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(poll animations) gofile - https://gofile.io/d/SAbaRI

(poll animations) porn3dx - https://porn3dx.com/post/24664




Late night benefits🤤🤤


Beautiful! You never disappoint! Quick report, Sayuri's bra doesn't seem to get along with her boobs x3 The other ones look right so I'm guessing is a glitch. So, who won? Who milked the milker? I did a hard review of all of them. And I noticed that Marie's anim has coom leaking out at the end. And in Tsukushi's animation the guy was really into it, doing most of the work. I'm sure is left to interpretation, but for you who won? (*^‿^*) From the girls you've done little to no animations in the past. Wich one got you eager to make more stuff with them? Again good job. Hope you didn't get burnt out from doing the same concept to many times. No more cowgirl animations from you for some time I presume ;3

Makima x Denji

Kasumi and Momiji! Nice! Still hoping to see Tamaki and Ayane as well.


Thank you for doing Helena😍 😭 you never disappoint ,


Oof, yeah, missed that about Sayuri. Simple fix, though. Will reupload fixed version later. Winner for me would be Fiona, probably. There is reasoning behind Tsukushi's animation being the guy moving, though. She's not quite as athletic as the rest of the girls, and her glasses would bounce too much otherwise and she didn't want to actually take off her glasses, so the guy is moving. As for who I might make more stuff with... can't say it's really sparked anything. Maybe Momiji, though. Actually, I really like this position so it'll probably be seen soon enough again lol.


You've done "cowgirls" doing cowgirl now it's time for "Cowgirls" to do cowgirls..... Y- you get my meaning??? Like actual Cowgirls not cowgirls...... Cowgirls riding cowboys... Like a guy with...painted spot on him... No....? Ok... Basically, I'm saying a Tina animation with every Cowgirl position. Front, reverse, up, down, sides, split... Showcases your Cowgirl expertise! CowgirlProcrastinator. (✧ω✧)!!!!!


If I were to do that, I'd probably do it with a character I like more. Don't hate Tina or anything, but she's not a favorite.


Who would you edit to look like a cowgirl???? Don't know any other obvious cowgirls unless you have something up your sleeve 👀👀 Lastly, have you... made any Soul Calibur models yet? I wasn't expecting tekken characters from you so soon so that's why I'm asking. If you have, who is it. If you haven't, who it'll be??? I played Soul Calibur 6 online for the entirety of its 2 season's, till people stopped playing and the netcode started to hit hard. It's the only fighting game I've done this so I have more attachment to SC than Tekken. No matter how many FF characters are in poll... if a SC character shows up.... Step the fck aside!


Not totally sure on the cowgirl front, just that if I were to do the full cowgirl gamut, it'd be someone other than Tina. I do have the Soul Calibur models, but I haven't rigged anyone. I've mostly thought to do Hildegarde first, though, but the characters can appear in the polls so the first might be someone else if it comes to the polls first.


Great start if that's the case. Though I hardly dislike any of the SC girls. Maybe Taki and Cassandra but mostly just because they were really annoying to fight. But still love their design. Ivy is ABSOLUTELY overdone. Especially in SFM... especially by lizards... You can leave her for last. Don't worry, you have my blessing. She was my first main after all. (^ω~)


Ivy is almost obligatory to do, since she's probably the most recognizable of the cast. Still, would give it some time before doing her. That said, no clue when I'll get around to SC either way.


Oh fxck me...lazy my surperman


Alright, so what's next? Sice pack or Ayane? Maybe something else?


Something else, then probably the Sice pack, then Ayane. Then after that is October, so Halloween fun. Course, things might change in between, we'll see. Probably only gonna do one poll next month just to focus on Halloween stuff.


So I really love all the succubus, Onis and ghost you've created and modified. But have you plans to edit any other character into other creepy creatures? Like vampires, wolf girls, cat girls? You have a good collection of non-humans that you haven't used much. That last Yshtola pack was really nice. You also have a collection of horribly ugly and terrifying Frankenstein monsters you called "OCs". They make my skin crawl but they're hot AF. I was recently thinking how Gentiana would make a nice vampire. Longer fangs, pale skin and bright red eyes. She already has long black hair and a pretty Gothic attire. What do you think? Who would be a nice vampire from your favorite characters?


Never really thought to do a vampire, because they're just goths with fangs at the end of the day. I have thought to do "goth" versions of some girls, though(notably Iris - Gentiana is already kinda goth, and pale AF already). As for wolf/cat girls, I could do something with that theme, but making a character into a wolf/cat/animal girl isn't as interesting to me as, say, a succubus/oni or the like. Not sure why, but yeah. As of this moment, I'm actually working on something with SuccubIris. Hoping it'll pan out - anything I can actually finish ahead of time is good.


Well you happen to have a "cat" girl that is very loved. And if you made your fox girl's hair black or brown you'd have a wolf x3. Just wanted to throw that out there to se if you were interested in extending your monster compendium. But it seems you're the "horny" type of guy and the "hell bitch that feeds of men by sucking their soul through their dick while profusely sweating buckets that is probably very intoxicating to the male's mortal nose"......type of guy. Wich is great! 👍


I'll admit that I lean more towards "monster" in the "monster girl". Sticking cat ears on a girl is nice and all, but less interesting than, say, Kasha from Nioh 2. Google that if you're not aware. Main problem is she's really large, and trying to deal with really large characters can be difficult. Also wouldn't mind doing something with Artemis from DMC5... I'll stop before I reveal too much about myself lol.


Ah yes, yes the Kasha. The moment I fought her I had her equipped for my entire playthrough, very good skill. And hot to boot. So yeah nice knowi- Wait.... who the f@ck is Artemis???? I played that game like 10 times who's he talking about.... (Googling.........) Σ(°△°|||)︴!!!! ( ̄  ̄|||).... (# ̄ω ̄)......( ̄ヘ ̄)..... (눈_눈) Yes....I belive we should stop.... See you on the poll winner post. Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)


That'll probably go up later. At this point, there isn't much point in letting it go on - it was a complete blowout.


Finally, another Helena masterpiece from Lazy. And Momo too, in one pack Im gonna exploded 💣


Amazing stuff!!! Will there be a part 3 sometime maybe? :3 Always sad when the best girls Hitomi, Nyo and Kanna get left out. A more femdom riding pose from Nyo would be glorious. Glad we got some of the newer and lesser used girls though especially Luna and Tsukushi. Theres deffo a lack of the VV girls content out there aside Sayuri.


This is heaven....


Alright, I'll add these too.


sorry, but i think it does not have any sound?


Unfortunately, no part 3, at least for the foreseeable future. Kinda tapped out on this particular concept(not necessarily the pose, just the DOA riding competition). Maybe some other time though.


Some liquid animation(seed) would improve it.


The Helena one is very intense, your work is legendary haha.


https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/73810329 こんな感じで洗脳されてるバージョンが観たい