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" I told Bethany to take pictures of me from every angle so that we could look at them later! I think this is my favorite one though, because it really shows how *deep* the dildos are thrusting inside me! And this machine is so technologically advanced too! You see that yoke that's holding me up at my waist? It moves in sync with the dildo to ram me up and down in time with the dildo thrusting! And the whole time both of them are shooting...hehe....*shota* semen up inside me! Collected from Loki and Damien and Idu and a few more shotas at my school!

The good thing is that I'm too young to get pregnant since I'm only ten years old, but I want to learn what it feels like to have someone's sperm injected inside me who's the same age as me! Most of the other times it's always been doggies or pigs or older guys so I just wanted to have little boy cum inside me!

Hmm..I guess I could just try the real thing... Maybe something to try in a future series perhaps? I'll have to talk to the Director!" -Alice






All right, so I may have slightly underestimated the volume of semen needed for that machine, but I still guessed correctly! I think I deserve a reward for that, don't you think, Alice? ;) In any case, I hope that you'll use up all of that precious semen. Let the machine fill up your womb until a torrent of cum flows out of your pussy. I want to see your face get covered in a thick layer of shota cum, leaking it all over your bare chest and latex-clad belly as you struggle to swallow all of that little boy juice being pumped directly into your throat… Mmmh, I do love it when it gets messy…


"Hehe a reward huh? <kisses you softly on the cheek> How about that, hmm? 😘 And there's still a lot more fun left to be had with this machine sweetie! And I don't want it to shoot it all out at the start now, do we? I'm gonna be hooked up to this thing for quite a while so I want to savor every drop it's gonna give me through the entire thing! At the end though...<giggle> it's gonna go allllll over my face!" -Alice