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Don't really have an "update" on the upcoming weekend release. Been working on it when I feel like it more or less. One is finished, two are in the "just need to animate facial expressions" phase, and one is half-way done. Gonna need to start on the final one, just not sure which character it will be. Toss-up between Tina, Momiji, and Helena, really. If I had more time, I'd like to do all three, but yeah.

Regardless, felt like talking a bit about the many "dead" ideas or projects I've started on at some point. The preview pic is an animation that was intended to go into the Nyotengu hot-springs animation set last year. I wanted it to be the pseduo final animation of the pack, where it was a burnt out Nyotengu as you can see. Problem was, couldn't really get the hair to cooperate(wanted it to be wet and stuck to the back) and the water looked like crap. I probably could have fixed it if I was assed to, but by that point I had just kind of tapped out on the idea.

This next one was intended for earlier this year. In January, I had made a Nyotengu + Kanna cover for my Pixiv and had intended to make an animation set along side it. I started on a couple animation ideas, but the ideas I had weren't turning out quite like I wanted and just generally lost interest in the idea when things weren't panning out. It's an idea I'd like to do at some point, but for now it's on the shelf. I might also switch up the characters. Was briefly considering Kasumi + Ayane.

This is one I started nearly a year ago now, and it's one I've put on the back burner mainly because the shaders are a headache. Getting them to look right in a still shot is annoying enough as is, but when you introduce movements it can be such a headache. You can see weird looking shadows with this one, but those shadows often become flickering, glitchy messes when movement is introduced. I'm not knowledgable enough at this point to really figure out how to fix that, either. It's a project I return to every now and then to take a crack at fixing stuff, but yeah, hasn't happened yet. The same goes for the next one.

Ryza is a little bit easier to work with than Camilla for whatever reason, but it's still not great when motion gets added. I've tried to do a lot of different things, but it usually ends up the same, hence why I haven't done anything similar as of late. Although I do know not everyone is into that style, but there are people who are. Still, I've started on several different with the style, but I never fully commit.

And then there are things where I'm just lazy and don't go through with an idea because of an awkward position or the like, and so doing too much with it can result in some weird results. But doing too little is kind of... uninteresting. Case in point:

This was going to be in my Yuffie pack at the end of last year. I might have been able to salvage it, but overall what I managed to animate was just kind of satic so while I liked the idea, the execution wasn't very good. Maybe I'll return to it at some point, but the position can be kind of awkward. Camera doesn't help, either.




That angle on the Yuffie animation is perfection. I hope it can be salvaged in the future because I prefer it over the original BJ angle included in the pack.


Wow! So many great ideas, I especially like the one of of Nyotengu + Kanna, those two are my new favorite besides kasumi and ayane. I find it sad that out of all ffvii characters yuffie gets the least attention. Your work of yuffie is amazing! Pls don't put her aside. I love your contents Keep up the good work. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


I didn't expect you to do ryza, which is a role I really like as well.😃👍🏻

Makima x Denji

I was wondering... did you play Tales of Arise? If you did, did you like it?


Hair and water are definitely the hardest parts to deal with.


Would any of these ultimately become a part of official releases some point in the future?


Ah so that's the Camilla project you've talked about. It is quite unfortunate that the shaders have been giving trouble. Are the shaders usually a problem with anime style models or is it just isolated cases like with her and Ryza?You don't usually see much hi res FE model animations so I do hope to see the Camilla project get animated or other FE characters as well. The model looks really nice.


Pretty much any model gives me issues with these types of shaders. It's mostly down to getting the normals all correctly oriented and set, but I'm a noob when it comes to that and don't really know what I'm doing.


Even though many games can't handle fluids well, but I'm sure you will nail it.


First time I've seen a nude Camilla model with near accurate breast proportions lol. No idea how some people see the appeal in expanding it by like three times the size As for Ryza, do you have the model from the second game? I've tried looked around before and I've only found ones from the first


I did try to size them based on the model I used for her. Not perfect, but as best as I could get them. I can enjoy some big honkers, but yeah - never really got going over board. I do take some 'creative liberties' for some of my bodies and what not, which I think we've talked about before, but I try to keep things as close as I can. Pretty sure I've got Ryza 2 - I download a lot of models and then kind of forget about what I've got lol. Maybe I'll try that one next time.


I always draw the line when the honkers are larger than the head. And anime models ALREADY have large heads. Loved the overall vibrancy they added to Ryza 2, plus they somehow made her thighs look more glorious lol. Hopefully you'll get the hang of these shaders at some point So far, I think there are only 2 animators that can really nail the look of shaders for these sorts of models, though I'm not super hot about their animations ><


Hmm, I was actually gonna ask if you saved all your unfinished projects or just deleted them. Not really sad for any of the anime style project not getting finished, because I'm not that interested in any of those characters or IPs(though that would probably change if I played the games... but those games are so looong... AND SWITCH GAMES NEVER GO ON DISCOUNT AND ALWAYS COST $60!!! Sorry...) And thought you do a decent job at this style. I've got to admit the "realistic" style fits much better for you. Shit might change when you do Persona though👀 Sad to see you almost did another yuri animation but didn't go through with it. I hope you can find the characters that motivate you to do one. Lastly, do you have Yuffie in her mog cape thing? An animation of her with no clothes but wearing that would be pretty cute! If the physics aren't a problem for you that is.


True - at that point they're basically watermelons. Yeah - I'll hopefully get the hang of them at some point. I really just need to do a deep dive into figuring things out, but I'm lazy and have a low attention span lol.


I almost never delete my unfinished stuff. If I do, it's usually it's so old, so unfinished and so crap that deleting it doesn't bother me. Curious who your favorite Persona girl is, and if you can guess who mine is - I've got a character I want to do above the rest. Was even thinking of including a picture of her, but I only have the base model that's half-shaderized so I decided not to. Technically, that one wasn't gonna be full-on yuri. It's a POV perspective, after all. And yes, I do have Yuffie's mog cloak. It may see use at some point.


I'm gonna assume your favorite is my least favorite, as a character in the game. So Makoto? She pissed me off the moment she was introduced and it took...many, many hours to get a neutral feeling with that chick. For porn she's hot though, I guess. Hard to guess what is your favorite character for what I've learned X3. My fave and always my waifu from the 3 times I've beaten that game is the side character Hifumi the shogi player. Again, Hime cut, calm and cute personality. And nice Jap VO. Honestly I'd be more interested in the side girls more than the protags if I'm being brutally honest lol I assume that's your favorite since everyone goes nuts over her and is the most liked in general.


If we're talking strictly P5: I don't dislike Makoto, and she has some nice "assests", but she's not my favorite. Favorite would be Kawakami. Top 3 would be Kawakami, Sae(even if you can't romance her), and -what will probably be the most shocking thing for some people- Haru(five-head and all). The Royal girl would probably beat out Haru if we're counting that. But on a whole, my ultimate Persona waifu for laifu is Mitsuru from P3. Been meaning to do something with her for what feels like ages, it's just the shaders that make it a headache. Also really like Aigis. You definitely have your type, lol. I'll be the first to admit I don't even understand my own tastes. It's wildly inconsistent most of the time.


Everyone that does persona animations are... greatly appreciated... But none of them are what you'd call good quality..? All of them have horrible joint bending, graphically ugly, broken jaws... And most are hardcore crazyness that take me out of it. And mostly anal (in mokujins case) Really want to see a taste of what you can do with that series. And of course, those animations wouldn't have to be at half frame rate. It's a nice detail but nothing beats 60 hef-pee-es. When 3 and 4 comes out on Play Station, I'll probably be broadening my waifu horizons. So I'm expecting good things from you. (⌒▽⌒)☆


I think what I can do with the series is my normal stuff, just with Persona characters lol. Whenever 3 and 4 drop, enjoy them. They're both great games.


So what about you, have dipped into Yakuza yet? Even if you haven't, with what little you know through models, what gal had you the most interested? And now for the "Future Plans" question: Who will be your Miss Christmas girl this year? Will it be Aerith again? Or someone sweeter?(if it's even possible) Maybe someone more warmer, or you could say...hotter??? Gets really cold on winter so you know... Unless it doesn't... and we're still sweating on December, in wich case we're in deep shit... In that case maybe Gentiana's colder side could give us a visit! Or maybe her... Seventh sister.... (・ω< )☆ We could really use Aerith's nurse or nun sweetness in October. Treat or Treat baby! ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆


I've played a little bit of Yakuza 0. Haven't gotten very far with it, but it's been fun. As for the girl who I was most interested in, from the models it was Yuki from Yakuza Kiwami 2. There were some others too that caught my interest, but she was the one that made me download the models in the first place lol. I have zero clue on who will be featured in a Christmas set. Haven't thought THAT far ahead lol. Plus, the best I can do with it is just stick a Christmas cap on and make things 'warmish'. Doesn't require as much thought put into it as Halloween.


That far ahead!? Christmas was yesterday!! Catch up buddy! I'm sure you have your April 1st animation already done!!! Jk of course. Now I don't know if these character have rippable models, but Yakuza has a habit of making real life japanese models and pornstars as hostesses in the cabaret clubs. I remember watching some Jav stuff after playing Yakuza and thinking "hey...I know that girl...but from where.....??" I'm curious if you'll be interested in any of them if they do have models. And end up making.... Real life porn.... would be tripy indeed. ( ̄ω ̄).....


I'd be all over that Kasumi and Ayane animation. Ironically I think they both don't get enough love even though they're (or were) the face of the franchise lol. It's a shame that shaders are such a pain since I thought your Narmaya and Tatsumaki animations were great. I've seen people forgo shaders altogether in some anims and they look rough even with some decent lighting.


Really interesting to see some of these projects put on the burner. Interesting choices, as most of these like Ryza and Xenoblade really don’t see much animated work. I’m curious after seeing the breadth of your character choices, are there any series that you won’t touch for animations? I assume the super popular ones like Overwatch, but was wondering if there were any other popular ones that you’re just like “Nah not for me”


Yeah, Kasumi and Ayane don't get enough love(even from me, though I'm gonna do Ayane soon). Yeah - some models look okay without shaders(Valkyria Chronicles has fairly subtle shaders, so you can make them passable without any at all), but a lot do not. Narmaya wasn't a model I myself made or "shader-ized", so a lot of the work was done for me and I could tweak things as need be. Tatsumaki was just kind of lucky for me.


Though feel free to use bits and pieces of them to make more OCs. ;3 Hope we get to see something from them soon. The ones you showed looked really nice!


I try not to say I'll "never" touch something, because things can change. That said, Overwatch is like 99.99% unlikely to ever happen. The only other series I can really think of as being something I won't touch for various reasons(and which aren't because of the girls) is Genshin. Most of the rest I don't have any particular issues with doing, just not that interested in the girls or what not.


Holy shit Genshin, that was the other super popular series I just could *not* think of when I was writing that comment. Was like "Overwatch and something else....dunno just put Overwatch." Okay yeah that makes sense. Genshin has a lot of issues surrounding it. Do you prefer working with the more realistic girls/models like DoA and FF, as opposed to anime or cartoony (I guess think of something like LoL) ones? I feel like it's probably easier to work with the former, since you don't have to do as much work just to make them...well work I guess.


about your first paragraph, hope you do Helena. i mean the numbers of her animation doesn't increasing for few month. but, yeah.


I wouldn't say I prefer one over the other in terms of my own tastes. The only thing is that a "realistic" style is much easier to work with over "non-realistic" style. If it was simpler to get looking the way I want it to, I'd probably do a lot more non-realistic style stuff.


Yeah that's definitely understandable. Makes more sense to go with the easier ones to work with, since that allows you more opportunity to create more animations. Don't get me wrong I love your stuff, but it's always interesting to see the "non-realistic" animations. Like a nice change of pace sometimes. The Narmaya ones in particular were very nice. Have you thought about doing more with other characters from that game, or mostly just Narmaya hit your wheelhouse?


That's kinda why I always try to get them to work. I like the change of pace, and it acts a bit like a palate cleanser where it helps to make things feel "fresh" again. It's also why I don't like to work with the same character repeatedly, because it gets kind of repetitive after a while. As for Granblue, I'd like to get around to Yuel at some point. There are some others I'd probably try to make some with, but Yuel is definitely next on the list whenever I can get around to it. I really like her big fluffy tail, lol.


Hell yeah brotha. Some Yuel from you would be so good! Granblue has some very fine girls in it, glad they finally have a game that gives them a model to work with. Yuel, Narm, Metera, all great. I feel like you could do some interesting stuff with Yuel's tail too! Much touch fluffy tail...


tbh.. I would say Helena or Tina... Momiji is close to Mai when it comes to animations these days. pretty common. I would probably lean more toward Helena tho... She is pretty rare these days. Tina has been decreasing drastically lately. But still pretty active compared to Helena.