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"Hey. Uh.....I'm Gregor. Normally the uh, the Director writes these things but he had to run off suddenly. He yelled something about a museum and a dog, I dunno wtf he was talking about. Anyways, so now I'm left here with this little Japanese chick. She uh...she keeps licking my cock and staring at me. I think you guys voted for me to fuck her, right? You uh, want me to use the bondage equipment or just like fuck her freestyle?" -Gregor


Note from Director: Sorry about that, I had to run downtown to the museum. There was an incident. It's not important. Also, jeezus Gregor you suck at writing these.




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Go freestyle and see how flexible she is!


"Why not both? I once told her to do splits and tied her down in that position." -Misaka


Yeah, let's put that bondage equipment to good use! Would be a shame to let it gather dust.


To Xilda: <blush> "I know right? I know I like to be the dominant one most of the time but I do like being tied up and used every once in a while..." -Kaori To Plur: "Vote above by liking the comment please!!" -Director


I'd start freestyle first probably before restraining her. He shouldn't be gentle though. This is a dungeon after all. Make her scream Gregor... of pleasure that is.


To Rabbit: "Hmph. I can take whatever this muscle bound jock puts me through!" -Kaori