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Both Raven and Starfire's faces went blank; the pie is the key to Mother Mae Eye's power! They knew that if even so much as a tiny drop of her pie filling landed onto their tongues, they would become her mindless children or, in this case, babies. Mother Mae Eye floated away from her spot by the conveyor belt and picked an area devoid of any machinery to land. Using her magic, Mother Mae Eye pointed her finger at a pair of old steel folding chairs and started to manipulate them to her will. Starfire and Raven watched as normal, every day folding chairs changed shape and morphed into an identical pair of high chairs! From Raven's point of view, the chairs looked like they were meant for actual children due to how small they were. Raven had no idea how she was going to fit in the thing, she was petite, but not that petite. Deep down she hoped that she was too big for the infantile seat. "I know they look small, but you're both pretty small for your age." The old witch winked. The girls were simultaneously lowered and seated into the chairs. It didn't seem so bad until Raven's wet bottom was pressed up against her seat. However, things were about to get a whole lot worse. Mother Mae Eye pointed her crooked index finger towards the roof and then back down at the high chairs. The tray tables obeyed her unspoken command, flying up from behind the two diapered Titans before coming down over their heads and pinning them in at their elbows and tiny tummies. With a snap of the old woman's fingers the high chair trays locked themselves into place, sealing the powerless superheroes against their will in the feeding chairs. Starfire and Raven struggled against their uncomfortable new seats, but they couldn't break out of the chairs since they were enchanted by Mother Mae Eye's magic and refused to budge even an inch no matter how much they wriggled and squirmed. All their twisting and rocking did was make their diapers bulge outwards and crinkle except for Raven's wet diaper that squelched and felt slick and wet against her shaved pussy. "The chair is much too small!" Starfire whined "We're not your babies, we're adults!" Raven added. The fussy girls fighting against their high chairs looked every bit as infantile as Mother Mae Eye had envisioned them being. Still, she couldn't just let them go hungry. What kind of mother would she be if she did that? "Now you girls better behave yourselves and keep quiet or Mother won't change your dirty diapers when you make poopies after you eat." Both Starfire and Raven blushed an incredible shade of crimson upon hearing what the witch wanted them to do in their diapers. Starfire was rather startled by the thought of having to use the stiff, crinkly garment for such purposes, but Raven had been expecting it. After all, she had already been made to piss her pamper. However, hearing confirmation of what they were expected to do in their diapers didn't make it any better. Not being allowed to talk and being trapped in a high chair didn't exactly give the gothic titan anything to do but slouch forward in defeat. Since the chairs were meant for people half her size, Raven couldn't even rest her head in her hands or even cover her bare chest. She simply sulked in her saturated diaper and lamented the fact that she had no powers and had no chance of stopping her adversary from making her into a brainless, pamper pooping baby. The depressed goth looked over at her partner, Starfire, and couldn't help but admire that her legs were still swinging around. It wouldn't be enough to stop Mother Mae Eye, but the girl's fighting spirit was admirable to say the least. "Alright, Twinkle Star goes first." Mother Mae Eye announced with a flair of her wrinkled old hand. Out of the abyss, a ceramic bowl filled with blue slop was conjured into this realm along with a large rubber spoon. Both Titans stared at the huge ball in dismay; there was enough pie filling in that bowl to hypnotize the whole team! "Open up for Mother." The old witch ordered, but Starfire wouldn't budge. Undeterred, Mother Mae Eye brought the big spoon covered in blue mush to the redhead's lips. Starfire turned away from the spoon, she may have been immobilized from the chest down, but she still could move her head. "If you don't open for Mother then I'll have to take you for an afternoon stroll in the park after your sister is down in the machine." Mother Mae Eye threatened as she ran the spoon across Starfire's lips. Raven raised an eyebrow at this latest news. She had been too busy getting tickled and wetting herself to worry about Jinx, but the pink haired girl had been absent for a few minutes now. Raven looked over at Starfire, wondering if her teammate had picked up on the fact that Jinx was getting diapered, but she seemed far too preoccupied with dodging Mother Mae Eye's attempts at feeding her. It would've been quite comical if not for what was at stake. Everytime the old witch moved the spoon, Starfire would turn ber head the other way. She looked exactly like an overground one year old refusing to eat. As a result of her evasive maneuvering, the spoon of blue pie filling ended up on her chin, nose, both her cheeks and finally splattered across her breasts. This game that Starfire was playing was getting her dirty, but was also seemingly starting to work; Mother Mae Eye looked to be at her wits end. With a sigh, the old witch suddenly pulled the spoon away from Starfire and rubbed her chin as if in thought. 'What is she up to?' Raven wondered. "Oh my goodness!" Mother Mae Eye shouted in horror and pointed towards the other side of the factory. "What in the world is that horrible thing!" Starfire's mouth hung open in shock as she changed direction of her head. A huge grin spread across the old woman's face and, at the last second, she stuffed the giant spoon full of blue pie filling into Star's gaping mouth. Starfire's eyes widened for a brief second until her pupils grew large and her face became slack and content. "Fank you, mommy. Star wants moar of teh pie!" Starfire declared in a babyish voice. Raven couldn't believe that Starfire fell for the oldest trick in the book! "Mother will give you plenty of pie after she feeds your sister." Mother Mae Eye said, turning her attention on the pale diapered girl sitting next to Starfire. Raven stared down the illusion of motherhood and scowled. She wasn't going to give in and become her baby willingly. If she could stall this crazy old bat long enough for the boys to find her and Starfire, they could defeat the old witch before her mind was put under Mother Mae Eye's spell. "Let me out of this damn thing you crazy old witch!" Jinx's enraged voice could be heard coming from the conveyor belt. "Such naughty words coming from my baby Jinxie." Mother Mae Eye replied as she turned away from the topless goth in the high chair. "This wasn't a part of the plan!" Jinx screamed, her body completely useless inside of the swaddled material. Raven couldn't believe her eyes; Jinx was essentially trapped in some kind of garment that looked like a giant pink burrito made out of cotton and fleece with only a hole for her screaming face. She had no way of knowing that Mother Mae Eye had double crossed her rival and had the machine seal her inside of an enchanted, full body, swaddling suit which robbed the poor girl of her power. "Oh, Mother never intended on honoring that pact we made, little one." Mother Mae Eye laughed as she twirled her finger around in the air. "When I get out of here I'm going to destroy you!" Jinx shouted, her face going red with rage. "Oh, I think the only thing you'll be destroying is your diapers." The old witch laughed even louder and moved her finger upwards. "You crazy bi-" Jinx was cut off before she could finish her insult by a giant baby bottle full of milk being pushed into the pink haired girl's mouth. "There's a good baby. Maybe in a few years Mother will let you learn to walk again." The old witch said to herself before turning around to face Raven. "Wha- what do you mean by that?" Raven asked. The topless mage knew she had a few moments to ask a question before Mother's spoon returned to the old woman's hand. "Oh, you two little ones may be fussy, but I don't plan on making you as young as Jinx." The old witch replied. "How old will she be?" Raven couldn't stop herself from asking. "Oh, she's still an adult in body, but her mind is probably going to be around a few weeks old once she drinks all of Mother's milk." The old witch explained. "That bottle is-" "Yes, Mother can't give you that kind of milk since you'll get your icky powers back before it warps your mind." Mother Mae Eye chuckled. Raven visibly cringed, but counted herself lucky that she was only being forced to eat the pie filling and not something far more sinister. "Now, no more talking. If you eat your pie, like a good girl, Mother will change your wet diaper." The old witch offered. A loud, muffled fart pierced the awkward silence as Starfire started grunting. The poor girl couldn't use her hands to sit up in the chair since the tray was locked in tight just underneath her blueberry covered breasts. Restrained and forced to push out her mess, the redhead simply continued to strain and grunt in her high chair. All she could do was squirm as the mess finally came out, covering her backside in a warm mush. "Looks like Twinkle Star made a present for me." Mother Mae Eye smiled. Raven stared in disbelief at Starfire whose content, hypnotized eyes stared forward into the void. Her body looked relaxed and her plump, bloated diaper hung over the back of the small high chair's seat. "Here, let Mother clean up this end before she cleans up your other end." Mother Mae Eye spat into a washcloth and started to wipe Starfire's dirty little face clean. Once Starfire's face was wiped clean of the blue colored baby food, the old woman turned her attention onto Raven whose scowl had returned in full force. "Now look here, little Raven. Mother is going to give you one last chance to be a good baby. Eat your yummy pie filling for Mother like a good girl and maybe I won't make you ride around in a baby Walker in a dirty diaper every day for the next six months." A scolding finger was wagged in front of the goth's face. 'Either way I'm going to end up in a shit filled diaper, riding around in a baby Walker so why should I just give in?!' The defiant look on Raven's face told Mother Mae Eye everything. "Why do they always want to do things the hard way?" The old witch said to herself before blasting Raven's mouth with her magic. "Wut teh hew?!" Raven shouted as her mouth opened on own. "Heh, you didn't think Mother could do that?" Mother Mae Eye asked, her cackling laugh filling up the factory. "You have no powers, Raven. I could've done forced you to eat right from the moment you sat in that chair." "Bu why mak-" "Why make you both try to eat the food on your own?" The old woman finished Raven's question for her. "Yeh." "Because Mother wanted the full experience of dealing with a pair of fussy babies, but we're getting behind schedule now." Mother Mae Eye answered. "Skeduw?" Raven lisped against the magic holding her mouth open. "Yes, all infants need to be on a schedule, but unlike Jinxie over there, you two need to be fed, taken out for a stroll and then put down for a nap before dinner." "Wut bout Jinks?" Raven struggled to ask. "She'll wake up every two hours, get a diaper change and another bottle of milk before going back to sleep in her bassinet." The old woman explained in an exasperated voice. "Why dew dis?" Raven had to know. "Because Mother must recharge her power by feeding off of your emotions, Rae Rae. Now, I don't want to hear another word out of you." Mother Mae Eye's magic spoon sailed through the air and entered Raven's open mouth. The poor woman tried to shield her throat with her tongue, but it was too late. Mother Mae Eye forced her to eat spoonful after spoonful until she was completely oblivious to her surroundings. ---A Few Days Later In The Park--- Across town, a rather rotund woman was reported to be pushing a massive double wide stroller with two eighteen years olds seated within the infantile conveyance. The two young women who strapped into the stroller both bared a striking resemblance to the two missing Titan's but unlike Raven and Starfire these women were thickly diapered and topless. On the back of the fat lady was an oversized Baby Bjorn with a young, pink haired woman who also was completely swaddled with a pacifier that hung from her neck. This young woman looked a lot like Jinx, who was currently missing as well. The large women wearing a red and white dress smiled for all the gawking people walking past her. She was a new mother and was content to ignore all the strange stares from these rude city folk. After all, she didn't have to live here. She was considering moving out of Jump City with her two mentally one year old daughters and their mentally six month old "baby sister" Jinx. The End…?



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