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gofile - https://gofile.io/d/SAbaRI

Voting form - https://forms.gle/63KCDzMT6xrNi14g7

I am NOT doing a four animation release for the poll again. It wasn't hard, so much as it cuts into my time to work on my normal release stuff. I cut some corners on these, and I'm not super happy with any of them, but that's also par for the course. Regardless, even though there are some things in these that might seem a little more ambitious than what I normally do, I didn't do much in the way of "QC". Just threw them together, made sure there wasn't any egregious clipping and called it a day. Probably missed some of that, too lol. No loops right now - I prefer to render the loops fresh than just "cut them" out of a full video(which will inevitably cause compression), but it'll take a while for that to finish and I didn't want to put off the relase any longer.

Anyways, enough of my griping. New poll starts, and as I mentioned in a previous post, the winner and "loser" will get animations done. Two is more reasonable to be done in a week over four, so that's not a problem. Choices are:

Dead or Alive - NiCO

Final Fantasy - Yuna

Misc - Tekken - Katarina

Misc - Tekken - Zafina

Full Random - Nyotengu

Pretty curious to see how this will go, since I know Nyotengu is pretty popular, but Yuna is a fairly popular Final Fantasy character and also a bit of a rare sight. Regardless, have a feeling one of the Tekken girls is gonna be in last place, but we'll see. I've started to wonder if I should maybe limit these polls to one character per series - I have enough series for that to be varied(which I'll list at some point in the future) - since I feel like it can split the votes, but not sure on that.



Makima x Denji

Yuna gonna be nice. Her Dissidia model looked pretty good.


The 3D animation is very good this time, but it feels like the standing movements are not as good as the normal body position. XD


Just notice some hair clipping in lobelia's animation around 18s mark, but it's no big deal when compared to the overall quality and quantity of this batch, another four animations with ~40s runtime just a week after the crazy doa pack. This dude is on fire.🔥


Oof, yeah, that's a cloth physics bug. Didn't notice that. I'll see about fixing it and reuploading it over the next fewish days.


Nah I actually think it's fine and you probably had put way too much effort into this batch, more than some usual releases maybe. This "extra" pack of animations is so massive it overshadows some of your smaller regular releases I think lol.


Fixing a cloth physics bug won't take too long. It'll take much longer to re-render it lol. It's a longish one, but the amount of effort was fairly low honestly. I've put more effort into getting a single loop perfect before lol.


I'm a simple man - I see Nyotengu, I click


So are the pose/position suggestions only for the character we vote for? Or do you combine all suggestions? Even the ones of those that didn't win the poll? I've wanted to make pose suggestions but since I don't know if the character i suggested it for wil win I don't really bother. But if my pose suggestions get counts towards the pose of the winner then I'll definitely try to put a one this time.


Well seems like as you animate faster over the process, your produtivity gets a huge boost as well. Although it still largely depends on the rng, limiting each series to appear only once does seem reasonable, as in the 4 poll that've been out, 3 out of 4 have 2 doa characters out of 5 slots.


I actually removed the pose suggestion, because I've kinda... not been taking them into account. Felt kind of rude, so I just decided to remove it. I may bring it back with some changes, but not sure yet.


A sorry, I'm at work and haven't opened the poll. Waiting to get home to increase my pledge ;3 And yeah, I think you deciding the position or maybe considering one from the comment section is better.


The quicker I can finish something, the quicker I can get to working on something else. There's laziness in the sense of not doing anything, but my laziness is about finding the best ways to finish something as quickly as possible without losing too much quality.


Yeah, I'm gonna see how this goes overall. Majority of suggestions were largely cowgirl, missionary, or blowjob anyway, so yeah.


My second poll and already this hard to choose. Yuna is one of popular girl i grown up with, but not really that like, because my fav is Yuffie until Jihl come out. Nyo is my Top 10 DOA girl. NiCO, i like her design and you bring her up with her most lewd costume. For Kat and Zafina, people inside Tekken R34 community doing them soooo bad. I mean BAD. Specially Katarina. IDK why people prioritizing The Schoolgirls Gang + one Granny. Im like about to skip this poll lmaoooo. And FINALLY, GUAN YINPING IS HEREEEE

Makima x Denji

I'm sure she will win. There are no quality lewds for her from what I have seen.


So I watched the animations and damn their good! There's the weird hair glitch with Lobelia but thats about it. Now, I know you are a fan of partially clothed seggs. But I appreciate the nude versions a lot. Being able to see what those clothes are hiding is part of the clothes version appeal. But it got me thinking.... Don't you find it weird that the girls retain most of their clothes, but the dood is just full on naked? In MY opinion, the girls should be the ones to be more undressed first. In a home/room/private environment I could see the guy disposing all their clothes. In a beach environment they would just be wearing shorts so that's perfectly fitting. But in Deuce clothed version situation, is weird to not see the dood at least have some sort of top on. Like a simple long sleeve shirt. Small and weird nitpick I've had that doesn't really ruin these at all. But want to know what you think about it. (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)


Never cared much for Luna before this, but you totally flipped me on her with this animation lol As for series limiting, I think only "Misc" should be kept unique from each other. Full random should remain.... Well, fully random lol


Really hoping Yuna wins! She's been one of my favorite characters for a really long time, and there's almost no good content out there featuring her. Seeing you do something with her would be amazing, given the quality of your work! Do you have models for any of the other X/X-2 girls? Will we see any of them in future polls?


YES!! Yuna!!


I've thought about putting the guy in clothes for some of those reasons, but at the end of the day I just don't care enough about the dude to find and fit clothes for him lol.


I think of all of them, the Luna animation is my favorite - I enjoyed doing the pew pew gun, and the final bit where she clamps down on the trigger.


I do think it's a good idea to limit the misc categories to one series at a time. I'll probably incorporate that for future polls.


I've got the X/X-2 models. The "HD Remaster" versions, anyway. They're a bit low quality, but I could make them work I think.


I was surprised when you initially said you weren't super happy with ANY of these animations. Like the rest, I kinda get your view in some ways but I thought Luna's was just really well made and I loved how her "head empty" vibe shined through. Plus, the whole thing with the neon stuff was just *chef kiss* I liked how Lobelia's had her wrapping her leg around the guy too. Kinda wanna see more of that leg wrapping stuff in future animations too


My main issues with the Luna one are the lighting/environment(spent like, two minutes on it and didn't feel assed to change it), and the general "speed" of things. Would have liked some of the movements to be a bit more "snappy", but it's sometimes hard to judge the speed of things in the viewport of Blender. And, like I said, I didn't spend a lot of time fixing these things I might have otherwise tried to fix. Still, from a conceptual and personality level, I think it's the best. Just the perfectionist in me nitpicking my own stuff.


Btw any update you don't mind sharing on the next regular release like the characters? Or the ones forward?(especially the secret one you haven't revealed yet)👀 Well if you don't feel like sharing just yet then just ignore me hehe.


Now I'm curious, are there any specific animations you made that you were almost 100% satisfied with? I believe you felt that way about your ghost girl animation, but I'm wondering what a "close-to-perfect" Lazy anim would look like, since you understand these tiny details better than most if not all of us


Is a an issue with all animators honestly. And only just now I thought how bizarre it is. Now as much as I want you to do tekken, these 2 options are not my thing. one is a hotie for the the sake of being hot, both in looks and character. And Zafina... could be a nice opportunity for you to do a very weird ass position, but not my interest for now. If I played with her maybe my mind would change. Nico you've done a healthy amount. And Nyo, is best birb, best tengu, best yokai, best girl, hime cuts for life... But it's just Nyo... you've animated her, you'll probably animated her if she wins(high probability) and you'll continue animating her for the foreseeable future. I'm guessing you'd have her wings in this case. Been a long time since you've had her spread her wings! So once again.... FF is my pick.... I'm sorry.... ( ╥ω╥ ) Exited to see you animate any of these gals eather way.👍


The relatively recent Nyotengu animation is probably one of the more recent ones to spring to mind. There are some nitpicks I could make on that one too, but I'm pretty satisficed with it. Christmas Aerith is another I can think of - nothing I would really change about that one. There are others, I'm pretty sure, but those are the ones I can think of right now.


Worse is the fact my male model is headless. He's literally just a slab of meat lol. It's fine - Final Fantasy-less polls will come soon enough lol.


Haven't really been able to work on the next regular release much due to the four poll animation. Haven't really added anyone beyond what's already "known", so yeah. Gonna be a busy bee this week too, lol. Next "secret"(not really secret, but yeah) character I haven't started on yet, either. Will probably draft some poses this week, though.


Top 3 is the only real ordered one: Nyotengu, Ayane, Marie. Past that, it's kind of a toss up. Momiji is probably there, and maybe Tamaki. Maybe Christie, too. Outside a few favorites, I can be very wishy-washy.


I know you said you're not happy with them, but putting out another batch of 40s animations so soon after the last one, of this quality still, is very impressive. The Luna one is probably my favorite of the bunch, both between the Pew's and the climax at the end. Very nicely done. It's very likely that a Tekken girl will get last, but what if all the Nyotengu voters think she'll lose to Yuna so nobody votes for her and we somehow get Yuna and Nyotengu animations. No way that happens, right?

gaMerfUll (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 10:23:11 Oooh, I adore your AC-themed stuff! Hope you get to do some of that soon <3
2022-08-02 00:25:50 There's your first Halloween recommendation. Headless man! I'll take all the credit, thank you.

There's your first Halloween recommendation. Headless man! I'll take all the credit, thank you.


Fun Fact: Last year, when I did those Logic Virus 2B animations, I was originally planning to do one where she's riding the guy, but the POV was going to be from where she was holding her hands up above her. Reason being, she was holding the head of the dude she was riding, and she would swing it around a bit, to the point you could see the body is headless. Everyone in Nier: Automata is an android, so it made sense and fit with the yandere sort of theme I was going for. Didn't go through with it because the animation was being annoying, and because some people might be weirded out.


Man I literally just downloaded that pack for storage. And I was thinking that a sequel to crazy 2B would be great for Halloween! That idea of yours sound sick though! If they're androids, a way to make it less gruesome and more "comical" is to make the male body still being able to move type of thing. That or give 2B teared clothes like when she self explodes. I'm not really into gory stuff. But crazy/psychotic girls with a little bit of blood smeared on them... Ngh!!! (*≧ω≦*)


Thank you for putting out so much work even if you're not very happy with them. As much as I wanted to pick Nyo I want to see something different so I'll go with Katarina this time but I'm sure I'll appreciate your next batch of work no matter who wins.


I'll consider crazy 2B for Halloween. Honestly, the fact that there's such little Crazy Logic Virus 2B is baffling to me - it's a concept that's right there, but no one does it. I was planning to have some very obvious metal bits sticking out of the neck, just so it's fairly obvious that it's an android.


Oh. Well, it was a fun idea while it lasted! With the pose suggestions gone, did you ever get anything fun or interesting with that? Or was it pretty much just "cowgirl cowgirl cowgirl blowjob doggy doggy cowgirl" for however many votes you get?


Mostly just "cowgirl" "riding" "missionary" "doggy" stuff. A few more specific - I got several "Under the table blowjob" from several different people, for example. Some were kind of confusing. I still don't know what sex position the "Side Slide" is.


And why stop there? The commander also gets infected... (¬‿¬ ) Anyways nice info nugget that headless man joke got out of you. Honestly, consider going through with your idea, sounds so awesome. If your not sure what people would think. Just ask. Unique and detailed animation like that are your specialty after all.


Commander getting infected could work, although I might be a bit more partial to Operator 21O. Now that I'm a little more comfortable with cloth physics, I might be able to do that "under the mask blowjob" I've wanted for a while now.


And maybe... for canon reasons.... Maybe...use that shota male model you used once for that hanjob animation with one of the RyanReos characters. Juuuust saying... Doesn't need to be 9S. All other male androids in yorha are.... small in nature... I'm sure they're all teens so it safe.... I think...


Well, they're robots, so it shouldn't matter anyway but y'know. Although there are some normal looking dude robots outside of YoRHa.


I know a lot of positions, but I'm not gonna lie, I have no idea what that is either! I was hoping Google would help me out, but I got nothing. Maybe something lost in translation.


I figure it's a translation issue. A few are more obvious with that, but that one was interesting. Might just be spooning, but it's fine.


Don't feel obliged to always sticking to the schedule strictly as you're mainly doing this for free. We really can't be asking for more. Quality always comes before quantity.(although you've been nailing both this whole time) Still if all these workloads are not that big of a deal to you as you are capable of animating faster then my concern is nothing relevant. The important thing is to do what you feel like doing.👍


Would you consider working with an audio person to add sound to the animation?


I'm working within my limits. If I need to take it easy, I will. No need to worry about that - my health, be it physical or mental, is important to me and I don't push myself unnecessarily.


I won't say it'll never happen, but right now, no. I wouldn't be able to keep up my schedule if I did that, and it'd probably be a struggle to schedule my work with someone else in the first place. Not something I want to deal with right now.


It might cost quite much to commission audio for your animations as well since the total combined runtime of you works in a month is incredibly long, not to mention the fact that you have the poll animations twice a month......Not sure if the pledge from supporters will be abe to cover the cost for audio tho.

Makima x Denji

I noticed a issue on the Melina animation I think. Could you fix that? It's the masturbation one at sec 16 you can see a black spot or something on the male.


Ooh, X-2 Rikku is on the table? What do you need to make that happen? Mountain carved into your likeness? Evil government regime toppled? Tower constructed to the heavens? But for real, I'll be keeping a close eye on the polls, cause having you make an animation with Rikku would be a dream come true, even if the model is a little low res. Plus your post on the Rinoa model was super cool, and it makes me think that even a low res model would turn out great in your hands! Keep up the awesome work!