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This is just going to be a ramble of sorts. Figured I'd do this sort of thing from time-to-time, since I'm no longer bound by word limits, or feeling like I should only upload my animations with my main pixiv account. If there was one thing I missed from the Tumblr days after the move to Pixiv, it was the ability to just ramble pointlessly from time-to-time. I can be a bit rambly, but I'll try to keep it to a minimum.

Ever since the Nyotengu animation from April, I sort of understand how the hair particle system works. At least sort of. It's one of those things I've tried to learn many times, since I primarily wanted to use it the first time I made the "Ghost Girl" animation a couple years ago. What I have now is fine, but I wanted a messier look for it.

This is, more or less, the sort of "look" I want. Mostly straight hair, but with some hairs sticking out randomly and generally just looking like a mess as opposed to completely perfect, smooth hair. Problem is clipping, naturally. Unfortunately, not much I can do about that unless I want to really bog things down in terms of resources. That said, considering I only really want it for a potential sequel to my previous five minute long ghost video, it won't be that bad.

From the right angles, distance, and with enough filters, the clipping won't be too noticeable. There was a ton of clipping and issues with my previous one, but it's hard to tell since it's from a distance and it's got a filter slapped on top. There's a reason why it's in vogue to slap a "retro" style VHS filter on indie games now-a-days. Helps to cover a lot of imperfections.




Please, do more ramblings. Always enjoyed reading about a creator's process. Not many do that these days..


No need to hold back on ramblings. Your writing & thoughts on posts has always been oddly entertaining to read.


I'll post them whenever I have something to ramble about. Can't say how frequent they'll be, but I'm sure I've got a lot to ramble about.


Hyped about the ramblings. Also, where can I find the old ghost girl animation?


I think you've done pretty well with hair. I don't really mind the clipping, especially with this character. She is messy, so messy hair and clipping doesn't really look terrible. Or....it does...which is... a good thing. So a sequel to the ghost tape huh? Will it be really similar? VHS effect with stuff happening far away? I love the first one but it was kind of a shame that all those great poses and positions weren't happening just a BIT closer to the camera. Maybe a "modern" version of this idea would be the hole thing being in Portrait mode, recorded through a phone? And I was just thinking a way to spice this character a bit would be to add those sweet wet effect you gave Iris in your latest animation. And please. More rambling! Daily even!


I have several ideas in the way a sequel can go, but I haven't started on it and don't plan to for a while so I have no idea what will come of it. One thing to keep in mind about the static, distant camera is that it makes things a lot easier for me to setup and work with. I was churning each "shot" in fifteen minutes or so, and that's largely because I didn't have to deal with the camera, lighting, etc. since it was all static. Also kind of made adding in the horror/meme scenes easier, too. No jarring camera changes and shots... just a simple VHS glitch transition into the next scene that is from the same shot, but you're never quite sure what you'll get.


Aight I see. In that case maybe a Paranormal Activity take (not that I've seen any of them) A security camera of sorts. Is static and far away. Oh and please if you're going to meme again, then you've got to end it with her trying to get back into the TV and getting fcked halfway into it. There are a lot of references out there with this exact situation with this grill.


CCTV is an idea I've considered, but that'd be even further + harder to see than my original one probably lol. I was thinking more along the lines of near the end of that video, where they're closer to the camera, but it would still be a mostly static shot. On a more ambitious side, I did consider having a joke at the start showing an old VHS camcorder, then panning to a head-mounted GoPro. It all depends on how much effort I want to put into it though.


Probably on a booru site, but I've been slowly reuploading my old stuff on gofile bit by bit, so I'll get to it eventually. At least if we're talking about my very first ghost girl animation - the five minute video is still there, with a link on my Pixiv.


Nothing better than planning Halloween 4 months in advanced lol. Btw will you give us a tease for the next animation pack? Or are you still looking for a neat way to do it? A Silhouette? A frame with more pixel censor than Japanese prn? A REAL close up of hair?


I gotta plan things in advance because if I don't, I'll just procrastinate. I've had tons of ideas for April Fool's through the years, but they've always fallen through because I start them too late and run out of time. I only got Marle done because I started on them months ahead. I think my next few releases are kind of obvious based on a few things, but I might give a troll teaser next week.


Don't really know what to expect tho other than maybe a Nayo set?