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From their altitude, the two Titans capable of flight had a tactical view over the industrial district which was just a few blocks away from downtown. It was home to numerous warehouses, distribution centers and traditional factories. They had momentarily lost sight of Jinx due to the arrival of See-More and Kyd Wykkyd, but the two female titans were determined to find the rogue witch. 'She could be hiding out in any one of these structures', Raven realized as she surveyed the area from above. "Friend Raven, Jinx just ran into that building over there!" Starfire pointed at a massive brick building. The Gothic Titan spotted the structure and couldn't figure out if it was a factory or a warehouse. Ultimately it didn't matter to Raven what purpose the building served as long as she could locate the pink haired teen and those priceless gems she had stolen from the museum. "Star, let's land on the roof and make our way inside the building quietly. We should be able to surprise her from the rafters." Starfire nodded and the two Titans touched down on the roof as silently as they could. However, upon landing, Raven felt a strange sensation; a feeling that she and Starfire were not alone. Before Raven had a chance to call out to Starfire, a pair of black platform boots with violet soles was the last thing she saw before she got kicked square in the chest, sending the empath flying off the roof. The sound of boots landing on the metallic surface of the roof caused the Tamaranian Princess to spin around. "How is it that you are up here when I last saw you on the ground?" Starfire wondered out loud as she came face to face with the pink haired hex user. "Gizmo cooked up these nifty holographic projectors." The witch explained, holding up a silver canister while a grin spread across her face. Out of nowhere, a fist engulfed in black aura struck the pink haired teen, knocking the girl to the ground. Raven scooped up the silver projector and looked it over in mock fascination. "Thanks for telling us about Gizmo's new toy. I'm sure Cyborg will be more than happy to take this thing apart and learn all about it." "That's fine with me. I only care about the gems!" Jinx shouted as she leapt up from the steel plated roof and threw a glowing pink punch right at Raven. The cloaked crime fighter ducked which caused Jinx to sail over her body. Starfire took this opportunity to blast the witch with a green beam to the stomach, sending the pink haired girl tumbling back to the roof of the building once more. "Nicely done, Star." Raven said with a grin. "Ugh," Jinx groaned as she sat up. "How about you two stop using your powers and we settle this thing the old fashioned way?" "But I do not know about the old fashioned way." Starfire replied. "She wants to fight hand to hand, Star." Raven explained, cracking her knuckles. "I can handle her." Jinx tried to punch Raven, but was easily blocked by the Gothic girl's forearm which burned with dark energy. Now it was Raven's turn to return a punch, but Jinx started to cartwheel out of the way of Raven's punches until she ran out of roof. She flipped through the air and landed flawlessly on the ground. Raven could only sigh as she watched the mischievous sorceress taunt her from two stories below. "That's how you want to do this?" Raven muttered to herself as she leapt off the building and used her power to slowly descend to the cement. While the fight resumed between Raven and Jinx, Starfire watched them battle it out from above. She wanted to join in, but she wanted to honor Raven's wish and let her friend do the battle on her own. So, she hovered in place, ready to come to Raven's aid if Jinx started using any of her tricks. "That's the best you got?" Jinx launched herself at her leotard wearing counterpart. Jinx telegraphed her attack which allowed Raven to grasp the pouncing pink haired girl's forearms and pull the witch with her as Raven rolled back into a swift somersault. Jinx couldn't stop the Gothic titan from planting her shoes into the hex user's midsection as the tumbled backwards. The surprise counter culminated with Raven sending Jinx flying into the warehouse door, landing in a pile of boxes. "Friend, Raven! That was a splendid, old fashioned." Starfire cheered. A pink aura briefly illuminated the interior of the destroyed box before Jinx got up from the ground, rubbing her cheek as she stood on one knee. "That was a nice counter. I guess you're just too much for me. Here, take these jewels back. They're not worth getting my butt kicked again." Raven wondered if Jinx was trying to pull something, but when she saw the shining glint of the rubies and emeralds hanging from the two rare necklaces that Jinx held in her hand, she knew that they were the real thing. The Gothic Titan walked up to Jinx and stared at the jewels; they looked like they were practically glowing, but Raven attributed that to the angle of the sun hitting the brilliant gemstones. "Maybe there's some hope for you after all." Raven stated as Jinx gave her the necklaces. Jinx stood there, waiting for the perfect moment to make her move. Raven started to feel incredibly odd; the normal torrent of emotions battling for control were no longer present. It felt like there was no raging whirlwind of energy within her body. Normally, she would've assumed that she had reached a harmonious balance within herself, but that typically only happened after a few hours of meditation. She tried to summon her powers to make her hands glow, but nothing happened. "Starfire!" Raven called out. "What is it, Raven?" "I think there's something wrong with my powers!" The normally reserved titan shouted as she dropped the necklaces in shock. "You are not going to turn into the demon are you?" The Tamaranian Princess asked as she picked up the two necklaces that Raven had dropped. "Starfire! Don't touch those necklaces!" But it was already too late. The Tamaranian woman was holding onto the necklaces in her hand, oblivious to the gem's hidden ability. "Why should I not take hold of the jewels?" Starfire suddenly felt drained upon finishing her sentence. She looked down at her hands and failed to generate even a fraction of her magic. "The Jewels! They have taken from us our powers!" Starfire declared in a frighten voice. "You two idiots fell right into my trap!" Jinx grinned as she stood up and did a flip over the two stunned teens. "You put a hex on-" Jinx interrupted Raven by blasting the mage and Starfire with a cascade of pink bolts, sending the two titans flying deeper into the dimly lit facility. Raven held her head as she sat up, the first thing she saw was Jinx slowly walking towards herself and Starfire. "You two think it's fun to foil my plans every week? Let's see how you like it when my plans actually succeed!" The pink haired girl's fists glowed ominously, casting shadows against the interior of the warehouse as she approached the two fallen heros. She had been waiting for this moment and was more than ready to dish out some punishment; the tables had finally turned. Both Titans were powerless to protect themself from Jinx's barrage of star bolts. The pink haired witch blasted them both high into the air, sending them smacking against the far wall of the factory with a dull thud. "That's enough, Jinxie." A sweet yet familiar voice ordered from the shadows. "But Mother!" Jinx whined. "I want to finish them off!" "We had a deal, little lady. Now be a good girl and don't pout." A rather rotund figure emerged from the veil of shadows; Mother Mae Eye. "I know, but-" "No buts, little girl." The rosie checked, fat faced old lady said in a stern tone as she pulled on a lever.



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