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"Hi everyone! Did you know that The Facility has its own nighttime talk show too? And I'm the host! Normally we have special guests on the show like Socrates and Loki and Dr. Yamanako but today the Director insisted on having Alice as the main guest since she won the popularity contest. (btw....a big hug and kiss to all you sweeties who voted me to second place! 🥰😘)

The only problem is...I don't have any questions for her! I already know her because she's my sister! So this is a great opportunity to do our bi-annual Q&A with the girls!

So in the comments below feel free to ask absolutely anything you want about any of the girls (or the Director or The Facility)! If you're too shy to ask in comments, you can always PM me directly. And if you want to direct your question towards one girl in particular you can mention that. Otherwise the Director will select the girls who he thinks will give the most....interesting...response.

All questions will be answered in a separate post later! Feel free to upvote questions that you particularly like!" 😘-Bethany!






Wonderland's Professor storms into the room, spying all the cute girls and asks "When are all you cuties coming to visit my lab? I have picked out such adorable animal forms for you to take on!"


Do you girls have more everyday latex, like the school uniform from a while back?


Hi Alice, do you plan on having vaginal sex with a pig and getting filled to the brim until you get a big belly?


Alice: Congratulation again for winning the popularity contest! Your recent "Evil Demon" side peeked my curiosity. I wonder who's more evil, clown or demon? Well, I guess a certain shota is going to find that out soon 😏 Bethany: That's a very elegant outfit you have on, I love it even though I can't see the whole thing...yet. How's your training as Dr. Yamanak's assistent going? 😉 Erin & Kaori: Team Dominant Loli's for the win! I'm curious who would come on top if you two compete against each other...how about a mud wrestling match? (Not that it matters who wins, I love both of you equally!) 😊 Felicity: Ah, the cute and innocent looking girl with one of the dirtiest minds...especially when it comes to sex with animals! How's your pet doing? I hope you have plenty of fun with him. I have noted down some ideas the Director has told me about you and Varosch, I would love to discuss them with you privately and maybe you have new ideas aswell? 😘


Mistress Yamanako: Good evening my beloved Mistress, I hope you are doing well. Is the afterparty session with Idu enjoyable so far? I look forward to *that time* when we can go all out again 🥰 The Director: How do you even manage to keep up with the girls? You have my deepest respect for managing The Facility. Keep up the good work! 🙇‍♂️


My question for Dr Yamanako.... When are you going to make Arty one of your loyal gimps? I am happy to ensure that the keys to all their locks are.... secure *coff* lost *coff*. :3


Socrates shyly puts up her hand and asks "The Director seems like he has too much free time on his hands... are there any plans for you to recruit any more of your classmates into the Sex Brigade / The Facility? I know I was not the only one who put her hand up when you offered back in (https://alicebunnie.fanbox.cc/posts/2158727).


Charlotte: Charlotte ma chérie, ça va? I also have some plans for you, don't think you've been forgotten. My question for you is: your cute students, shotas or Mistress Yamanako? 😉


Hehe, I would love for that to happen! But to properly serve my Mistress I have to train more and learn as much as I can when serving the other girls 😤


What's a guy have to do to spend an evening with Loki? Are there any plans to recruit a very young little loli ~6 for the facility? Research purposes of course. What is the director's favorite part about running the facility?


Popo: Director, you have a direct line to Santa right? Can you tell him how naughty Loki has been and that i should receive all his presents? -taps her foot demandingly-


Loki asks: I was with some of the Shota gimps the other day... And was wondering how they became gimps in the first place? Were they naughty? Did Kaori and Erin just kidnap them? Did Bethany get preggers lots of times?


First of all, I just want to say that you look ravishing, Bethany! Those gloves and spiked bracelets really bring out your rebellious side. You should totally dress up like that more often! Now for the questions. Of course, the first one goes to tonight's main guest, our dear Alice. 1) Alice, why are you naked? I understand that clothes are mostly optional at The Facility, but I feel like a talk show would require something a bit more… formal. Plus, I think that you would look really cute in a dress. Do you prefer being naked than wearing a sexy or revealing outfit? Don't get me wrong though, your beautiful little girl's body is absolutely worth showing off 😘


2) Erin, everybody knows that you are the one in charge at The Facility. You are undeniably the dom queen and no one can pretend to your throne. But what if the roles were reversed? Have you ever dreamt of being tied up and "fed" to a pack of horny dogs? Alternatively, how would you feel if a younger girl was to use you like her personal sex doll? Do you think you could enjoy being at the complete mercy of someone else? 3) We often hear about the shotas at the Facility, but apart from a select few, we rarely see them. How many are there and what do they do exactly? Do you just keep them locked up all day long and milk them when you need to fill up the tanks of your fucking machines? 4) If you were to all go out together one evening, for example to the cinema, who would be the first one to turn an innocent outing into a hot and sweaty public orgy? And don't tell me it would *not* turn into an orgy, because I absolutely would not buy it 😉


5) I know you girls love the taste of semen, but have you ever tried using it as an ingredient in dished? To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if Felicity ate her morning cereals with cum instead of milk… 6) Dr Yamanako, your addition to The Facility has been most welcome indeed. You bring, at least in my opinion, a much needed touch of maturity and authority to this establishment. I'm sure the Director greatly appreciates your help too. But despite your stern demeanour, have you ever wanted to leave all responsibilities behind for a day and give yourself up to your most primal desires? You are every day surrounded by nymphomaniac little girls who never miss the chance to have sex with each other or with any animal they meet. Don't you ever envy their carefreeness?


7) Finally, my last question goes to you, Mr Director. Why did you create The Facility, and what is its main goal precisely? Do the girls (and the boys) train in order to sell their services to the public or does your vision for your establishment go beyond mere profit? In any case, I am very glad to support you in your mission.


Hi Alice, what do you think of getting youself stuck and be a statue. 😋