment. I'm intrigued in what you're working on. Always thinking of crazy shit even when busy. Again she won't win but I stand with Iris. Anime gril might actually win this one.


It's an idea that's been worming its way into my mind for a while now. It's dumb. Very dumb. But it's my brand of dumb.


I'm at a point where I honestly can digest any type of porn. Even when/ if all my trouble pass. And you definitely make me like stuff I wouldn't be interested in anyways. Take your time with it. So much halloween themed animation packs has me really missing the regular stuff. Hope you have juicy stuff for December. And hoping we get to see Nyo.


I've got nothing planned for December at this point, so who knows what will actually be featured next month. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Regardless the burnout do you ever see yourself doing other kind animation like anything that's not porn cause I'd say you got a double hit on the Halloween thing for two years straight so maybe some horror doesn't sound so bad and could be fun too.


Well, I think my ghost videos count as horror in some instances, so... x) But in general, while I wouldn't mind trying other things, it all comes down to time and motivation. Porn loops are simple and easy to do, and I enjoy making them. Trying to animate something else can take a lot of time and effort, and that can lead to even more serious burn out.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Whatever float your way I guess, whether It's a normal porn or a horror porn my degeneration have allowed me to digest anything at this point hell I even think back and smile at your Marle work most of the time, will be waiting to see if this FUN IDEA of your is anything else for sure.


With the little rest I'm getting, I'd like to point out a couple positives from them animations. I really like when you do grab or holding. The abdomen grab in Hitomi's animation is pretty hot. Static but hot. And I love the slightly awkward hand holding from Misaki's animation and the hip grab. Caressing/holding is under rated. It adds so much for me since I'd definitely be one to caress the hell out of a girl's body. Our headless boy can't use his arms sometimes but when he does... Oh boy... makes me proud.

Makima x Denji

So... are you watching the Chainsaw Man anime?


Please be happy little trees and mountains please be happy little trees and mountains please be happy little trees and mountains. Maybe with porn in the distance. Also you may say they're mediocre, but I think these 2 anims still pretty good. I like that you always use the deep blush on Misaki.


Oh this just came to my mind: why are the poll animations so early this time? You want to get them out before getting busy again?


Your post just made me realize it's not the 15th tomorrow(for me). Goes to show how busy and braindead I am. x)


If there's two things I remember about Misaki, it's her saying Owner-kun and blushing a lot, so you're pretty much right on the money. Interested in this poll, mostly because I don't think there's any overwhelming favorites. Maybe Pyra just because she stands out so much from the rest? Who knows!


Yeah, it's a bit too early to say for now, but it's sliding towards a certain character. But that can change pretty quickly after the first day. Has happened many times.


Your braindead animations are still pretty good though. Thumbs up. And I see you stick to "one animation for one poll" idea even though there are two winners by spitting a 40s poll animation into 2.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Is there any recent plan to animate Ryanreos' model?


If you ever have the free time can please edit a version of Misaki where she has the swimsuit on from the poll?


I didn't even realize I lost my pledge until this post, so sorry but now I AM BACK FOR PEAK FAP MATERIAL


As of the moment, no. I don't think it's finished yet, either. But I will certainly do something with RR's Marika eventually.


Weird, Im usually struggling to pick my favourite girl out of a bunch for the polls, but this poll I have no interest in any of the girls, they seem like rare underused ladies which I suppose is always nice to see. Looove the Hitomi video though, she has a wonderful body and face, the pink headband is always cute on her too. Thank you for using Hitomi for us :)




thank you for doing hitomi


Hey, I just saw that pixiv will have some new... guidelines. I I wonder is sooome of your stuff might cause trouble for those guidelines. There's bestiality in there... And I guess loli stuff might be a problem for our girl Luna. Do you know of this?


Cool, this is honestly my second home. Or like my class for this year. Never liked changing classroom mid year. (҂ `з´ ) I bet those SubscibeStarts peasants are very vulgar and mean. So I'm very scared to have to change. And having to explain why I'm subscribed to such a website to my family. For no reason mind you. They've been pushing hot girls on me since I was 10! (´-ω-`)