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Anubis stood tall, his massive frame dwarfing the two ten year olds beneath him. His semen, festering in his loins for the past 3000 years now thoroughly coated the innards and faces of the girls. They would be marked as his for eternity. They looked up at their new master, waiting expectantly for their first task.

"ابحث عن الأرنب و Xilda. مارس الجنس معهم. اجعلهم عبيدًا للجنس" he intoned. The girls knelt before him and then scampered off. Anubis looked pleased...and began his prowl for another warm body to fuck.


Meanwhile, somewhere deep within the Facility a phone began to ring. The Director picked it up and listened.

"GODDAMMIT ERIN!" he yelled, throwing on his coat and running out the door.






Yes, Lord Anubis, send your slaves unto me. I eagerly await their arrival, for I am ready to receive your blessing. I give myself fully unto you, for you are our true Master. And I shall serve you for all eternity, for I seek naught but to accomplish your will. Praised be you, my Lord.


I was frightened at first. But then I thought, ah... wth. Felicity in latex sounds good. Although I like watching the animals have their way with her too. I wonder if Anubis knows about the Facility and the other girls.


<giggle> "Well...Anubis told me to service you any way you wanted, so your wish is my command Master! Animals and latex it is!" -Felicity


<smirk> "Oh yeah? After I'm done with you, you're going to be worshipping the Shrine of Erin instead!" ;-) -Erin


Oh wow, this was lovely. Hopefully the girls pay Anubis a visit in the future, and maybe Erin can surprise him with her green strap-on.


"Oooh a new commenter! <giggle> Maybe Felicity and I should pay you a visit too!" -Erin