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gofile - https://gofile.io/d/3NUADe

Just something to go in the interum until I can get back into the swing of things after my business is over with. Beyond the poll animations, anyway.


Naturally, I won't be able to get to every single character that ends up requested of me, but I've been playing around a little bit. It's been fun.

I'll have a proper image set at some point, these were just a couple I did real quick to take the edge off.




Dammit man! I just finish nut- Whatever, cool shit. Perfect variant. Pretty sweat. And although I'd probably cringe my soul out if someone adds music to the dance animation. I gotta say, I need that Luna outfit. properly.used. Btw I noticed a couple times now. What is that weird shade difference between Luna's but and legs?


Good thing I always leave my stuff mute, eh? Looks like a difference in subsurface scattering. I'd have to go in and check. Sometimes it's that, sometimes it's poor texturing seaming on my part, sometimes it's normal map issues, sometimes it's roughness/specularity, sometimes... you get the idea. x)


Alright so I gotta say. The dances are all very well done. They'll probably appear as an ad in porn sites. Be used in awful MMDs, that sort of things. Plenty of feet and toes visible. (≧◡≦) ♡. And that juicy sweat. And as you can see. 2B looks great without her battle armor. God, who would have guessed. No but for real, what music you used as reference for Luna's dance. I...I need to know...


Oh, sweet lord. What's next, maid version?! *___* We have been blessed, even though we are not worthy. Thank you, Lazy. Btw been meaning to ask since the SuccubIris one dropped. You used a bigger chest body for Iris this time, right? Definitely looks like it, at least. And if so, was it only because you wanted it for SuccubIris to fit the mood, or are you going to use this body more permanently? Either is fine, just that I personally preferred the smaller chest for her. Felt more accurate to her proportions, which is always a plus for me.


I have an adblock, so I never see those ads. I imagine my stuff has been used for them before, but I've never bothered to really... check that. I don't really remember what I was listening to at the time. I was mostly just trying to do the motion > stop > motion sort of thing. I generally animate as just motion > motion, so it was practice for me.


It's just SuccubIris related. I used the same body I used in the 2020 animation of SuccubIris, which I felt... fit more than the body I used in 2021, which is what I now use for "normal" Iris(like in Gymming with Iris). Since the rigs are different, I'm not easily able to just swap them out, hence why normal Iris here is bustier.


I can tell you that yes, it has been used. And I gotta say man... Just...just make Luna a succubus or a goddess of fertility already! You've given her such a Bad Girl kind of character. In every animation you've done of her, of both versions. She always look so... proud? Like she's getting what she wants and she loves it. A bratty princess! You could say. She would fit the Goddess/angel side of the spectrum very well.


Which ones in particular? I'm curious. Probably not even my best ones. x) I once was gonna make Lunafreya an angel for one Halloween, but the angel costumes I could find just look like cheap costumes(which, admittedly, is how they would look), and I'm too lazy to make one myself. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I've seen Irelia animations as ads. The Pronebone one specifically. Look, at this point you've made it official that Luna, is a Hot Bitch. You can write it on her wiki. Is probably empty anyways. She needs a godly persona. Just add fancy stuff to her regular white dress. I want her and SuccIris to compete on the cock wars. o(>ω<)o. And common, are you developing a swear fetish right in front of our eyes? You've done sweat before plenty of times, yes. But your going all out! Anything I can do to encourage your kink even more? Now.... if... if only I'd know.... what a... What a real life sweaty girls smells like................... (ಥ﹏ಥ)... 。゚・ (>﹏<) ・゚。 ( ╥ω╥ ) ....(つω`。) (-ω-、)...Oh well... (I'll just imagine they smell like warm female deodorant. ) (´-ω-`). Anyways I request an idle ChAerith animation with her holding a folding chair.


My 3 fav's Aerith Luna and 2B :D


Irelia makes sense. Pronebone one is a good one. I'll allow it. Not really. I'm mostly into the workout outfits more than anything, with the sweat just being a byproduct. And it's a multipurpose shader - can be sweat, can be water, and I could even color it to make it anything I wanted really. Make my very own Gatorade commercials. Honestly, if I had the time, I'd animate a whole fighting game moveset for ChAerith. x)


I bet you have enough time to make her character select screen. (>ω^) CHAERITH! In a Smash announcer voice.


Hopefully this doesn't come off as rushing you, but I hope this is not all and we will still get the loops for both versions of Iris Secret Time and individual loops of L&A Halloween version at some point. Not sure if you still plan to render the loop of Halloween Kyrie animation though.


Honestly, I completely forgot I didn't have loops of those. Whoopsie. I'll jot down a note and get those done at some point.


Oh wow, did you use that Helena split i send you yesteday as references for that 2B ? Nice pose, huh ? 🤣


I find it funny that Scarlet will always be clipping due to being so massive lol


It's a good pose, though I've used it before. My first Helena animation was her doing the splits. I just like that kind of splits, honestly. x)


I probably could have reduced the clipping somewhat, but nah. Too lazy for that. Was really just trying to see how much clipping would occur with her dress, since I was using cloth physics.


Or I'm just being too greedy? But if you'll ever work on those pls take your time. Make them the second regular rrelease of this month and that's ok. Btw all the dancing animations are incredibly well done. Scarlet's honkers are so big they clip so hard lol.


Yeah I was guessing these were tests for cloth physics. I hear a lot people saying they're a nightmare. Gentiana one looks good, seeing that it's a thin fabric. Scarlet was meant as a joke, nothing serious. Knowing how large her breasts are, creates extra work for you go back to reduce the clipping.


I've honestly gotten a lot better at cloth physics, so they're not too bad anymore. Can still take a long time to bake, though, which sucks. Liquid physics are hell, though. I actually originally had her hands behind her head, which avoided clipping entirely, but it just looked kind of strange for Scarlet.


Nah, it's just me being forgetful. I could have sworn I did the individual loops for Luna and Aerith already, but I guess not. Thanks - she's got those transcendent boobs that defy the laws of physics. x)


Cloth, fluids, and hair physics are the three devils for animators right?


And softbody physics. I would put that one at number 2, with fluids being number 1. But that's just from my own personal experiences - I've never used proper softbody physics, because they are that much of a headache. It's honestly easier to make a bootleg with cloth physics, lol.


Ah ok, I watched a few of those timelapse vids in my YouTube feed of people's work and they all despise those things.


Yeah, pretty much everyone hates them. Obviously they're very useful if you can learn how to work with them, but getting there is a pain, since you don't get immediate results. You have to spend minutes waiting to see if the parameters you've changed helped anything. It's just very frustrating. It's also why you can find so many tutorials on how to "cheat" various things.


It's not until you took off whatever 2B is wearing that I realized how wonderfully unusual her legs look. Her thigh-shin proportion, the size and the shape of them are all kind of... weird I guess? Like just look at how many times thicker her thighs is than her shins lol. But that does make her legs look super hot and that's one of her biggest appeal imo.


Yeah, she's got some very oddly proportioned legs. Hot though. I tried to stick as close to them as I could, but they aren't perfect. The knees especially are weird, imo. Very long, kind of uncanny.


I always had an interest in modeling and animating but it's so overwhelming. I've only made a donut from watching that infamous donut guide. I don't have free time to learn anymore like I used to so Blender been untouched for years now. So I just enjoy watching people's work. Nsfw content seems to be harder to pull off with how detail oriented things have to be.


I'm pretty terrible with modeling myself. Animating is easier to do once you understand the quirks. But I do try to dabble in modeling from time-to-time, since it was one of those things I wanted to do as far back as the original Half-Life, but the tools(notably Blender and Milkshape 3D) were a mess back then and finding decent help was nigh impossible. It's gotten a lot better since then, and I can make some okay stuff, but I definitely understand the lack of time. Can only do so much, myself.


Hey I was gonna say her knees are so broken even I can feel her pain. Just gonna add that it's an absolutely brilliant idea to put a mirror behind so we can see characters' side boob stick out and their back(butts) in it. x)


Mirrors are great for this sort of thing. Unfortunately some effects don't reflect, which can make things a bit awkward.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Hmm seeing that you've done many of Nier Automata characters already but still not bringing back A2 is quite weird I thought she would show up sooner or later but she never was and don't get me start on Replicant my girl Kaine also need some love.


Main problem with A2 is that I want to be authentic, and to be authentic she needs to exposed "under the skin" sort of things. The black lines and what have you. I'm not great with textures, so it's kind of annoying and so I just put it off. I do like A2 and want to use her, just haven't gotten around to it as of yet. If I do Kaine, she's gonna be packing down there since that is also authentic. ;)


You've also said she'd be the one getting fucked. Definite troll. I mean... both ways from you will be seen as a troll, but for us Lazy non-fuck-givers will be fine. Also your visions of authenticity and your laziness, clearly don't match up. (´-ω-`)


Diversifying the content like still themed poses and short animations dancing is really smart since they don't take as much time and satisfies a number of your audience.


Those dancing anims are cute! Also have you seen RyanReos' Marika model?


Bro….these leftovers are more than enough to qualify as great clips…just the regular Iris animations are damn awesome as well as the nurse versions of the two…your lazyiness is appreciated…😂😂


Iris looks so horny, super cute when naked and sucking. Thank you for nurse outfit on that crazy amazing double BJ. That thing is amongst the greatest thing's Ive seen this year.


Never knew I wanted to see best girl Luna dancing until now. Amazing work even when just messing around. Please post more lol

Makima x Denji

Those standing animations are hot! Luna one was the best.


The Luna dance is adorable!