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gofile (poll animations) - https://gofile.io/d/ZMhZTC

gofile (bonus content) - https://gofile.io/d/hPwKcw

porn3dx (poll animations) - https://porn3dx.com/post/28394

porn3dx (bonus content) - https://porn3dx.com/post/28395

Poll animations get a public release, plus some bonus content from me that I was messing around with this past week. Most of them are fairly low effort, but there's one that is a bit higher effort. I'll let you guess which one is which.




wait aranea won something? actually cant remember, not that I'm complaining, been wanting to see something with her .


Nope, just a bonus. I had already put her in the police uniform as that was the original outfit she was gonna have for the poll before I scrapped it, so I decided to use it for something anyway.


Oh hey, you actually managed to get the shaders on Ryza to look pretty good :0 The last few screenshots looked somewhat flat, so I'm actually a little surprised by how good it actually looks in the animation


That's partially why I ended up moving it up, lol. It came out much better than I expected it to, and I actually really like how it looks.


Did it all suddenly just come together today or something?


I honestly don't really know. It sort of just clicked, at least for her. Not really sure what else to say, really. lol


Thank you so much for the Aranea content! This makes me really happy. Nice job on all the animations.


Last time I mentioned the polls sucks, although I still mean it, thanks for making a video with Aranea. Really, i appreciate. Good job, lazy


Aranea is so underrated,.. What a shame for me she is better than some well knowns and beloved characters from the entire serie Too bad we find her as "a simple bonus." Are people not tired, fap to tifa, doa, etc? Again, again... Have Aranea is still a surprise for me, personally i hope more of her.


this Ryza looks fantastic! And nice to see Io again


I would guess it's the Aranea one cuz my stupid ass think it is harder to animate a scene in a car.


Well my ass is stupid so not guessing it right is to be expected lol. Might be the angle or my hallucinations but the guy's arms seem to clip into her thighs a little.


I was never a huge fan of Ryza (not that I disliked her or anything) but she looks great in this and leaves me wanting more


I'll probably have a full set of her at some point in the near future. Definitely want to work with her more, now that I sorta kinda get the shaders, at least in her case.


Can't really complain. A little clipping doesn't make a great animation less good. I'll take another wild guess and say the IO one takes more effort. My face is ready for another slap.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Aranea!? A surprise for sure but a welcome one, always have a kink for the police uniform since Fluffypoke did it with Marie years ago and your is so hot wish I could see more of them lmao. That's aside my guess would be Ryza cause I never see anyone make her looks good before but your shaders is very sharp so I gotta go with this one. 👌


Daaaamn that Ryza one. How is that man still alive after those monsters were on top of him? It looks great, I think the shaders really look nice on that animation. It's good to see the different character models in this bonus post as well. Nice to see Aranea after she lost the polls, even if it's a rather simple one. And it's a probably a better costume than her previous one too!


The shaders actually were super cooperative this time. I just spent a lot of time getting the jiggles(that are hard to see) the way I like em.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

You don't say, cause it looks so good. Nice to see that your anime characters looks better every time the new one come out since the one you did a long time ago kinda looks weird (By that I mean the one with Kawakami)


Oh yeah, that one is really old. I was still using SFM instead of Blender, so anime stuff in SFM is much less doable. I do want to return to Persona at some point. Might have to give it a shot soon.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Oh shit really, now am I glad I mentioned it then definitely looking forward to see how good the models would looks with your current skills. Especially Persona has some wild numbers when It's come to girls.


Damn I certainly have used up all my luck guessing Tifa.😭 Honestly I thought the Ryza one would require more effort and it sure looks that way, but with you saying "longer doesn't necessitate effort" so many times I just backed off lol.


Heh. It all depends on how invested I am in an animation when it comes to effort. Sometimes the simplest seeming things actually take a lot of work, and then other more complex things just slide into place easily. But in this instance, yeah. I gave her the most effort. 2nd would probably be Io, then Aranea. Camilla was super no effort though.


Yeah the jiggle looks fantastic indeed. Btw I find it absolutely hilarious that in your new pixiv post you can see the shadow of the censoring heart in the Lunafreya rrh preview pic. x)


Heh, yeah. That's literally a one button fix, but I kinda like it showing up like that so I left it. (ᴗ ͜ʖ ᴗ)


My man doing his best Headless Horsemen impression. The headless muscled white male has to get the most action in the universe. What's his secret? Should I cut off my head???


One of these days, I'm going to do a (very stupid) lore post on the headless guy. His story is a tragic one with a happy ending(s).


I mean how tragic can it be? Did Video Game Girl 270 catch him cheating on her with Anime Girl 153? And now he gets to no thoughts head literally empty smash his way through every medium? It's not fair!!


I would like to read this story now, I will liek 5ever. I bet I will cry from both ends after the tale is done.


Always great to see more Io!

Makima x Denji

Hoping to see Miriam from Bloodstained.


That Aranea animation was to die for. No man can last long with that. Hopefully there will be a full animation on that one. One day.


I see I gave you some inspiration with the car sex and police recommendation. It looks nice more of them please. That Ryza animation is complete trash, flat as fuck and barely any detail on it. I've seen a metal stick have more jiggle than this piece of shit. And what the fuck are those trees? Fucking minecraft has better trees than those things. Let's not speak about the grass... who is lawnmowing a field so all the grass have the same height??? Is stupid. And the pixelated, static clouds look more like sperm than the 2 giant spermatozoids that pop out of the dick! And what's up with the dick? Why so large? You into BBCs now?? Big thighs overcoming a dick is the appeal of them. You don't have to enlarge it to see the fucking tip!! Get a grip dude!!! And he's clearly fucking her right boot and her left strap... not her plain, dry skin... would it bother you to add some sweat or something!!?? Fuck me...! (# ̄ω ̄)> Looks fine I guess, it'll be better with sound.Shader fit her game style


I'm exaggerating. But there's that thing I talk about of not being into characters I have no attachment to. Or kinks I don't understand x3. If it was a higher view of it, I'd probably like it more. One thing is seeing a D disappear inside a vagina, the other is disappearing between legs. Not very lewd in NY eyes. I do get what some people say about animators that start doing anime style. It lacks the detail and effect that a regular body has. The anime style does look flat, wich is probably why so many anime artists add so much steam and sweat to their art to make them more lewd. You never see anime nswf art without at least...! A droplet of sweat x3. I really don't have time to play her game, especially just to be able to like her porn. (# ̄ω ̄) So I hope her pack does something for me, or at least that they get audio, from a specific sound editor... in my case... If not, it'll stay collecting dust in my storage like your other anime animations I have no attachment to. (つω`。)


I've made multiple footjobs, but I still don't get feet, so we're even. ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯ I know a lot of people don't like 3D anime stuff, but I enjoy variety and trying different things. It's fun for me, so I'll keep doing it as long as I enjoy it. Knowing a character is a nice bonus, but if the character hits enough buttons for me, it doesn't really matter much in the end. Ryza is definitely in that zone for me. But I'm a leg man. ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯


We'll see... a single animation of leg rub won't do much for me. Maybe a pack will? But even then... I can't think of anything that would make me excited. Even feet will have a hard time. I do think when it comes to new characters, their first animation should be just straight up sex. And then kink stuff like this thing here should come later or on the side, after you've been eased into liking her with the first animation. I don't feel any lewdness and intimacy here. This is just something friends do when they're bored. No hand holding... no kissing.... no touching... no penetration... This here's the definition of getting friend zoned. Should have kept her top even... Waste of time to take anime clothes off... imagine the time it takes to put it back on... after just some rubs... I don't get this chick... (# ̄ω ̄) She really is just a dumb anime girl. Like just take off your boots while you're at it! Geeech....


This was gonna be a part of a set, but I liked it enough to push it forward. I know nothing I will say will make you like it, but I like it a lot so ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯


Well I know you worked hard on it and that you're extremely proud of it. So I thought it would be proper to trash on it. It's nice, again it would have been better for me. If we could get a higher view of it. Like the dude being against something and laying his back in a 135 degree or something. Want to REALLY look at the D getting squished by them thighs. Rubbing against the puss! Now that would have been lewd. But too much effort.... Deforming the thighs to the dick...? The pussy rubbing up and down?? I couldn't ask that much off you... I'm not that savage... I'll have my trigger ready when you make her pack. ( ` ω ´ ) It better have as much effort as this!! ٩(╬ʘ益ʘ╬)۶ AND BETTER FUCKING TREES!!!!!


Another god-tier set, Lazy. More Aranea is always a treat. And that Ryza animation... *chef's kiss*. Though, I always wonder: any case there will be a tutorial for the shader much like you did with the Tamaki riding animation? Or is it pretty straightforward?


I just saw there was an Io animation, haha. Thanks for that. :thumbsup: Very cool of you to do side stuff despite all the animations you're already doing.


Also since you seem to be comfortable with anime again. Will you be doing Persona 5 animations when it releases for everyone? To ride the hype? Don't do P4 and P3 before they re-release on consoles plz! Don't do that to me. (-ω-、). I'm sorry I was so mean...! plz....! Let me find my waifus first. Make how many dry thigh rubs as you want! Just don't touch those games jet.... (ノω・、)


Well now he has to do a P3/P4 set this year, and it has to all be thighjobs against boots and pants.


I gotta go for my number 1 Persona waifu if I'm gonna do something with Persona in the near future. Sorry, my guy, but that's just gonna be how it is. x)


Perhaps, although it's not my own shader - it's someone else's. You can get it for free - it's called Kaio Toon, and a simple google search should turn it up. Main thing on my end to make it looks right was mostly texture work, to give some "shading" to the texture so it's not completely flat.


Since I was mostly finished with animating stuff, I had some free time to kill, so that's how it came about. x)


So many bad persona animations and from your chick specifically, have burned me out on all those characters. As I've unfortunately found out, not even the lord himself can make me like characters! And if it's just a thigh animating I can easily skip it till January (>ω^) Not that Persona's character models have great thighs tho... they are always basic,thin, long anime legs. So if I don't understand now, imagine then x3. I would like to clarify that the Ryza animation is good, great even. I'm just trolling, hard, to cope with my lack of understanding and not being able to enjoy it as much as everyone else... by trying my best to kick you in the balls to stop you from doing more of her... And the jiggle though great... it does start to look funny after some time. It looks like her but gets magnetized to the dude on the first part.... So, is it working...? ⊂(・ω・*⊂)


Nope. :) I am troll, so your attempts at kicking me down only fuel me to make more and more. I already have a hundred planned now, utilizing every character model I have. x)


Look just make one in a different camera angle and then we're taking. They're great and all but they cover the view. Don't take the being A LEG guy too literally. You can only see A LEG, A THIGH. Show both thighs you bastard!! At least do the kink right... Make a cunnilingus with a 3rd person view but with thighs head squeeze. You want headless man background and context?? Well that's what happened. Too much pressure! (・`ω´・)


There's no right or wrong way to do the kink. Only what appeals to the individual. And I made what was appealing to me in the moment. ( ͡ ͡° ͜つ ͡͡° )


Let's hope you have more creative "MOMENTS" next time. (・`ω´・) There's is more to thighs than just a dick between them. Wich ever way you want to interpret that. (҂ `з´ )


So what's the schedule for the poll animations? Next weekend with the regular releases?


First half, yeah. First half will probably be those who did not take the 1st and 2nd spot in both poll. Second half will be the weekend after.


Nice, next week seems packed. I'm definitely gonna need your stuff that weekend, good or bad... My guess is that the really spooky stuff is on the night of the spooky stuff? Can't wait to see her again. Alongside more tiktok memes...I suppose. (。- ω -)


Yeah, big spooks will be on Halloween proper. Not that I've done much with it at this point. I've got a bit animated, but need to actually sit down with it one of these days.


I hope to see you doing Ryza animations in the future, such as showing footjobs (I feel that Ryza's first and second generation figures highlight thighs and feet) This time I thought it was still good, and I will do better next time. XD


Do you think you'll try JOJO girls? <3