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Ending this a bit earlier, because this was a complete and utter blowout. It wasn't even close compared to last time.

Yuna - 179 Points - 46 Votes

Nyotengu - 79 Points - 31 Votes

NiCO - 79 Points - 23 Votes

Katarina - 32 Points - 11 Votes

Zafina - 1 Point - 1 Vote

As I suspected, Yuna was a heavy-hitter. I was 99% certain she was going to win, but I was expecting a little bit more out of Nyotengu than what she got... but I have done plenty of Nyotengu while having done a grand total of 0 with Yuna so that was probably a contributing factor. Still, big oof on Zafina. Unless everyone voted Katarina in hopes of Zafina getting the lowest votes because I said I would do the winner and loser. I'm kind of uncertain. I have a feeling some people just voted for whoever they wanted without taking that into consideration. Should I hold a poll to determine who wins between the two? Let me know - since I ended this early, that poll can be to determine the runner-up.




Yooo. I thought the winner in order are : Nyo, Yuna, NiCO. So that means many "Dorman" Yuna fans out there ahahahaha. Yeah, bruh moment for Zafina. I'd vote Katarina just because Zafina recently got good animation from someone, so i want Kat got her as well. Fair enough.


Cheers to the one guy who voted for Zafina


Is it weird that I think Zafina lost because of the costume used in the poll xd? I know it sounds weird but both Tekken girls got the lowest amount of votes. And if you didn't know anything about Tekken you just take a glance and know what Kat is all about, whilst Zafina looks a bit plain. Maybe it is my bias because I've never quite liked that costume and I'm guessing that's the specific model you have to work with. But I think her default T7 costume is more eye-catching at first glance and her T6 costume is just perfect. Regardless, any Tekken content coming from you is a godsend. Those girls need more love.


It's possible. I do have her T7 costume, it's just harder to work with(since it's a bit asymmetrical, so I can't lazily mirror certain parts) so I went with that one because it was quicker and easy.


No way this was this coordinated, Zafina with the one point? First you animate 4 in a poll and now you're giving us a massive mind fck with this one. Does nobody cared about Zafina??? Did everyone cared and that's why they didn't vote for her??? Who...really won this poll...? I'm so confused... I think Zafina is the actual winner with this achievement... And Yuna is actually in second place.... I think just leave it as is. Both won in their respective ways, somehow. If you conclude the poll like this, then you should really have a really bizarre and confusing pose for Zafina to fit her character. And her confusing victory. ╮( ̄ω ̄;)╭


I've sort of become the "Final Fantasy" guy when it comes to animations. I would say the majority of people following me are following me because of FF, so it's kind of expected things have a FF slant.


Dude must be punching the air so hard rn But ngl, wasn't expecting NiCO to stand toe to toe with Nyo lol. I mean yeah, she's basically blue Marie Rose, but Nyo is like consistently among the top 3 most popular DoA girls lol


Not sure I wanna do a bizarre and confusing pose, if only for my laziness. I'll think about what I can do, I suppose.


Just do something weird with the legs or arms. Check some footage of the game for inspiration! Also, I'm expecting that you'll depict the winner of the next poll via an equation? Spice things up a bit??


Yeah, that was a bit of a surprise to me as well, although Nyo got quite a bit more raw votes. Might also just be because people know I do a lot of rando characters, as opposed to just the popular ones. Who knows, really.


Uh.... I guess it's time to go to college.... So how many people that support you participate on the polls. The points have been increasing so I'm guessing your pledges have as well.


Oh. Each poll has been a little over/under 50% as far as participation goes. It's been pretty consistent around that number, even as the amount of support has increased. Guessing that'll be pretty consistent going forward.


Well seems like some people just want to toss you cash and don't care about polls. I would have also pledge without anything in return but hey, polls are really fun and I hope they keep being fun to make for you.


They've been pretty fun... although I will say that I kind of feel bad when I see someone fresh pledge to me and vote for a character that is very much not going to win. >_> I'd like to give everyone what they want, but alas, there's only so much time and motivation. Anyway, next poll is probably gonna be the battle of the milfs. That one should be fun. Although I'm almost expecting a lower participation count lol.


damn..I thought nyo would win without a doubt😢


how about you do nyotengu and nico since they tied for 2nd place :D


Not again! lol Tell ya what, next time I do a general, non character focused DOA pack, there will be Nyotengu and NiCO.


Ahahaha i agree, even first animation that makes me know you was FF girl 😂😂


I'll take it. but damn. Zafina really got 1 vote for one point.


I'm sure we all expected a tekken character to win least votes. I'm a zafina fan so I voted katarina. Kinda felt pretty confident on the result we got. With how the rules were for this poll, no way voting for either character would help. Who knows if the other voters got the same intention.


Seems like people do take the winner-loser situation into consideration since a single vote for a character is never seen before in previous polls...... At least that's what I think. And Yuna's 179 votes is crazy, highest ever, ofc partially because of more supporters atm.


Didn't think nico wasn't number one😆


Katarina/Zafina from Tekken, huh ? Not the girls from the series, I look forward to too much, but it's nice to see some more love for this franchise. Hopefully, Julia or Lil will get a chance too here.😉

Makima x Denji

I'm not surprised. Yuna deserves 2 animations for the amount of votes she got lol. The blowjob anim for "Ascendant One Iris" was really good and hot. Hope you can use it again...


Yes!!! Yuna!! I'm so hyped!!!


That is a big uff for me. I cant see Yuna in these kinds of situations. Ah well.


So... Yuna set inbound? 😆


never noticed how good the yuna model looked. this is from the dissidia one right?


I'm kinda surprised Yuna won, but like you said, it's probably because there's barely any anims of her. Would've loved to see more of Nyotengu cause I really like her, but this is fine. The model looks really good though so I'm excited to see what you'll come up with for her.


Yep. It's decent, but it has the same issue as most of the Dissidia models in that they're a bit... overdone. They have a lot more topology than is really needed.