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Raven groaned as the thick rubber belt she had landed on suddenly started moving. She tried to use her powers, tried to lash out and prevent herself from being pulled down the conveyor belt, but her body could do little more than ache. It seemed that Starfire was in a similar situation since she was trying to use her hands to summon her power and failed to so much as generate a spark of energy. "Friend, Raven. Perhaps a spell might work?" Starfire's voice came from in front of the struggling mage. "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" Raven said, concentrating on the phrase, but nothing happened. She tried saying it over and over, but it was no use. Her magic, and by extension, her witchcraft, were utterly useless to save them from whatever horrible fate Jinx and Mother Mae Eye had in store for them. The mage decided to get her bearings and looked down the conveyor belt to see that it was heading into a bizarre looking steel box. From out of the shadows of the steel structure a dozen tendrils shot out at the struggling titans. Starfire felt her legs get grabbed by a rather cartoonish pair of gloved hands. She had never seen anything quite like them before in all of her days, and before she knew it, her arms and legs had been restrained. "What is it that these hands want with us?" "Friend, Raven?" Star asked, calling out to see if her fellow female Titan was still behind her on the belt. Raven had seen the metallic tentacles coming at her and Starfire, but unlike her friend, she had rolled off of the belt seconds before the hands could grab her. She landed on the cement floor with a thud before realizing that she somehow managed to go unnoticed by the machine. Thinking on her toes, she scurried below the space underneath the conveyor belt on her hands and knees. The mage had no idea what purpose the machine served and simply thought it best to wait and see just what the machine was going to do to Starfire. It wasn't exactly her proudest moment, but it was better to be free and have the ability to help Starfire out then be on the belt with her, completely helpless to do anything to stop the machine. "Unhand me at once!" Starfire shouted angrily as the machine manhandled her. The multiple pairs of hands ignored the squirming girl's demands. They were focused on stripping her of all of her "adult" clothing as quickly and as efficiently as possible. The hands by her upper body went to work removing her gorget and silver forearm bracelets. Next came her purple top, leaving her completely topless. Starfire could feel her nipples instantly grow hard due to being exposed to the cool air which only fueled her resolve to wriggle away from there horrible hands. While her upper body was being stripped, another pair of hands worked on undoing her belt, which easily came loose and allowed her skirt to be slid down her hips towards her boots where another pair of hands were tugging the boots off of her feet. As her boots fell to the floor, along with her skirt, the Tamaranean Princess' purple thong was exposed, causing the mortified young woman to blush. She twisted and turned against the hands as her skimpy underwear was yanked down her legs and discarded like they were garbage. After throwing away her purple thong, the gloved hands grabbed Starfire by her ankles and pulled her into a curled up position on the belt. Starfire thrashed angrily on the belt like a fish as her bottom was wiped for her by one of the hands. Her legs were then pried apart and the machine suddenly came to a halt. "Raven?" Starfire called out, hoping that her friend had somehow disabled the machine. Her words echoed against the steel walls of the chamber she was being processed in and seemingly fell upon dead ears. A small patch of brilliant red hair stood out just about her bare mound. The hands seemed perplexed by the sight of this small, but well groomed square of hair. It seemed like they were digitally deliberately what to do with it as Starfire squirmed on her back against the hand holding her legs apart. After an awkward moment of floundering, Starfire ceased her struggling when a hand slowly appeared holding a canister of some kind. With a pressurized hiss, a cool blast of shaving cream instantly squirted onto her crotch. “Stop that! Do not shave the crotch!” The alien cried as a simple, pink handheld store brand razor was drawn against her skin until it erased her picturesque patch of pubic hair from existence. 'What the hell is this machine doing to Star?' A confused Raven wondered as she heard her friend yell at the crazy contraption that was shaving her. The conveyor hummed as Starfire was moved further down the belt towards an area where a table stood off to the side of the machine. When Starfire reached the table, a new pair of tentacles slithered down from the ceiling and grabbed the white rectangle that rested on top of the odd looking table. With a fling of its mechanical wrist, the white shiny rectangle of plastic was unfurled, revealing it to be none other than a diaper! "Please!" Starfire begged. "I do not need the diaper." The machine didn't care about what Starfire claimed to "need" because it knew exactly what she needed. One hand snatched her by her ankles, forcing her legs back into the air while the other hand placed the outstretched diaper underneath her shapely bottom. "I do not want this diaper!" Starfire whined. Once the diaper was laid out underneath the squirming woman the hand was free and snaked its way back over to the changing table. While the hand was busy searching the table its partner kept Starfire from kicking, which the struggling girl kept trying to do. The free hand finally located the item it was looking for and held it up in front of Starfire; it was a bottle of baby powder! Without a word of warning, the hand started dumping it onto Star's freshly shaved pussy with reckless abandon. It even managed to get some powder on Starfire's chest which made the young woman sneeze. Slowly, the hand holding her by her ankles lowered her butt down onto the open diaper. The plastic backed garment crackled in response to Starfire's bottom being placed on it. She could feel her ass sinking into the thick cotton, but that oddly soothing sensation was interrupted by the hands pulling the diaper up between her legs and over her shaved and powdered pussy. A hand held the diaper over her crotch, keeping everything nice and secure while the other hand taped her in to the huge baby diaper. "Why are you dressing us like the infant?" Starfire asked, her face twisted in confusion as she looked down at the big bulky disposable diaper hugging her waist. Her question went unanswered as the mechanical contraptions pulled various pieces of clothing out from the drawers in the changing table. They swiftly went to work putting mittens and booties onto the orange girl’s hands and feet. Starfire tried to squeeze her fingers into a fist once her hands were secured in the mitten, but the fingerless mitten prevented her from even doing that much! She then felt something stiff plopped onto her head and noticed that the hands were tying something underneath her chin. Finally, the stunned crime fighter was rolled out of the long steel enclosure in just a diaper and a pair of mittens and booties. From a control booth above, Mother Mae Eye chuckled as she watched Starfire exit the machine. The orange child looked absolutely adorable to the older woman who was so absorbed by the Starfire's new outfit that she didn't even noticed that Raven was no where to be seen. "Hey! Where's Raven?" An annoyed Jinx asked. It was one thing to see Starfire dressed like an overgrown baby, but Jinx wanted to see her rival demoted to diapers. This whole plan would be worthless if Raven wasn't diapered and humiliated. The tubby old woman in the red and white dress had to do a double take at the conveyor belt. She could see her baby Twinkle Star, but no baby Rae Rae! "Now where did that little brat get to?" The older woman asked, a hint of annoyance cutting through her normally sugary tone of voice. "Don't worry, Mother. I will hunt her down and make sure she gets dressed." Jinx smiled at the other villain and leapt down from the platform. "I hope for your sake you do or you might be demoted to being Rae Rae's baby sister." Mother Mae Eye warned. Raven heard two women yelling in the distance, but the interior of the machine made it difficult to understand what they were saying. Between the machinery humming and the walls causing their words to echo, Raven had no clue what they were saying, but she had a feeling that they weren't exactly pleased to only see Srarfire come out of the machine. With few options available to the gothic titan, Raven stuck her head out from underneath the conveyor belt and glanced around to see if the coast was clear; it was! Jinx was nowhere to be seen! If she was able to get out of the box, she might have a chance to escape from the factory and get help from her teammates! Raven got up from her hiding spot and instantly took off for the closest exit. Just as she was running out of the steel structure, a familiar pink haired witch popped out from behind a stack of boxes. "I found Raven, Mother!" Jinx hollered up to Mother Mae Eye. "The silly girl must've been playing hide and seek." The fat witch replied with a jovial laugh as she spotted Jinx cornering Raven. "Yeah, the big baby was hiding, but now I'm going to give her a spanking." Jinx smiled as her fists suddenly started to glow. "You will do no such thing, Jinxie!" The older woman shouted. Mother Mae Eye watched her two newest children with a close eye and was ready to jump in and punish Jinx if need be. She had been planning on only adopting Raven and Starfire once Jinx got the girls away from the other Titans, but there was always room for a third baby in her nursery if the pink haired girl decided to go against her Mother. "But Motheeer!" The pink haired witch whined. "Don't push your luck with me, little girl. I can conjure up a bassinet with your name on it in the blink of an eye." "Fine, I won't spank her, but I still have to get her back into the machine." A mischievous grin spread across the teen's face. Raven didn't like where this was going. For the first time in years, she felt weak and cornered. There had been plenty times in the young woman's life where she had felt fear; an immense fear of losing control and killing everyone she cared about, but at least she had power to fear. That was when she had to worry about controlling her abilities. This was different. She lacked the power to even protect herself and that made her feel like she had absolutely zero control over this situation. "Yes, but be careful with Rae Rae. She's not as strong as you." Mother Mae Eye said in an effort to remind Jinx to go easy on the powerless mage. "Don't worry, Mother. She'll be back in diapers in no time at all." "Jinx! Stop this!" Raven shouted. "Can't you see that she's controlling you?" "Controlling me?" Jinx scoffed. "We've teamed up to take you and that tan bimbo down!" Raven blinked in disbelief. "Are you sure about that? What did she promise you?" "Not only do I get to watch you and that orange bug zapper get diapered, but I get all the jewels from the museum heist once you've been dressed and shipped off with Mother." Jinx explained, her hands burning brighter with each word she said. "Crap." Raven muttered to herself as Jinx started walking up to her.



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