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"Now are we going to do this the easy way or the fun way?" Jinx asked, genuinely curious. "I'm not going down without a fight!" Raven cried and lunged at the pink haired hex user. Jinx quickly put her hands together and blasted the with her pink star bolts which sent the caped girl into the steel structure. "Not as good as a spanking, but she'll be feeling that tomorrow." Jinx giggled to herself. The old witch watched Jinx follow Raven back into the machine with a frown. 'That girl doesn't know how to handle babies.' Even though Jinx was overstepping her bounds, Mother Mae Eye couldn't believe how well everything had gone so far; Jinx had kept up her end of the deal and got those powerful girls to follow her into the trap. It was a stroke of genius on Jinx's part for suggesting that they use the Hive Five as a distraction. But that wasn't all they did for her, once Gizmo learned that Jinx was trying to humiliate the titans, he worked night and day on the conveyor belt. 'Boy, did he do a marvelous job building this machine. I'm going to have to bake those boys, and little Gizmo, some of my famous cookies for helping out.' "Raven!" A distraught Starfire called out from her spot on the belt. "Poor Twinkle Star is all by herself." The old witch said with a frown. "We can't have that now can we?" With a grin, she reached for a lever. "I don't want baby Twinkle Star to be all alone without her sister." With a pull of the lever, the conveyor belt came to an abrupt stop and reversed itself which immediately sent a confused Starfire tumbling backwards into the machine. Within moments, all three girls were inside the same area of the machine; Jinx held a defiant Raven above the conveyor as a bewildered Starfire rolled past them on the belt. "You can reverse the machine now!" Jinx shouted to her partner in crime. "Jinx, please, just let us go." Raven tried begging, but the pink haired girl wasn't interested. "Where's the fun in that?" Jinx laughed and tossed Raven down onto the conveyor belt in front of a topless and diapered Starfire. Raven blinked as she took in Starfire's new outfit. "That's what this machine does?" "Yes. It does the diapering." Starfire replied in a sad voice as her arms and legs were seized by the mechanical hands. After losing to Jinx, Raven was restrained and manhandled by a machine that was personally built to humiliate her and dress her like an infant. If that wasn't bad enough, her pink haired rival was floating overhead, watching her get forced down onto belt and stripped of her identity with great amusement. The gloved hands tugged and pulled at her form fitting leotard. Raven struggled against the hands until her leotard was stretched so far that the hands ripped it from her body, leaving her in just her matching black bra and panties. She glared up at the machinery that was in the process of removing the ripped remains of her turtleneck leotard. An angry groan escaped from her throat as she felt the cool air wash over her naked flesh, but despite the chill in the air, her blood was beginning to boil. "What kind of sick machine did that half point weirdo build for you, Jinx?!” Raven demanded to know. Jinx could only laugh as the machine pulled Raven's panties down her legs, leaving the enraged goth in just her black silk bra. "It wasn't exactly my idea, but I'm not complaining about the results." Raven blocked out the annoying girl's voice. She should've known better than to ask. "Raven's enjoying this." Jinx giggled as she watched her rival's bra get taken off, exposing the girl's perky nipples to the cool air. The feeling of her nipples being exposed to the chilly air made her scowl, but it was what the machine did next that made her truly angry; it held up a diaper. She had traveled through time and space, tamed her emotions and conquered her enemies. She was an adult and she knew that she could outsmart this stupid machine if she simply focused her mind! The hands were still removing the remains of her leotard from around the conveyor belt. The only other hands were busy fiddling with her boots, if she could time this right, she could roll away from the hands and escape. When the hands pulled off her boots, Raven made her move; she had just enough time to stand up and dodge Starfire by crouching underneath her legs. Jinx hovered above, watching Raven try to outrun a bunch of hands that were chasing after the naked goth girl. 'Okay, if she gets away from the machine, i don't care what Mother say, I'm spanking her ass.' Raven was closing in on the entrance of the machine as she ran on the moving conveyor belt when a hand reached for her. The bare naked goth barely avoided being seized by diving forward into a somersault and springing back up onto her feet. She looked ahead to see that the exit was in sight and ran like hell towards freedom. "Oh my." Mother Mae Eye said to herself when she caught sight of a butt naked Raven trying to escape the machine. The poor girl was running against the conveyor belt in only her cape and belt made of black gems. "Let Mother help." The old witch laughed as she pressed a button on the control panel. Suddenly, the conveyor belt doubled in speed which made It look like Raven was running on a treadmill. After a few moments, a pair of red tentacles came out of the steel rectangle and grabbed Raven by the bottom of her cape, dragging the squirming, angry girl who was clawing at the belt with her bare hands, back into the machine. Raven was kicking and swinging her arms as the gloved hands carried her back to her spot in front of Starfire. The arms holding Raven lowered her back down onto the stiff rubber belt and resumed taking off her jewelry. Raven glanced up at her teammate, who was being held spread eagle in the air by the mechanical hands, fully diapered and powerless to do anything to help. The pale titan could only blush at seeing Starfire in such a humiliating state as another gloved hand eagerly poured a full bottle of baby powder onto the gothic mage's shaved pussy. While Raven was getting a diaper laid out underneath her plump ass Starfire hung above the belt, forced to watch her blushing best friend get powdered and diapered. Seeing Raven being diapered only made Starfire renew her struggling against her metallic captors; she couldn't give up, had to fight back! However, her pathetic attempts at trying to wriggle free made the machine think that she was constipated. A new hand slithered down from above and forced a large pill into her mouth. The bitter taste of the pill made her eyes pop open in utter shock. Raven wanted to call out to her restrained friend, but the feeling of a thick, plastic backed diaper being taped around her hips caused any words she had thought to say to die on her tongue. The feeling of the diaper made her cheeks burn even brighter as the machine lowered her now diaper encased ass onto the belt. Gone was the hard surface of the industrial machinery; all she could feel was an incredible bulk lifting her bottom up off of the conveyor belt by a few inches. Raven looked down at the machine's handiwork with a mix of shame and absolute rage. She wasn't a child! She wasn't a damn baby! She was the daughter of Arella and the demonic progeny of Trigon. Her whole life had been a balancing act up until now. The young woman had successfully kept her own emotions in check for almost two decades and was constantly overcoming any obstacle placed in her way. 'Did I really fall victim to Jinx and that crazy old witch? Was my overconfidence in my abilities truly what led me to be humiliated at this current moment? Maybe I just ate too much of Beast Boy's candy before going to bed and this is all just a really weird nightmare…' "There's my little Rae Rae and Twinkle Star!" Raven frowned as her thoughts were interrupted by that creepy old witch's voice. Raven could see that Mother Mae Eye was using all of her magic to cast an illusion. She wanted everyone to see her as that tubby, fat faced, old granny who wore a red and white dress. Her sweet and sugary voice was just another part of that illusion, Raven recalled from their last experience with the woman. The empath knew her true form was as far removed from a kind old granny as anyone could be. She was truly an ugly, green skinned, grey haired old had with three eyes and a big wart on her nose. Mother Mae Eye gazed down at the scowling diapered Raven and her squirming friend, Starfire. The woman knew that these young ladies weren't ready to be her children yet, but she would fix that in due time. "You're both far too cute to have such sour faces." The old witch levitated from her spot on the catwalk and descended down to the conveyor as to survey her new baby girl, Raven. "I know you're full of fire and evil, but let's see if I can't make you smile!" Raven didn't know what to expect when the old witch disguised as a kindly old grandma moved her hands to her sides. "No! Don't! I'm ticklishahahahaha!" Raven cried out as Mother Mae Eye's boney fingers danced across her sides. "Dere’s my wittle baby! Yes, you is! Yes, you is! Mother's gonna tickle you!" The old witch cooed in a sickeningly sweet tone of baby talk. Raven kicked her legs as the woman's fingers traveled across her ribs and down to her diapered waist. The poor mage flailed as much as she could while laughing her diapered ass off as her new "mother" continued to tickle her without mercy. Finally, the old witch stopped, leaving Raven gasping for air. She barely could utter a word of protest when the old woman started to tickle her just beneath her diaper on her bare thighs. Manic laughter soon drowned out everything in the factory as Raven fought her body's natural reaction to such stimuli. "Pl-Pl-Please!" Raven struggled to say as the witch brought her hands away from the diapered girl's legs. "Did baby Rae Rae wettum her diapee?" Mother Mae Eye didn't wait for an answer. She started rapidly pinching Raven's sides before moving her fingers over the squirming girl's tiny toned tummy. She renewed her ticklish torture in full, wanting the girl to wet herself and accept her new status. Only when Raven pissed her pampers would the old witch stop her attack. Raven could barely breath and couldn't stop her body from spraying the inside of her diaper. The goth had no idea that she had wet herself until Mother Mae Eye ceased her tickling. Once she regained her breath, she felt a sudden warmth between her legs that wasn't there when the witch had started tickling her. 'Damn it! I can't believe I actually pissed myself!' Raven's frown was even more prominent than before Mother Mae Eye had started tickling her. Mother Mae Eye could see the slight discoloration in Raven's diaper, but she decided to play ignorant. "Still grumpy, huh? How about we turn those frowns upside down with some of my famous pie?" The old ghoul grinned.



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