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Thank you all for your continued support!🙏✨✨

8月2~3日の進捗 Progress on August 2-3

終わった下描き48/48 終わったペン入れ43.3/48

Drafts done 48/48 Pens done 43.3/48

表紙 0.3/2

cover art 0.3/2


The day before yesterday (August 2), I was too tired to work. I had to work on four pages yesterday (August 3) in an effort to recover. I will do the glossy hair and the background after I finish today's work. My goal is to complete the pen work on all pages first.😫


It is not easy to proceed smoothly with sex scenes because it takes a lot of effort to correct the parts that bother me from the drafting stage.🤔




The cock and other parts of the body are formed by toning, so they are not shown in the line drawing alone, which makes for a strange picture plane. I like a straight and flat body, so I really enjoy drawing this kind of scene.

I'm going to finish it with careful balance because it's an important scene.

At least I got the line drawing done, so that's good!😊


See you again for the next update.👦👧




Is the rules preventing from a full drawn chinchin? only ghost dongs from now on? will you release a line-censored version (or even uncensored) somewhere else?


Thanks for the comment Rakko. For the doujinshi that will be printed out at this time, I plan to process all of the doujinshi with a white fill. The same rule is currently in effect for the e-book version. This may be changed in the future. If I change the rule, the lines will be cut in black. When that will be, I do not know at this time. Please wait for the inexplicable Japanese regulations to loosen.🙇