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I know I normally do a "pixel mystery", but it doesn't really work that well when I've got one of my "OCs" in it. That's just mean, y'know? Anyways... the reality is, Morrigan was the only character initially in this misc poll. The other four were randomly selected characters that I do not have rigged already. Since I've been so busy, I initially cut one character and replaced it with an already rigged character, then another... and now it's as you see it. I'll save those four for next time, when I've got more... well... time.

Still, we've got Morrigan, which is actually a custom version of Morrigan since MvCI Morrigan is a goblin and MvC3 Morrigan has some minor issues that I preferred to make my own version. I used her last Halloween, and considered using her this Halloween, but didn't have the time to squeeze on out in the end. The same goes for Yuri from Fatal Frame 5. I was gonna do something with her as well, but it didn't pan out.

Pyra I had shown off in a previous post, and while I'm still not super comfortable with the anime shaders, my Ryza animation turned out surprisingly well with those shaders, so I figured I'd give it a shot by having her be an option. Already had her, so why not. Iris(from Ascendant One) is a previous "loser" of a poll(though she did decently well), this time returning with a modified version of the outfit that was featured in the scrapped animation I had of her. Might get more votes with its sexiness. Last is my "OC" that I had send off my update post a few days ago. No name, since I've got very poor naming convention. Feel free to offer suggestions if you've got them.

As for the "randomness" I mentioned: if I were to make a set of images of various girls in a "gym" theme, who would you like to see? Answer here: https://forms.gle/GXfFYCrURXyNB4oN7

Just considering making an image set since I'm still not super abundant with time, and people have asked me about doing image sets. Not sure if I'll actually go through with it, but throwing a sweat shader on a girl and putting her in some sort of workout outfit is pretty low effort, and posing shouldn't be difficult either. So have at it. Obviously I'll be unable to get to every single girl requested, but I figured I'd see what people would want.




Just laughing at how out of place Pyra is there. It's giving me Space Jam vibes. Also, on the topic of anime girls, I'm wondering if you have an interest in any of the Persona 5 Royal girls, since the game got ported to PC? Though I don't know if the game being trapped on PS for awhile had stopped anyone from ripping the models in the first place. Certainly didn't stop the FF7R smut train x_x


Yeah, that's why I put her center lol. I do plan to do Persona at some point. I've had the models for years, just haven't gotten around to it since I haven't gotten fully comfortable with the shaders. I don't want things to be broken with them. x)


Damn an image set. A GYM image set. My pp hard already. But I suppose the characters suggested has to be the rigged ones because of, y'know, all the things said in the post?


Can be anyone. This isn't gonna be happening that soon, but rather something I work on a little bit here or there over the rest of the month or so while I unwind.


Then I request Gladio(I think you didn't fully rig him up?). If you can't do an animation with him, then at least an image of some sort. He can be the trainer of the girls. You probably haven't thought about it and want to make things easy but is multiple girls in a sngle pic possible?


Multiple girls should be fine, so long as it's not more than... five, I'll say. At that point, it might become too much of a mess.


Well she won't win, but I gotta choose Iris here. Want to see more of her on that outfit. The page won't load though so I gotta wait. As for the Image sets. It's definitely a nice idea, but... Seeing these characters in a theme or situation that probably will never be animated is a worry of mine. Let's say. If I ask for GYM Luna, and she looks incredible in all her sweaty glory. I'll still be sad and upset that I'll probably won't see that animated. Basically, is to much temptation I don't want to drag with desperation. So it'll be preferable to be someone with at least an existing animation you could mentally connect with those images. If you didn't have plans to make a Nyo gym animation pack, then an image pack would have connected nicely with her sauna animation. A nice bath after a nice workout session.


What page? The header image? You never know, they may turn into an animation at some point. I mean, I'll have the sweat and gym outfits already set up, so it would just be a matter of animating something with them.


I have to ask, since that survey requires google login/email, do you see that info?


No, the form, but is ok now. I'll also say that, an animator doing pinups instead of animations gives me ptsd from an animator I really like that has only done pinups instead of animations recently and I always see them as "ahhhh! So...much...wasted...animated....potential...." But with my mentality in mind and after a quick look at your stuff. Aerith would be my pick. Since she's naked in all her animations, I can easily connect those 2 without getting desperate for an actual animation. Her gymings? I'd say yoga/stretching. Fancy positioning of legs and arms... that sort of stuff. I see her having an old school gym exercise attire for some reason. Must me her hair. Like 80s-90s type of clothing.


That's generally why I don't do image sets, but there have been a fairly high amount of people that seem to want images sets, so it's why I'm considering it as an option. Whether I go through with it is another entirely. Ah, the 80-90s workout look. Tina has a costume like that in DOA5 - look up her Halloween 2017 Costume. Could use it as a base, lol.


I'm not against these sets mind you. I have said before that images that connect to your previous animations as prologs and epilogs would be sweet. Image sets of already animated stuff, in 100% down. I love context and Image packs as primers for animations sound sweet as hell. But this gym idea will only give me temptations and anxiety XP. What I'm saying is, you decided to go through with this idea with probably the best theme to start with... XD


Honestly, right now I just feel like posing stuff as opposed to animating stuff, which is why I was thinking to do this. Couple weeks from now my feelings might change... just going with the flow, really. And yes, a gym theme is always great.


P-Pyra?! And she appears very shortly after the general survey? Suspicious... Veeeery suspicious. ;) It's hard to deny your heart, and so, I already know where my vote's going! Although I kinda want to give it to Morrigan, simply because I expected (read: wanted) her for the Halloween theme. But no, there's a flame I can't extinguish! It's not even the outfit that does it for me. It's the combo of that hair, those eyes, and that personality. Pyra's definitely very high up there for me, together with Aerith, as one of my favourites.


Just... don't hurt us... All your images and pinups we see them as teases. Even if just one, ONE animation can accompany it... it would help alleviate the sexual tension. There needs the be a pay off. Unless you get extremely motivated, and decide to do a full pack down the line. I'll wait till the first drop to see how I feel. Agh... you stared with my weakness... why? Why not just, beach... bikini pics or something...? No... SWEAT!!! At least I know there won't be feet shown, that something... (´-ω-`)hmm...


Beach pics could have the same shader, though. That sweat could be water, too. x) And then there would be feet on the beach, so you should be thinking more carefully with your examples. x)


It was gonna be her or Camilla, but I don't have Camilla's armor set up for the body I'm using, so Pyra it was. x)


You son of a- Ok,ok... then at least do this for me. Give the GYM a name. It'll "soon" get a sequel and now it'll get pics. Give it a name. "Sweaty Procrastinator" Or something...


Make it a neon sign as a pror and we're golden. The gym will officially become the new Lazy Cinematic Universe character. Joining the headless bro.


Ive always loved the look of Morrigan...very sexy legs and hosery...I'd pop so hard seeing her with ripped hosery...Her and Nyotengu would make a great double team like you did with Aerith and Lunafreya....oh my... I know your resting but hopefully in the future youll do a compilation like what you did with Luna and Gentiana...Thats IMO one of your best works...lots of action and two girls...


Omg! I literally was going to write to make it look like the DMC sign but I deleted it... More proof that somehow our minds are synced. Σ(°△°|||)︴


The character lineup is so funny to me. 3 relatively dark outfits/characters, and then Morrigan, and then Pyra just sticking out like a sore thumb. Honestly, can I vote for all 5 of them? You know what's sad? Filling out that gym theme question, I realized how little actual names of gym equipment I knew of. Other than like your standard treadmill and elliptical, I was at such a loss. Yikes!


I do plan to do something like Luna and Gentiana at some point, but not right now. Won't be for a while, probably.


I can split your vote to 0.2 across the five characters. x) I will say I'm curious how it'll go. I have a certain expectation, but we'll see. It's fine. You got close enough to Bowflex, even though that's a brand that makes gym equipment and not a type of gym equipment. x)


I just need more Tamaki and Nyotengu no matter what outfit or position

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

looking at this lineup it is a little weird and funny I mean we have 3 that's looks normal and Pyra which is literally like a mascot stand among the crowd and then Morrigan she might blend in at first glance but her hourglass just make she looks uncanny which is not that surprising considering she was not 3D character in the first place. Well I would say this poll is by far the weirdest one yet and I hope in the future It's gonna keep getting weider keep it up next time considering adding grandma to the list 👍


I pick Helena because it reminds me to one good work from my long fav artist RadiantEld, but than he doing nothin' on it Here : https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/77128909


I would actually take that offer. Count me as 0.2 of a vote for each one, that way we can deal with decimals for the results :) God see, I couldn't actually think of the name of the equipment, I could only think of Bowflex! Capitalism and marketing have ruined my brain! What is the actual name of it??


I don't actually know the name either. It's a weird hybrid, I think. It's got something for everything, I think. I don't do gym equipment, tbh. I just do weights. But I do know the Total Gym, because that's the one Chuck Norris used to do commercials for.


Yeah, Morrigan's got those 2D proportions in a 3D world. They look a little odd to me too, but that's just how she is so I went with it. Not sure how weird these will get. Like I said, this was me just plucking random crap I had on hand.


Yeah I only know exercises, not equipment. I don't even remember the last time I went to a gym! Okay change my answer to Total Gym, and put a poster of Chuck Norris in the background. Let's go full 2008 in this one.


Normally I'd go for Nyo, or even maybe Rachel since you showed her recently... but it's been a while since the last Iris (Ascendant One).


Whoever put in United States Senator Steven Armstrong... I like the cut of your jib.


Do an image set of just well oiled buff bros instead, coward


Mirror maiden (The thikk girl) From genshin would be hot


I’ll have to go with Helena


Your survey can be answered more than once? Is it because you asked for one character or did something go wrong on my end? (link was still open, forgot to close)


I forgot to ask some questions because of the FEAR kicking in. Would these packs be of multiple girls or just multiple pics of one? Will they be "SFW"? Or will there be nudness and flashing? Will any of them involve sex? The last one is my worry. Static sex pic succ. Girls just being pretty is nice.


Oh so that's why you got the United States Senator lol. Now I'm curious at all the funny replies you'll get.


She gave me Egyptian feeling, so maybe Amonet? A goddess' name.


Man, I really dig that UMVC3 Morrigan model, but every time I see it used in an animation the hair looks like a piece of green plastic slapped on top of her head. Btw, would you consider doing her casual outfit in the future? It's so good and super underutilized. Love the new OC too, gives me a lot of Menat vibes. Hope to see her in the future even if she doesn't win.


It would be a pack of a bunch of different girls. And it'd mostly just be "SFW"(loose terminology here) posing.


Yeah, that's one of the reasons I don't use the UMvC3 stuff - good models, but there are some things that start to become really noticeable outside of the context of a high paced fighting game. No one is paying attention to Morrigan's hair when she's Sou-Sou-Soul Fisting you. Might try to get something akin to her "casual" outfit at some point. Probably a few others I could do, too. I was aiming for Menat vibes. I'd like to do Menat properly, it's just the SF5 models can look really... wonky at times.


Ah. That's really nice then, similar to your banners and profile pics. Hot but safe. So... Have you tried the sweat layer on a anime style character? Does it look bad?


Haven't tried it on an anime character. Probably wouldn't work. That said, there are some other options I can probably do that would work better.


I only thought to ask because I thought of the new redhead girl in Persona 5 R, whatever her nameS are. Her hole character ark is gymnastics. I'm sure you don't have a rig of her prepared. But when it came of anime characters SWEATING, she came to mind first. But you then you gotta anime the hell out of your new gym.


I'd be super down for some Menat content from you, but yeah, those models are really wonky. Every time I see an animation use them my eyes go straight to the Looney Toones sized hands and feet. SF6 on the other hand. Yeah, looking forward to the uh, yeah, the game.


This may be off topic but there was a discussion regarding using models from Ffxiv and they were hard to use or something to that effect. The link below is something I was wondering something you could do with these particular models this person used in the example link. I’m just curious as to the process of how this all works as far as animating. https://youtu.be/0cn7ZeLq1tU


It's not so much that they're hard to use, it's that they're hard to extract, and those that have extracted them haven't shared them(which I wholly understand). Since I know nothing of extracting models I can't really do anything about it, and I don't like to go around asking other people for their models.


For 1-5min works. Are there any plans for the future?


Like Kozukata Yuuri,The production is very beautiful.