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Hi everyone!!! Now, you guys know all about the girls that we have here at the Facility, but did you know that we also have a full stable of animals too? That's right, we have dogs, pigs, horses, chimpanzees, goblins, and even a unicorn! But since we're such a professional facility, we don't just let any animal in here to be pleasured by us. They have to undergo a very rigorous interview and inspection first. Normally the Director does all these job interviews but he had to go into the city to take care of something at the Museum so he asked me to fill in for him! So why dontcha come along with me and we can interview the candidate! I even put on my most professional latex suit!

This here is Kaiser, he's a German Shepard. His resume says that he has over three years of experience having sex with girls and his knot can expand the size of a tennis ball! It says here he's also a master of cunil...cun..lin... Uhm....licking pussies! Hmm...well we'll see about that huh? Let's start the interview!

-Love, Alice






Hold on, did Kaiser write his own resume? If so, that's quite impressive and he definitely should add it to his resume.


I like the lighting and relections of her outfit. Alice seems exited about this interview. There might be some bias involved.


<grumbles> "maybe he'll do a better job of writing these narrations than Gregor did...." -The Director


<blush> "awww thanks Rabbit! Hehe yes this is one of my favorite latex suits. I love the nipple holes! And I'm so excited about this interview that I've already unzipped the pussy opening! But don't worry, I'm never biased, I love everyone and everything equally!! 💕" -Alice


Soo.... what were some of those interview questions xD


You know.... I find this oddly cute. Is that bad?


Nope! Not bad at all (you'd know if it was bad, 'cuz Alice would womp ya over the nose with a rolled-up newspaper and sternly say, "NO!") :D