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Misty turned away from her now imprisoned captor and looked down at herself. The diaper she was forced to wear seemed to be custom made and tailored to fit her size. It was thick, but not overly so. As she stared at the white disposable cradling her crotch, she realized that she didn't exactly have a lot of experience with diapers. After all, she was the youngest child out of four girls, and never had to change diapers, but she did know that all she had to do was pull off the tapes and the diaper would fall to the ground. "Ugh!" Misty grunted in annoyance as her fingertips tugged on the edges of the tape and nothing happened. She tried to dig her nails underneath the firmly applied adhesive, but couldn't get any leverage. It was like the tapes were glued on and were only meant to be removed by the Joybot. Upset, but still determined, Misty grabbed the waistband of her plastic prison and tried her hardest to pull it down. However, unlike a pair of panties, they wouldn't budge. She realized that the upper part of the diaper had contoured itself to her hips, sealing her firmly into the disposable and preventing her from yanking them down her thighs. "Why won't you come off?!" Misty whined as she kept tugging on the plastic shell with all her strength, causing it to crinkle randomly against her fingers. She then decided to try grabbing the outside edges of her diaper's leak guards for leverage. With a huff, she struggled and fought to slide them down, but it was no use; her diaper stayed firmly in place. Sighing, Misty had to admit defeat. She contemplated asking the Joybot if there was a special way to get the diaper to come loose, but the sound of kicks against glass made Misty realize that wasn't exactly a good idea.. Even if the Nurse would tell her, she was now trapped within the mechanical contraption's glass stomach and the redhead from Cerulean City definitely didn't want to join her. Although it was a joke, Misty noted that her captor would definitely be trapped inside her own creation for a few months if she didn't get someone to help her. The thought of getting Officer Jenny to assist her went through her mind before she dismissed it. If Nurse Joy was in cahoots with Team Rocket then what if Officer Jenny was too? It didn't sound unreasonable since it seemed like the criminal organization had already infiltrated the Pokemon Center. Plus, even if Jenny wasn't working for Team Rocket, Misty didn't exactly want Jenny to see her like this. She saw her every other day! "Great, now I have to go outside dressed like this to find someone to save you!" Misty exclaimed as a vein throbbed on her forehead. Anyone else might've left their kidnapper to rot, but the Cerulean City Gym Leader wasn't vindictive. She may have had a fiery temper and was firmly stubborn when it came to certain things, such as trying to get a new bike from a certain dimwit from Pallet Town, but she wasn't cruel. "Ash!" Misty announced outloud. "He might be able to help me with this!" She started walking back to the belt when she heard the ever familiar crackle of plastic against her thighs. A crimson blush spread across her face when she remembered what she was wearing. "Ash is going to laugh at me!" Misty couldn't help but whine as she poked the outer plastic shell of her diaper. Still, it was probably best if she tried to get Ash to come over here and help her. He was her best friend and, unlike some random person from the area, she didn't have to worry about him blabbing to anyone about her current state of dress. If word got around Cerulean City that the Gym Leader was seen naked, running around while wearing only a diaper, she would never be able to show her face in public again! With her mind set, Misty started walking towards the exit when she caught a glimpse of something that looked out of place in the grey, industrialized factory. It looked like her yellow shirt! She waddled her way over to the side of the conveyor belt and bent down with a crinkle. "Yes!" The redhead cheered as she saw that all of her clothes were strewn about, laying there on the other side of the machinery. She hopped onto the conveyor belt and pivoted on her diapered butt to get over it. Landing on her bare feet, Misty quickly grabbed her yellow crop top and slid it over her head, smiling as her chest was now covered. Most of her midriff was still revealed, like it always was, but the fact that her diaper was uncovered irked the redhead. She reached for her jean shorts and struggled to yank them over her diaper. She managed to get them half way up her diapered butt, but the diaper was much too bulbous to allow the shorts to go any higher. Even if she could get them to cover her diapered backside and stay held up with her red suspenders, the zipper in the front wouldn't close and, no matter what she tried, the waistband of her diaper was still prominently on display from every angle. "This stupid diaper is too big for my shorts!" Misty frowned as she dropped her jeans, giving up on trying to cover the diaper. As she stared down at her padded prison, holding her suspenders in her hand, she thought of an idea. 'Maybe I can clip my suspenders to the diaper and go through the woods until I get back to the Gym. That way, I'll look normal from the waist up and, if anyone sees me, I'll probably be standing behind some bushes or shrubs.' With a half baked plan in mind, Misty sat down on her diapered behind and coughed a single cough as a puff of baby powder was forced up from the front of her large pampers. After clearing her lungs of the talc based powder, she slightly smiled as she put on her trademark red, yellow and white sneakers. Under different circumstances, she would''ve enjoyed the comfort and padding that lifted her bottom a good inch off the hard cement floor of the facility. It was like sitting on a pillow, but a pillow that was perfectly fitted and made to cradle her petite form. Without being forced into various humiliation scenarios she had to admit that the diaper, by itself, was actually rather nice. If she wasn't about to venture out into the forest, there was a possibility that she could grow to like wearing them. Before leaving the building, Misty felt a rapid sense of anxiety overwhelm her. She tried to push open the door, but her hand was starting to shake. She turned around one last time to look at nurse Joy; the reason she was in this strange situation. Part of her needed to see the woman trapped in the glass womb to remind herself of why she was about to risk her reputation by walking around in just a diaper and a shirt. She couldn't just leave her trapped like that even though she deserved it. "Now you stay out of trouble and be a good girl for your mommy!" Misty shouted from her spot by the exit, seemingly gloating. She was snickering to herself as she turned back to face the door. With a much more steady hand, she forced it open and ventured out into the cool night air. 'It's still night out?' Misty realized as she walked away from the decrepit old warehouse and started to make her way into the woodlands. She had no idea what time it was as numerous Murkrow sat on the tree branches that hung just above her head. They chattered with one another as Misty struggled to navigate the scrubby bushes that were starting to encroach upon the makeshift path in front of her. It reminded the redhead of all the times she and the boys would get lost in the woods. However, this overgrown area just outside of Cerulean City was her home. She may not have known the forest as well as the back of her hand, but she was confident that there was no chance she'd end up walking around aimlessly for days like during her travels with Ash and Brock. Aside from the random Murkrow and Spearow cawing or Hoothoot hooting, she knew she was alone. She was sure of it. She kept telling herself this fact. However, the occasional crunch of a twig underneath her sneakers made her pause briefly to catch her breath. Despite being out during the middle of the night, and shielded from the potential prying eyes of random passersby by overgrowth, she was still breathing rapidly as her heart tap danced with every step she took. She had never been so nervous in her entire life! The damn disposable strapped to her waist wasn't helping her either as every slight movement she made caused the thing to crinkle like a stiff plastic bag rustling in the wind. Each bush she accidently brushed up against only made her diaper sing it's manufactured song as the scurry of random Pokemon made the poor girl hold her breath. Normally she loved going for the occasional hike in the woods in the morning, but this was by far way more intense than a simple nature walk. "AHHHHHH!" Misty screamed as a Furret darted out in front of her from a bush. She quickly slapped her hand over her mouth in an attempt to stifle her scream of shock. 'It's just a Furret. It's not a person.' Misty felt extremely tense, but after she stood there for a few minutes, she composed herself. However, as she caught her breath and was ready to move on, she noticed that shafts of morning light were beginning to breach the cover of the tree tops. 'Oh, the sun's rising… this isn't good.' Misty sighed and pushed further into the forest as the track ahead of her was beginning to grow wider. The diapered Gym Leader stayed close to the bushes to preserve her modesty even though it meant having to concentrate on avoiding the protruding sticks and leaves. The last thing she wanted was to rub up against poison ivy or get scratches on her legs. After a few minutes of cautiously creeping along the edge of the bushes, Misty came upon a small clearing which allowed her to see the sun rising behind Mt. Moon. She couldn't help but stop and admire the radiant colors that spread across the sky. The reds, blues and oranges hues colored the mountains, bathing the granite ridges that towered beyond Cerulean City in a medley of colors, making it appear as if the mountain range was a painting that belonged in an Art Museum. Even though the sight was breathtaking, Misty knew that she didn't have time to enjoy the view. She lowered her gaze and took in the clearing she had found herself in. It seemed to be an island of grass in a sea of trees which made it seem somehow out of place with the surrounding bushland and forest. The grass looked lush and thick with spots of bare dirt thst randomly dotted the area. The clearing was ringed by tall trees that served to enclose it from the rest of the woods. It seemed to be vacant save for the few Pokemon that played and pranced around in the morning mist that was slowly dissipating. Misty saw that there were a few Pikachus and Diglett darting about and realized that this was one of the spots where she trained her Pokemon! 'I'm almost home!' Misty stayed close to the trees and bushes, tracing the perimeter of the open space. If she could just find the path that led away from this clearing and back to Cerulean City, she could make it home in a matter of minutes instead of aimlessly wandering through the woods, hoping that she was headed in the right direction. As Misty walked along the edge of the open area, a green bug type Pokemon, with its six black and yellow striped legs and a face on its back dropped, dropped down from a lone tree branch, dangling right in front of Misty. "Spina!" The poor, arachnophobic girl stood frozen, the only sound that could be heard was a faint, but increasingly loud hissing noise that came from her waist. Misty was so in shock that she didn't even realize that she was pissing herself. Misty brought her balled fists to her face and screamed. "AHHHHHH!" The girl's long, noodle like legs instantly carried her away from the horrible bug Pokemon as she ran as fast as she could, tears streaming from her eyes. She was so frightened that she didn't even feel the thoroughly soaked disposable diaper weighing her down as she ran, the garment struggling to contain all of her pee as some dripped past the leak guards. As she ran, the diaper's heft swayed gently with each stride the water trainer made until she slowed down to a stop near the edge of the woods. Standing behind a large bush, Misty shook off her shock and actually smiled as she glanced out from behind a large bush she was crouched behind. She could see the top of her Gym building from here! No one seemed to be outside, most likely due to how early it was, and Misty wanted to get inside before it got any later in the morning. It was only a block away, she knew she could make it to her Gym, but doing so unseen was the real challenge. Her adrenaline was slowly fading away as knelt there and studied the surrounding area. It seemed the coast was clear, but something caught her attention; an immense heat radiating from her crotch and an odd warmth cupping her bottom. It felt so strange to her. She looked down while simultaneously rubbing the front of her diaper. "Ohhh, come on!" The furious redhead whined as she gazed down at the incredibly soggy diaper that was held firmly in place around her hips. 'That stupid Spinarak made me wet myself!' Misty sat there, literally stewing in her own juices, as her plans for getting back to her Gym were just dashed. She didn't want to even leave the bush. It was one thing to be seen in a clean diaper. She could at least play it off like she lost a bet during a Pokemon battle or she was coming back from some kind of bizarre costume party. A visibly wet diaper was a whole other thing entirely. It's hard to play something like a diaper off as not being a big deal if the damn thing was literally about to burst like a water balloon. "Good morning, Misty!" The Cerulean Gym Leader immediately jerked her head up and peered from above the overgrown shrub to see a familiar face; the old lady who lived just across from her Gym. "Hi, Mrs. Akima!" Misty replied as politely as she could. "What are you doing over there? Hunting for new Pokemon?" Mrs. Akima stopped walking and inquired from her spot along the path. "Yes!" Misty answered, struggling to keep her voice from wobbling. "My cousin is just about to start his Pokemon journey and he really wants something special. So, I'm looking through all these bushes until I find him a nice Pokemon." "That's so kind of you to do that for your younger cousin." The older lady smiled. "I won't keep you from your search. Happy hunting! Misty sighed, relieved that she was able to keep her terrible secret hidden from her eighty year old neighbor. She had always thought of the woman as something of a grandmotherly figure. Just the idea of the older woman finding out that she was wearing a wet diaper made Misty's blush from head to toe. Finally, after waiting about five minutes, Misty could no longer see Mrs. Akima who vanished from view as she walked over a nearby hill. With the coast clear, Misty stood up and grimaced due to the increased weight of her plastic prison. 'I must've wet it when Mrs. Akiyama startled me' Misty thought, her face frowning at the revelation as she stepped out of the safety of the bush and proceeded to make her way towards her Gym. She took a route behind people's backyards which kept her off the main road and afforded her more cover as she ducked behind fences and did her utmost to stay unseen. At this point in her journey, her diaper was not only a humiliating badge of shame, but a liability. It was starting to slow her down. Luckily for the diapered Gym Leader, she was now only separated from her home by a single street. All she to do was run across the street and sneak into the side door of her gym. It was mostly built for delivering props for her sister's stage shows and Pokemon food for all the aquatic creatures they had in the aquarium, but today, it would serve as the gateway for her social salvation. Misty ran across the desolate road, ran like she was being chased by a swarm of Beedrill. She had never crossed that street so fast in her life and found herself standing by the garage door and a keypad. Not bothering to catch her breath, she started typing in the code for the door and, with a long beep sound piercing the morning's tranquility, the door rolled open. "Thank God!" Misty smiled as she walked into the privacy of her Gym. She quickly walked out to the lobby and hide behind a plant while she put put a sign in the window of her gym that read "Closed to all Challengers" before retreating to her room. The last thing she wanted was for any wayward trainer to enter her gym and catch her in this humiliating state of dress. Once in the safety of her room, comforted by the fact that all the doors were locked in her aquatic acropolis, she sat on her bed. Normally, she would've taken solace in the solitude of her room, truly admiring the softness of her mattress and covers as she relaxed after battling the trainers who sought her out. However, as she sat down onto her bed, the squelch of cold urine shattered the feeling of accomplishment and reminded her of what she was trapped in. "I have to call Ash…" Misty said to herself with a sigh as her face became as red as her hair. To Be Continued...



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