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gofile - https://gofile.io/d/ZMhZTC

poll - https://forms.gle/mAaDT1teKBaddkSGA

The supporter poll animations, of which there are three. Both the riding animation and the Marie animation were giving me some issues, so there's no "finish" to them. The other one I was doing some experimenting with the finish, but it came out alright I think. The Marie animation in particular was giving me some real big issues due to all the crap I did with it. I was messing with particles and what not, and I ended up somehow rendering about 100,000 flowers in the background and my render times were a brisk 53 seconds per frame until I realized what the hell was going on. That was fun.




And then there this... Gotta say Luna thighs and but look thicker than usual in that animation. Great stuff today man. A greater start to a month. So every week they'll be something for this month?


Next week these will be public(and if I'm feeling motivated, I may add something to it), but after that, yeah. There will be poll animations for both public and supporter on the following two weeks.


If you have more unfinished lil' Luna animations in your closet. Pop 'em out. It seems she likes this forest. (>ω^)


Hate to spam the comment section but phew that's a lot of stuff today. What a start for Spooktober. That finish is fresh, although what kind of guy would want to pull out the last moment instead of giving Luna a creampie lol.


Hmmm... how hard is to recreate that Doggy animation, but with..... She would have to get on top of a rock though. Just pin her to a tree and lift her by the ass. ⊂(・ω・*⊂) Still don't know how tall she really is.


Her height is variable. Sometimes I make adjustments to match what I have in my head, instead of working with I got. It's 3d, I do what I want. ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)


Damn I might have to request sound for Lunafreya content myself man. There's just too many. But I feel bad doing that since that case I would pledge more to the sound editor than you...


Make her a head smaller than regular Luna, give her black hair, emo clothes and you have "edgy stage" Luna X3


Do like I do. Find animation with clean audio. Trim that audio, and add sound to the animations for yourself X3. I did that with some of the young Luna animations on my phone. Is actually not that hard. Finding clean samples is the hard part.


I don't really know how well-sync and genuine it would sound, mind sharing some examples? And we need a reason why Noctis ended up that way. It can't just solely for roleplaying purpose between the two...?


Then SuccubIris must exist in this alternate reality as well... It is expanding, fast.


A cumshot! Nice! Now it’s perfect.


OMG! Another update today! How "unlazy" you are!


That bent over Luna animation is so pleasing to look at... Just love how well composed the scene is with the lighting and colors Man, you needa find more excuses to put these girls outdoors.... Other than beaches, that is lol


Winter is coming... I should feature them atop a mountain at some point. x) Jokes aside, I do like making and working with foresty stuff. It's very relaxing.


Well I use an editor on my phone and take various noises and slowly time them to the motion. Though easy, it takes time, and I've been too lazy to do it. Before Lazy's works where very similar in motion so you could actually use some of his animations with sound and merge them with others and it would sync surprisingly well xD. He's gotten more intricate so that's not possible anymore. But if you can afford to request audio please do! Just don't ask for duplicates, threes an unnecessarily amount of those. So many lerico sound edits audiodude already did... ( ╥ω╥ )


Interesting to hear you enjoy working with it because I always assumed that it was a tad bit more complicated than just sticking with indoor stuff, due to lighting, foliage, and such But yeah as someone who just watches it, its just feels super chill because my focus is on the whole picture, rather than just solely on the girl / environment


It can be a headache sometimes since I don't have a ton of prebuilt outside environments to work with - gotta make them myself, even if I do use some prebuilt trees. But I just generally prefer setting up exterior scenes over interior. Trying to make a believable interior scene is a real headache, since super clean rooms don't look 'real' to me, and trying to clutter up a room is way harder to do in 3D than it is in real life. Outside is a bit easier to half-ass in that regard, lol. I mainly just do interiors because it's a more expected scene for sex than some random forest outside.


Ah yea, I can see why foresty stuff is reserved to more thematic stuff. Grass is yucky irl I guess and the interior struggle never really crossed my mind lol But hey, at least Aerith's got an excuse to be in a garden or flower field right? 😔


There are be lunafreya works next week? hoo Absolutely perfect


As a Luna bro, this is definitely one of the best birthday presents I could ask for.


Once again I’m back to say amazing word, as you do, but I gotta ask, how hard was it for you to get that guy in the Marie ani to work, that flowing skin texture looks like it was hell to work on


Always love your Luna stuff! Such a underrated character. Man teen Luna animations are godly. You the best!


Yeah, interiors are a funny thing in 3D. Any haphazardly placed items have to placed haphazardly in an extremely meticulous way. I mean, I could put Aerith in a flower field I suppose.


Super easy, actually. Keyframe the location of the texture map at the start, keyframe a new location of the texture map somewhere in the middle, then copy the starting keyframe and paste it at the end. The nature of the texture does the rest of the work itself, lol.


I already requested three Lunafreya animations last month, and I'll probably request more of her this month as well. Though I'm probably gonna just commission Lunafreya and Iris content only since these two are my favorite and they are not that popular in which case less people request them, plus other characters like Aerith, Tifa, Marie and the like are so popular other people would request them. But there are always some people that would just request the 20s loop even if there's a 40s or even longer complete version of it, making the sound edit of complete version very unlike to happen, and I think that's gonna happen to the new Tifa animation. And yeah I don't really count on lerico anymore ever since he return to lazyp stuff. Pretty much all the new sound edits from him are duplicates.


Gotta do my part, for the Commander!


Lunafreya in those socks and high heels is crazy hot! Fantastic job!


Come on, Commander baby!


That from behind animation for Luna is extremely well done. Shoulda made the dude on that one a wolf as well :^) Hope the polls are looking close at this point. I assume with 20 characters there's definitely going to be some big gaps between em. I'm just hoping Gentiana gets one of those slots, she looks hot as all hell.


Heh, I think I was pushing my luck with one animation. There aren't too many huge gaps, but there's some here or there. Right now, the public poll has 3 characters vying for the fourth spot(although it has potential to grow). Supporter poll is 3 characters with some potential others keeping it fairly close.


Amazing work as always! Will we ever see Lightning from FFXIII?


Hope Yuffie won or in top 3


Didn't pick Scarlet even though she is top 3 lady for me, Would love to see some of the lesser used girls used, Fang/Vanille is the biggest wish. I honestly wasn't too excited for Lunafreya after she won but god damn you knocked it out the park with her, the standing doggy position in that outfit looks amazing, the hands on the knees and just the way she jiggles and stuff is top notch, the dude fucked her so good as well haha. I like her a lot more now just from seeing this, the innocent looking angelic girls are very exciting to see in these sorts of works. So happy to see you treat us to Marie as well thank you, she has one of the most desirable pussys for me, gorgeous.


next release on 15st?


Awesome work! Im glad you added a finish and hope that you plan on doing that more in the future. Im hoping that Cindy and Y'shtola make the list but im not getting my hopes up.... great works as always!!