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Since I haven't talked about who is going to be featured in the upcoming release, I figured I'd give people a crack at it with just a silhouette. Unlikely to be an easy guess, but we'll see how it goes. The whole set kind of spiraled out of my control. It was originally going to be a set with a different character, but I decided to throw this character in for a twofer, and now it's kind of become more focused on this character due to the first animation I made with her being something I really liked. I'm going to do one more animation with the original character I intended the set to be about, but what I currently have is already much more than I originally intended. Funny how that happens.

This is a silhouette of the animation that got me to go, "okay, I need to make more with this character". I think it's because I put her in lingerie, and I'm an absolute sucker for lingerie.




My guess would be Arenea (since you did her in lingerie before) or Primrose??


mmmmmm lingerie


Pretty certain its Primrose now, based on the shapes near her feet lol


Not Primrose, but I am using Primrose's lingerie lol. Ryan makes good lingerie. Also not Aranea, but it's closer to the mark yet still not quite.


The clothing is really throwing me off, but my final guess would be Jihl Nabaat based on the hair, and your recent mentions about craving to do stuff with her again


I see lingerie, I like it. Simple as.


I knew locating your local water supply would eventually pay off >:D Any plans with fun clothes stuff like last time? Or is it a nude set?


You know it, my knees go weak for clothes. Seminude gang for life


Will probably have some partial clothes stuff. Main problem with her skirt is the weird gold thing on the front that makes cloth physics impossible from the front. That said, I haven't started on the next animation, so if you've got an idea you want to see feel free to shoot it my way.


I think one animation I always enjoyed for the pose idea itself in spite of the character is Hydra's earlier D.Va animation: https://twitter.com/HydraFXX/status/1143890958238527488?t=7Eo8pDNzTmbhmLBYhk4jww&s=19 I have a thing for characters being pressed against something. LOVED the mirror scene in your last Iris animation for that as well. Always figured that if I had one day mastered Blender's intricacies, I would try to animate something like that with that specific character. Like even the clothing just fits the bill lol


No Way, No Way its Jihl Dont give me hole, i mean hope 😭


You're the master of hiding flaws and jank, so whatever the end result, I'm a happy man lol


After looooong time 😭😭😭 Will you make her not using glasses ? There's fact that she use glasses to hide her true evil. So its gonna be good to see her F using her true self. 😅


She's gonna keep her glasses on - I find that she looks better with them on than without, and I don't want to render versions without since I'm already rendering nude and lingerie variants.


Lmao glasses or not, fuck it, its finally Jihl, why do i complaint 😅😅 About the other girl, can you give me the clue ?


Hmm, Serah ? Im dont see her Side tail 🤔 unless its a loose hair ver.


I was wondering when you were going to do another game based pack. So after many, many years. I still don't see the appeal of fancy looking underwear, it has really never done anything to me. I'm guessing since you took it from RyanReos models that it's just black? Is it possible to color it a different color to go more with the color theme of the character? Most of the lingerie you've done is eather black or white. Is this coming after Ayayne?


It's alright, everyone's got their own tastes. Me, for example - I don't see the appeal of feet. x) I could color it, but in Jihl's case I think it's fine black - her stockings and cleavage stockings are black so it fits. It's coming this weekend. I haven't properly started on Ayane.


Damn you keep pushing back them girls, next time have a update with a bright yellow background announcing the new date for Ayane and Sice. And yeah I know, I can see those feet up. And I see disgusting heels covering the view. You're gunning for us feet lovers (>﹏<) Probably has lingerie underneath it too! And the nude version will still have the heels!!! You monster!!! B-baka!!! My feet fetish journey actually started with footwear mind you. Started with boots, then evolved to heels, then to any kind of sock/lingerie.. Then the final revelation came to me- Dispose of all this unholy coverings! I want feet!!! Fetishes are weird as fuck man...


I have a vague recollection of mentioning that I was going to put off Sice and Ayane since I had something I really wanted to do, but it gets kind of buried under things. I'm a leg guy - I really like legs. I don't have an issue with feet, but you know what helps to accentuate the legs? Standing on the toes. Results in longer looking legs, while also helping to tighten up the leg muscles due to straightening the feet. You know what causes the feet to default into that mode to accentuate the legs? Heels. That's why I really, really love heels.


Lazyprocrastinator doing lingerie: the best thing ever. Huge blessing for us lingerie lovers. How many animations are in this pack already tho?


Anna Williams ?


Doesn't seems to be that much of a muted release like you mentioned lol.


That's what it was supposed to be, but you know what they say about the best laid plans... I just got really into it. Didn't take long to make them, either.


Oh I get you man. I was there! I was at a point where I couldn't watch porn without heels on them. And I still love them, especially the one with toes sticking out. I relate to you 100% No! 1000%!!! Reading your in depth description got my body pumping with the good stuff. You just described the exact reason I love heels!! And I'm now really passionate and motivated. ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆ So I would like to give you some pose suggestions that could complement your love of heels. I'm pretty sure you haven't done exactly the idea I have in my head. I would like to know what you think, if not for this then for the next time you do Luna again. Wich of course... will definitely have heels. Ps: is the tease in here are open heels(with visible toes)? or covered?


A set for a game without the MC, absolutely SAVAGE, especially when you were holding out hope for a long time.


You can shoot any suggestions my way, like I've said before. Just won't promise anything. They're pretty much classic pumps.


She's an acquired taste - not everyone likes a "boss babe". A quick dirty buggy reskin would show us filthy peasants our place. Otherwise, can we really call it a XIII set?? ;p


Well the more, the merrier. And the more works for sound editors to process maybe.


Yes yes, I know I just want to exchange some creative ideas. OK so envision this: You like legs? And how heels complements them beautifully? You like how firm they get? Then imagine standing doggy. Yes nothing new for you but hold on. I'm thinking something like the 2B bridal S.D. animation, hole body visible from head to toes, or something like your Primrose SD. Legs straightened and firm. Now imagine that one Aranea Doggy animation where the guy is holding her feet/heel. Now combine those two to make a Standing doggy with a vertically lifted leg, with the guy holding her feet/heel. I did a little bit of research and I only found one good example of what I mean. (I won't bother looking through pixiv, oh dear god no) https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/17273001 This is more of a feet lift where the leg isn't resting on anything, just being held up in the air. Again just giving you ideas for your love of legs and... your...precious...heels... Not necessarily for this pack.


I've actually tried a pose similar to that before, but it's awkward and kind of annoying to get looking right.


Don't limit yourself, give it a go at some point! ☆ ~('▽^人) Otherwise the leg lifted horizontally is another nice variant to this pose. For some reason I really love the perfect 90 degrees lift. It just looks so nice...! No 100 no 80... 90! Eather by resting on a table or being lift by hand. You always do complete splits but it's eather POV or not showing the hole body/legs. And how about this? https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/22927671 The foreleg hanging down is really visually appealing to me, even with heels. For some reason heels really get me when they are pointing down. If they are upside-down they really don't have an impact on me. Like in the tease you have here. As you said, legs/feet standing on heels is the appeal.


I would guess Christie Monteiro but I would be wrong lol….


couldn't agree more, wish we see more of them in your works. :)


Is it too late to ask if you're using Jihl's baton/stick again???

Makima x Denji

Give us Lightning you coward. She looked good in Lightning Returns with those visible thighs...


Lightning Return's costume is awful, though... I actively dislike Lightning as a character. Chances of me doing something with her is abysmally low.


I don't know what poses your doing. But I was actually gonna say that it could be used to slap some buts. But thats probably too rough for your style ;3 Also I'm really looking forward to what Jihl looks like with 2022 Lazy tech. Especially the faces and expression.


Just note her character is much better written if you played in Japanese. The lightning you were exposed to (and many others) is not-canon.


For the record, I don't dislike her because of her character. I didn't initially dislike Lightning. I just grew to dislike her because Square-Enix was very adamant about pushing her in that era because Final Fantasy XIII was the latest mainline Final Fantasy they really had at the time, especially when the initial release of XIV flopped. Because of that, a lot of my resentment towards the company as a whole gets lumped onto Lightning herself, because she was the face of the company during that era where Square-Enix was kind of at its lowest point. It's kind of like how Donte became the punching bag for all the hatred toward Capcom during the same general time period, even though DmC ended up not being the worst thing Capcom has ever done(RIP Dead Rising). It's an irrational dislike, I understand that much, but it's just how it is for me.


The PS3 days were indeed Square's worst, they seemed like they were struggling to release a single AAA game, much less good one in the span of 6 years. Though, the hype leading to FFXIII was amazing and I still remember it fondly, even though the game was incredibly disappointing and objectively bad, I still cherish it, so I guess that's why I like Lightning more than other FF characters.