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A lot of things happened over the weekend

leak problem.. (I thought I got used to it, but it was a shock to attack like this)

(On the contrary, it was touching that there were a lot of people who cared about me. There were people who tried to protect me)

Yesterday (Saturday) was a problem with the computer's motherboard and it didn't boot. / Power comes on, but it doesn't boot(the mouse keyboard's light doesn't up). And in that state, the power button is pressed so that it cannot be forced to shut down (=It is presumed that the main board is broken)

I replaced the main board, so it worked nomally.

but I tried working it again this morning, but there was another type of problem (×﹏×)

The power didn't come on even if I pressed it, but it came in a long time later, but I can't turn it off because I Is it a power problem?

First of all, I ordered a power supply and I'm working on it.

I lost two days.

And... I'm so sorry for the delay.

My goal is to work all day like before January. It's been normalized a lot lately.

.. I'm not going to show you like March or April, and I'll repay you with a lot of good results.



(反対に気を遣ってくれる方が多かったのは感動でした。 積極的に守ってくださる方もいらっしゃったので..)

昨日(土曜日)はコンピューターのメインボードの問題なのか起動しませんでした。 / 電源は入ってきますが、起動自体ができない(マウスキーボードなどにライトが入ってきませんね。) そして、その状態で電源ボタンを押して強制終了にならないので(=メインボード故障と推定)



押しても電源が入らなかったんですけど、しばらく後に電源入ってきたんですけど怖くて消せません。 パワーサプライの問題かな?




1月以前のように一日中働くのが目標で.. 最近は作業時間はたくさん戻ってきました。

.. 3/4月のような姿は見せませんし、たくさんのいい結果でお返しします。

주말동안 여러가지 일이 많았네요

유출의 문제라던지(익숙해졌다 생각했지만, 이렇게 대놓고 공격하는 건 조금 많이 쇼크였습니다)

(반대로 신경써주시는 분이 많았던 점은 감동이었죠. 적극적으로 지켜주시려고 하시는 분도 계셨기에..)

어제(토요일)은 컴퓨터의 메인보드의 문제인지 부팅이 되지않았어요. / 전원은 들어오는데, 부팅자체가 되지않음(마우스 키보드 등에 라이트가 들어오지 않네요. 그리고 그 상태에서 전원버튼을 눌러 강제종료가 되지않음 (=메인보드 고장이라 추정)

여분 부품이 있어서 메인보드를 교체하니까 정상적이라 저것이 맞다고 생각했지만.

오늘아침 다시 작동을 시켜봤는데, 다른 형태의 문제가 발생했어요 (×﹏×)

눌러도 전원이 안들어오다가 한참 뒤에 들어왔는데 무서워서 못끄겠어요 ㅋㅋㅋ.. 파워 문제인가?..

우선은 파워서플라이를 주문을 해놓고작업을 진행중이지만..

이틀을 빼앗겨버렸네요

또... 지체가 되어 정말 죄송합니다.

1월이전처럼 하루 종일 일하는 것이 목표고.. 최근에는 작업시간은 많이 돌아왔어요.

.. 3/4월 같은 모습은 보여드리지않을것이고, 많은 좋은 결과물로 보답하겠습니다.


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