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So, somehow over the weekend I ended up a little bit sick. Extreme dizziniess, plus some nausea. Not so fun, but nothing serious - allergies are just god awful right now as we inch into Autumn. Still, I finished just about everything I had planned for the 15th right before it hit, so that's good. Still need to fix a couple of things and then render them(and rendering them is gonna be a doozy...), but I don't have much else to do beyond Oct 31st stuff until the poll stuff results comes in. But I'll probably start the poll stuff ahead of time, due to this fact:

1st and 2nd are basically set in stone at this point and haven't really moved from their spots since near the beginning, so I'm comfortable in starting them ahead of time. 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th could change at any point, so I'm definitely not going to touch any of those for now. Still, gotta say that outside of the top 2, there aren't many huge gaps between votes.

Supporter poll was in a similar spot for a while, but 3rd and 4th have created a gap between 5th that will be difficult to cross at this point in the vote.

Some big disparities in the points vs votes as you get passed the first 2. Guess that was bound to happen when voting for 4 characters at a time.

Regardless, I'll be taking it easy these next couple of weeks in regards to posting. There will be a poll winner confirmation post on the 7th, poll animations releasing on the 8th, but then probably nothing until the 15th release. Just kinda want to chill for now.




Im guessing 3 out of the top 4 are from the same game?


Man, you really found yourself a pretty passionate audience from that game huh


The same could be said for ALOT of the girls you do lol I just think your own personal interest in XV girls shines through a little bit more than the rest through the animations

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

So I am curious about the difference between the poll and misc Since we all know already that all of them are going to have that one girl. And also what surprise you have in for us this time (presumably you will do one)


I don't know if it's because I'm not a 100%, but I'm not sure what you're talking about. What do you mean between poll and misc?

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Ight sorry for bad language on my end what I was asking is the difference in both poll and the one you had planned for October that is not related to the poll to be specific.


So what will happen if the 3rd or the 4th place ends up in a tie?


No wonder she has such bright and beautiful eyes. She seems to crave and enjoy chomping on that carrot. And I'll never get tired of that blush (´ ω `♡) I hope there's a nice diversity of - not games - but sizes. Small-tall, old-young, big-flat cute-hot. Basically I hope everyone didn't just vote for the hotties and gave the cute girls a chance too. Here's hoping for Vanille. o(>ω<)o


If 3rd place ends up in a tie, I'll probably bump up the 5th place to 4th place and do an extra character. Same applies to 4th place. But that's provided I'm up for it.


That's an orange popsicle. x) If I were to call it right now, I'd be pretty satisfied with the variety of characters.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Hmm so that's about it in this month huh? Still have a plan for anything other than this or not? But again this is a hell of a month for you already so it would be too much to ask for more. Also hope you get well soon with the allergies we would be very sad to know that you are sick lol.


There will be something for Halloween, but at the moment I don't have anything else planned. If I've got the time I might do something additional stuff, but for the most part everything is set.


Alright cuz that might happen at a very small chance. So since the top 2 is pretty much decided, then what about the last? Is it just as you predicted?


I thought it's a hotdog or something lmao. If you want to make it a popsicle you should use other colors lol.


Nice, don't really care about biases here. I liked all of those costumes. Can't wait for that animation. However long it is. Unless is a pack.


Not sure if this is the case, but a girl(or more) getting even less votes than the one you expected is kind of interesting. Well we'll see in a few days I guess.


And it could also be just an orange flavored condom! Should try a condom animation one of this days. It adds a sense of risk! Though Iris here would probably rip the thing out. Dick and all!


Hope ya feel better fam. I hear you with those allergies, they're absolutely killer at this time of year. Poll results look pretty interesting. Looks like the top 2 are set for both polls, and it's a pretty good guess what those characters are. Also sucks for the character with 68 votes or less from both polls, although I have a pretty good feeling I know who that is... I just hope I don't cry cause of the results! I've already pre-typed my crying message just in case the tears blind me.


is this iris animation release on 15st?Can't wait🥺


The last place character is actually a bit funny to me, but I won't comment as to why. There will probably be tears shed on poll result day. Probably. Who will be shedding them is another matter entirely.


I hope the uniform version Iris can get in top 4. Still revisiting the Gymming with Iris animation from time to time👍


Will there be various poses/positions? Vanilla scenes or hard pounding? Just curious because I like the way you vary up your positions. I know you have partiality for the cross legged ones but I really like the one you did with Marie with her legs up to her head….