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8月1日の進捗 Progress on August 1

終わった下描き48/48 終わったペン入れ39.2/48

Drafts done 48/48 Pens done 39.2/48

表紙 0.3/2

cover art 0.3/2




On July 31, I spent the morning working on the project I mentioned in my last blog, then went to bed in the afternoon and took the rest of the day off.

Yesterday, August 1, I worked from early in the morning until late in the afternoon, and finished a little more than two pages.

The reason for the slow progress was that it was an important scene, so I had to draw it carefully, and it took a surprisingly long time to draw the background flowers and plants. I was only tracing the background material, but I think the density of the picture became denser because of the unexpectedly long time it took.🤔



I feel that I have become accustomed to drawing the cock without daring to draw it. I think I will have to adjust the density of the gradient around the cock a little more, but I think this is a good way to imagine the smoothness of a shota's cock.

I drew Jun's vagina in the direction of covering it with her juices, so there is a bit too much peeing.😊


Today I plan to do my best to progress three pages from the page I am working on in the left of the image. But it is most important to draw carefully, so it may be the same progress.🙂


See you again for the next update.👦👧




seeing a ghost penis is always amusing - do you plan to release a version that is just censored with stripes, or all will be ghost penis from now on?


Thanks for the comment Rakko.🙂🙏 I was forced to use this expression in this case. This is the way it is at the moment because the regulation of expression in Japan is based on the average of the expression in commercial magazines at the time.🤔 If the standards change in the future, we will adopt a different method of expression.😉✨