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Things are starting to quiet down for me, thankfully. Still busy enough that I don't have a lot of motivation, but I'll be getting some needed R&R to recharge very soon. Hopefully I'll be in the swing of things again before long, so I can get something decent for the end of the year. Won't have Nyotengu finished, unfortunately, but I'll at least have a few things to round out December. Probably. Nothing fancy, but it'll be something.

The poll has been rather interesting, if I'm being honest. Current 1st Place isn't a huge shock, but 2nd place(and someone who sat in 1st place for a couple of days) was completely unexpected. They're honestly very close to getting 1st place back, but it's a decent gap that I don't expect it. Especially since the voting has slowed down a ton. Ah well, underdogs can't always win I guess.

Speaking of polls, I was struck with a random thought a little while ago. To really maximize my laziness, I was thinking maybe to have a poll every now and then that picks a handful of my older animations, and people vote on which one I should go back to and "remaster" by extending it and adding in a climax or finish of sorts. I obviously would do this sparingly, but it was just a random thought and I was curious if people would even want such a thing.

Beyond that, don't have much to say. Next month will probably start with a poll of the four characters I skipped over for this past Misc poll(if I can rig them, anyway), and then a Christmas poll(that might come a bit earlier than usual). We'll see how things go. Posting this early because I'll be busy in a short while, and I just want to relax afterward. Also gonna be super busy tommorow, but it'll be the start of things easing up so that's good.




My Aranea need more stuff! Thanks for that!


An animation remaster poll would be pretty cool, honestly. Although based on what you said before it's probably not gonna be something frequent. But by old animations I assume they're gonna be old Blender ones? Btw Eva in 80s workout outfit is kind of uncanny but more or less fitting lol.


I like the remaster idea, seems like a good way to get something new out with less investment on your part, a win win for everybody. Can keep those in your pocket and throw them out when you're feeling it. I mean, honestly, we have to do everything we can to maximize laziness every now and then.


You being busy and still making plans for your audience, respect. Retouching your old work sounds interesting as well and thanks for the Aranea screenshots.


I like the idea of remasters. Your quality is pretty consistent nowadays, but there are definitely some animations that felt somewhat compromised either due to the rush of getting it out, or lack of motivation. Those could benefit greatly from a revisit. Or even just your older SFM works


Yeah, mostly old Blender stuff. That said, I could extend it to potential remakes for my old SFM stuff as well. Yeah - I originally had her in a different outfit, but I was like "y'know, classic 80s workout style would work well here". In the end, it looked a bit off, but I put in the effort so I rolled with it.


My life is all about maximizing laziness while still being able to get by and not be seen as a complete lout. x)


Plans and me rarely go well, but we'll see. x) There were at least 3 people who wanted to see Aranea doing squats funnily enough.


Honestly, if there are any animations in particular you can think of, feel free to list them. That way I can compile a list of animations that could potentially be remastered.


Seeing the past voter polls, didn't think Team Aranea was that influential compared to others. 😅


Already things are quite over here, end of the year is pretty chill overall. I don't know about remastering old content since most of them hold up today, but maybe a "version 2" of the same video but different outfit or no outfit, different expressions, location, lighting and small tweaks here and there. Also, are gym content coming in sprinkles or maybe we getting them lump-sum?


Nice idea about remastering/extending animations. I feel like shorter loops of your more misc. characters would do well with this, especially since those characters don't appear too often. Personally, I'd like to see something done with Melina's.


I'm gonna try to release an actual image set at some point. These are just drip-feeding since I haven't had time to work on anything proper.


Oh boy, remastering more old stuff. Very creative. I never thought of that. Yes, please do. There's tons of older stuff that could use your magic stuff. Are suggestion for that poll avaliable? Or will you do a poll for that poll? The girls look good! Eva would have probably looked better in a different pose, but her outfit (though simple) looks nice. I really want to see how buff you can make a model look.I notice in Aranea that she's definitely buff, but her knees does look a bit thin, in the back fold at least. Also interested in seeing a more chubby girl in one of these actually. It it would be like she just started. Tsukushi would be a nice fit for that. ( ̄ω ̄)


I could probably open up a form for people to suggest which of my animations they'd like to see remastered, but it could be a headache and also lead to a lot of links being posted which always makes me a bit nervous. Eva I went super simple with since I didn't have a lot of time to work on a decent pose at the time. Not to mention no one actually requested her, I just felt like doing something with her. x) I have gotten a few requests for Tsukushi, so I will get around to her at some point.


Lol, who know people were so fond of a healthy lifestyle here.


To be fair... I think some people didn't fully understand the intention of the form if the many sex positions suggested are any indication. x)


Ok, then here are a some suggestions. I'm mostly looking for old animation of characters with poses you haven't done in blender. https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2690971 The others on that room are good too but I really like the BJ. https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2706745 This is still hot AF in SFM. Would love to see it in blender. (Pssst, you could do a modified version of the Luna elf animation. https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2795843 The not being able to see the action but just the movement does things to me idk. https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2804712 Standing doggy is just great, add Luna and heels and you have a juicy combo.


By remaster, I mainly meant my older Blender animations that are just 6-10 second loops, since I can just open up those old files, mess around with the loop by extending it, add some new animation details, and end with a climax of sorts. These would consistute full on remakes of my old SFM animations. But I'll file those away, I guess.


Right, I also looked through your expired stuff in blender. Here's some stuff (Actually harder to find something, they're good as is but if you're up to it...) https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/29557111 Full length of this would be sweet, maybe merge the arm lift animation as the climax. https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/25592742 Or https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/31239205 If we won't get gym Nyo. Then any of those, either wet or SWEATY!!! She looks beautiful in both of these. https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/19765449 Classic, very well made and holds up. But just like Iris shh animation... the kiss need to happen less frequently X3 https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3510696 Longer, your new iconic GYM(not at all a room from GTA5) Your new sweat layer. Done. Your 10 second blender animation all could use a 20 sec extension at least.


I'll also file those away. That's more or less what I was looking for in terms of suggestions, so it's a start. >room from GTA5 Shhhh... don't just expose my laziness like that. x)


Nah a lot of people use that room. Only now I know it as the Lazy room. One last suggestion, since Marie Rose is so lovely. https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/31239163 Pull that dress up a bit if possible and it would be great. I wanted to suggest Gentiana's gangbang and the elf's one too. But I can guess why those are short. (-ω-、)


Wait! Before you go! Please tell me. What are the songs that play in the background of your GYM when these girls are working their butt off. I want to be authentic when I do my personal edits for me self.


Dang! When looking for actual background music (as in playing in the room with reverb effects) I mostly go with game music. A lot of people listen to Rap and Hip Hop while they fuck... Any type of music that fits too perfectly for fucking actually makes me cringe. I'm weird.


I listen to a lot of game music as well, but I also listen to a lot of random shit outside that, so do whatever works.


Since I recently played for the first time the Castlevania series. I've got to fucking say... Those soundtracks fuck hard. Amazing for work. Good for segs??? Guess I'll find out. (´-ω-`)


Regarding remasters or rather extending of older animations to make them reach their proper glory, nayo and kyrie canaan somehow come to mind as two amazing options. They are kinda niche, because very few animators ever bother with them, so you would probably hit a cord there as you seem to make them justice.


Oh yeah, Castlevania as a series is up there as having some of the best music in video games... but there are definitely a lot of contenders for that spot.


Final fantasy is up there. All Nier/Drakengard 3... Nintendo games.... The list goes on. DMC is whatever (´-ω-`( _ _ ) Except 5, 5 is cool. Devil trigger? Now there's a cringe song to fuck to. Hydrafxx and others proved that when DMC5 was hot.


My choice for a remaster would be the Tamaki blowjob one...but yeah... :( Also Aranea is very hot dios mio


Hey now, all of the DMC games have good soundtracks. For as awful of a game as DMC2 is, its soundtrack is pretty great. Ragnarok might be one of the best tracks in the series, personally. But really, there are probably hundreds of games that could be in a "top 5 video game soundtracks" list. Lot of really good music in video games.


Sometimes I watch music people react to game soundtracks and I realize... When playing a game a lot of tracks go overlooked because of all the action. Heard by themselves, some games have very "hidden" amazing tracks. Like i always forget Fromsoftware games have music from all the noise. Still not amazing by themselves in my opinion. Beautiful but forgettable. Gotta give the DMC series soundtrack a listen one of these days at work. All I know from them is the battle themes.


Yeah, never have found FromSoft to have great soundtracks. Decent, but if anything I find them kind of grating because you generally only hear the first ten seconds of them before the action starts, and you're probably gonna hear that first ten seconds multiple times. DMC1 probably has the best atmospheric tracks in the series, but the rest have some good ones too. There are a lot I vividly remember from 3, just because I played that game far, faaar too much.


I definitely miss it, of all the .blend files to be lost... Time to remake instead of remaster it then :)


I remember Jihl doing Blowjob from your Tumblr days. Hope you will put that on the list


I like the idea of remastering or extending some of your old stuff. I think this one would be a good candidate. https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2851574 Still one of the best Lulu animations out there, but maybe not up to your current standards and in need of a little love. And any extensions to it would be choice!


I like these ones for a remix/extended scene: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3266380 Add a cumshot? https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3531075 https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4876194 I know it’s a pipe dream but just my 2 cents. Anything you put out is just awesome. The one with Marie Rose is my all time fav from you..and hopefully it’ll get a nice cumshot or creampie whenever…😂😂😂