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A loud whistle cut through the air- had it already been ten minutes? Bethany looked around for a good place to hide. What she noticed instead was something in a tree that looked very much like a camera. Did that perverted hunter already know where she was? How was she supposed to win this game now? She’d just have to keep moving- but the boots made it so that she couldn’t get much faster than a brisk trot. What a site she must be: her naked body painted up to look like a young deer- complete with little antlers and a white tail. The hoof-molded boots and gloves were firmly attached as well. Some voyeur wouldn’t see a girl running through the woods, they’d see a sexy little fawn prancing through the trees. At least it was a nice day, a slight breeze tickling her skin. The snap of a twig made her immediately take off in the other direction. She remembered how the hunter had looked at her earlier- no doubt he was enjoying a view of her white-tailed butt right now. Just so long as he didn’t catch her.


Thanks to the commissioner for letting me share this, and also for writing the caption!




Swiggity swooty, he's coming for that fawn booty


Beautiful, inviting ass.


Fantastic. I hope this story continues.


<giggle> "Of course! Do you really think I'd spend all that time painting my body just for one picture of me getting shot in the butt?" =P -Bethany


"Hmm maybe we can put Kaori through the same training regimen. Arty do you have any suggestions on who can be hunting her?" -The Director


*sends out their horny catboy* Well uh, just in-case you want Kaori to experience the thrill of a fox hunt...


Just look at my profil pic and it should be obvious who I would choose as the hunter ;)


Rupert could sit down on one of their tracks to "hole in" on the spot.


If I was a hunter I would load the darts with a potent aphrodesiac. This would cause the prey to uncontrollably drip and leave a trail for my hunting dog to follow and track her down.