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gofile - https://gofile.io/d/ySL8dz

porn3dx(Serah) - https://porn3dx.com/post/25482

porn3dx(Jihl) - https://porn3dx.com/post/25484

gofile(poll animations) - https://gofile.io/d/61ZiLH

porn3dx(poll animations) - https://porn3dx.com/post/25483

This was originally going to be just 4 animations, two Serah, two Jihl. But I ended up really liking the JIhl blowjob I did that I ended up making more Jihl than I planned, so I made a little more Serah so it wasn't so Jihl centric. It ended up being more "ambitious" than I originally intended, but it was good practice. I'm getting faster with animating as time goes on, which is nice. That said, I'm hoping the next one I'll actually be able to be a bit more subdued lol. Gonna take September a little bit easy, because I'm prepping for a "spooky October".




I love Serah


3 year. yeah, 3 year and this girl is finally back. im crying 😭😭 The wait was worth it.


In some ways, it's better for me to take a long time on some characters. By the time I get around to making something with them, my skills will have improved enough that I can make something much better lol.


All 6 of us Serah enjoyers out there are FEASTIN Thank you for this 😭 You may have even convinced me on Jihl lol And geez that is ALOT of animations o_o. When did you even begin on this set? Was it like shortly after those random mentions of Jihl?


Started shortly after the last pack released. I'm getting faster, is all I can really say lol. The one minute Jihl animation took me two hours to do start to finish, so yeah.


With that efficiency, you could have probably found a way to put mankind on Mars years ago Glad you're using it for the better cause tho


Ahahaha the grind works. 💪 I call this set the continuation from the first animation, since it looks kinda similiar, the lighting, the background 😅


That Jihl BJ might actually be the best BJ animation you've ever done, like damn. The eyes are just incredibly well done. Is there any chance of you adding in a clothed alt for Serah's BJ? Or is the cloth physics involved there just too much of a hassle?


That Jihl BJ and the full cowgirl animation, holy crap. Absolutely fantastic my man. Completely wild to me you did that entire cowgirl animation in 2 hours. And that lingerie? Chef's kiss.


Top is fine, but the skirt was being a problem. There was a lot of clipping with the skirt due to the position, and I didn't want to mess with it anymore than I had.


Ah shame, but kind of to be expected. Clipping is truly the bane of us skirt enthusiasts' existence.


ngl dude, first time I seen Jihl but she's pretty damn hot! Honestly hope you'll work on her again someday.


Hey man, work smarter not harder. Your animation looks great to me! I'm glad you did additional ones for this set, all the Jihl ones are super hot. Serah ones are really good too, but *man* those Jihl ones. Maybe I'm biased here


That two extended bj animations are phenomenal, and the fact that you don't make bj(even just loop ones) all that often makes them even more perfect. Now you're literally known as the opposite of your name lol.


I was more into the Jihl ones than the Serah ones, even though it started as more of a Serah set. Even as the one that made them, she was looking very fine lol.


Jihl only had like four minutes of screen time in her game, so it's to be expected lol. But she is really hot, and I have done her a couple of times before, so she'll probably get something from me at some point again.


The BJ ones were a bit of me messing around and practicing different things. With what I know now and with how quick I've become, I might be able to make a Luna + Iris blowjob style animation much, much quicker than before. Not gonna attempt it just yet, but the possibility is there.


How about doing a remake of that? Or a set based on that? Oh no my selfishness is taking over. And that might be too much work anyway. Nonono don't change your name. It's just quite funny that the once "lazyprocrastinator" is now the most productive animator in the industry.


I have no intention of changing my name. The "Not gonna attempt it" was in reference to a double blowjob. Don't want to dive into doing that right now, since it could easily turn into a headache for me lol.


Honestly surprised you didn’t just go full force Jihl by that point. I probably would’ve after that BJ one. Damn I’m so glad you have the lingerie options for her animations lmao.


Damn really sorry for the huge misunderstanding and the confusion there. I'm brain dead over here. It might be a little too early to ask about this, but do you intend to keep the bi-weekly release schedule in the foreseeable future like maybe next year? If you haven't thought about it just yet then please ignore me.


No worries - I have my own brain farts x) I'm gonna try to keep the bi-weekly release going permanently, for as long as I keep doing this. It's been an actually beneficial change for me overall, so I don't have a plan to change it.


Good to know it's good change for you and probably also good for us cuz that means consistent content from you yay.


Savage, you actually called it a XIII pack. We will get Hope's mom before her lol. Anyway, is September gonna be a dead month?


There will still be stuff in September, the plan is just to be a bit less than something like this. Of course, this was also supposed to be small, so we'll see how it goes. >_>


See, everyone loves Jihl, even the first timer 😅 Imagin a world that her getting Tifa treatment...


Bro... you really don't let the audio guys catch up... especially audiodude, a good 70% of his requests are just your stuff.. Σ(°△°|||)︴ And I would like to bring up the amazing job with your trademark "2/3 feet", and let's not mention the "Perfectly out of Frame". Marvelous!!! I really hate those things, especially the toes, they're so scary.... Keep it up! o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o...... (¬_¬;)...(goddamnthisfuckinggu-) Great stuff with the blowjobs tho!!!! I really like when you make the girls lips shiny and messy. It would have been nice to see the D1ck wet only on the inserted area in those animations but it's ok as is. Still wish the under-lips could be a little more wet and shiny but I'm sure there are plenty of tech problems with that. I'm ending in a bit of a critical mood. This comment has been nothing but love!! There's a problem with your models, a legacy problem, but specifically one that I've noticed more since the doa Riding fest. Can you guess what it's is????


The specularity and roughness levels are the same in the nether regions for both genders. The problem is, as I mentioned before, without ray-traced global illumination, the glossy reflections won't show up if the lighting isn't just right. And trying to adjust the lighting to get it to show up in those areas screws up the whole lighting of the scene which I find much more important. Nipples, probably.


Whoa man leave the nipples alone...! What have they done to you...!? No, and before saying what it is and learning why it is how it is. I would like to make a warning for everyone who can't unsee stuff after they learn of it, so.... [Spoil-] [Unable to Unsee Warning] It's the knees, or maybe just the joints in general. They definitely don't look right when bending too much, the riding animations showcase this imperfection a lot. The clipping of thigs and forelegs isn't really a big deal, is just the way the knee or but, deformes and stretches. Now I'm not saying "fix this right now!!!" I just want to learn what stops you from improving that aspect. I'm...pretty sure (knowing you), that you notice this as well. If you hadn't until this point.... I'm really, really sorry.


I've gotten some people say the nipples aren't perky enough. It's mainly because I don't weight them properly. I don't take the time to painstakingly weight each and every model to get the perfect knee bend. I just automatically weight it and call it a day. I clean it up as needed(the knees were much worse at the start than what you're getting), but I am trying to care less about that sort of thing because those details tend to drive me nuts and result in hours being wasted for what amounts to nothing in the end.


I see, if it's something you know how to fix then it's ok, again it's only really noticeable on the riding animations like those in here. I first noticed the knee problem with that near-fucking-perfect Spicy Hot Luna kneeling BJ animation. Where the right knee looks broken. And I really didn't noticed on the DoA pack till now. Because I was too distracted with the, extremely risky and degenerate hand holding. The balls on you... you could get years in jail for that you know? To end on a positive note. I would really like to see more of a nice detail you had with the Irelia Jack-O pose animation. And that is the feet partially coming out off the heel. Don't know if that was an exclusive trait of RR model, but I thought it was really cool. I really envision a Luna animation with something similar, where the heel is dangling off her foot. (´ ω `♡) That's ero as f$ck... Oh and yeah, you keep nailing those expressions. Over compensation to hide the more lazy side of your anims. ;3


If it's the animation I'm thinking of, that one is actually mostly lighting + texture that makes things look wonky. It doesn't actually look like that when the model is in solid mode, which is how I see the animation 99% of the time when making it. I can do that with any heel model I want, but something like Luna's wouldn't really work due to the ankle straps. I can't undo the ankle straps without modeling the undone straps, and I have zero desire to do that so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I actually phone the expressions in as much as the rest, if not even more so. Again, the number one criticism I receive is that the expressions either look bored, blank, or seem completely disconnected and/or "slow". All a matter of taste.


Damn, my eyes covered in dreams forgot Luna has strapped heels... Btw sorry if I came at you with a lot of criticism. I learned through my deep studying of you that is a turn on for you when people criticize the stuff you like. I only aimed to please. (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ And I don't know where you get those faces complaints. Give me some quotes, links, dates, exact locations, where they live. I want to have a conversation with these people. Talking about expression.... I love my psychopathic women. (Imstillwatingforthatvirus2banimationwiththedecapitatedhead.) So..... Street Fighter 6 Juri? No.....??? (´。• ω •。`)???


Nah, it's fine. I don't mind criticism, but I will say that the vast majority constructive criticism is stuff I'm already aware of - I just don't do anything about it because I'm either too lazy, or no one really complains about it so it doesn't feel worth it to actually fix x). The rest tends to be more personal taste stuff, and a lot of that type of criticism(such as the facial expressions) isn't gonna make me change the way I do things. I may do something with SF6 Juri when the game comes out.


Oh, great news! I can now toss away that gun I won at a crane game in Walmart.... few... I'm really excited for October and that animation you're doing with that girl you never do anything at all with! Can't wait to see her expression!! Her face! Her smile! You never fail with her expression. Is a tease of that certain finger motion too much to ask? Like really closed up??? Would be a really bug spoiler tho...for people who somehow doesn't know what your working on.


I'll probably tease more as things get closer to October. It's the only thing I really have finished at this point for October, but it's a bit early for it.


If this is lazy…. What’s a good day? Wow….

Makima x Denji

I played XIII day one when it came out and I can't even remember Jihl appearing or doing anything in the game. XIII-2 was good I think and I never played Lightning Returns even though I like Lightning. She is the srong type and I love seeing those type of characters doing sexual stuff. Will the October animations have Melina or A2?


Hey quick suggestion. Since you called this a FFXIII Pack, then maybe add the link of the Fang animations to the pixiv post. So that new people can find those more easily.


Do you plan to add liquid physics * wink, wink* to your animations ??


I've messed around with liquid physics here and there and still have zero clue how to work with them. So for now, no.

Makima x Denji

Did you finish Elden Ring? I don't want to spoiler anybody but in one of the endings Melina does look different and I did not see anybody use that model of her in animations. Fits for halloween I would say. What do you think?


OMG!! I'm overwhelmed by a tremendous amount of super quality animations... You are GOD!!!


I really like your lingerie costume animations they are a masterpiece ❤️


Lol. After Pixiv your production pace has become quite fast paced. Regardless , good job as per usual.


Good lord LP. Incredible work! Can't wait to try and tackle these


that clothed serah doggy was probably your greatest work yet