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"Whew! That Penetrator machine is great! It's been pounding me for....wow....48 hours straight! Good thing the shota semen has plenty of vitamins to keep me fed and nourished though it all, otherwise we would've had to stop for a break! But nope! 48 hours straight of relentless sex! 🥰 Hehe but I should let it rest though...I don't want to break it! I know the Director would get super upset if I broke this thing on its first use...

Hehe...but you know me, I always come prepared! I scheduled a special visitor to come keep me company while the cum reservoirs are refilled and the machine is resting! What do you guys think? You think Caesar can do me harder than the Penetrator machine? mmm......let's find out! 😊" -Alice






I'm not an expert but I'm fairly certain that Caesar can and will do you harder than the machine... ...Banana Slamma!!!! 💪😤


Now I am imagining rows and rows of expendable shota being milked to replenish the reservoirs.


And if he doesn't outdo the machine on the first try, ol' "Monkey Man" may just have to try again. That's ok, Cesar...we don't mind waiting...and watching... ;)


"Hehe yeah but can he do me *longer*? Stamina is just as important as strength!" -Alice


"<giggle> Well, we don't have *that* many shotas at The Facility...but the ones that are here are pretty much being milked of their cum 24/7!" -Alice


"<blush> Mmm....I don't mind if he has to make multiple attempts! Hehe I'm super supportive like that! 😉" -Alice