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Last post on this to just explain what is going on and where stuff is now and how to get it, tl;dr at the top.

Clementine video should be done in a few hours (within the day).


New host is in place. Most links are updated, still working to get some done.

Video files are in zips now. To view them you will need to extract them. This is not negotiable. sorry. The password for all the zip files is "video".

I am archiving videos that are older than 2.5 years off the website, with the exception of "series". pieces (like early Sleepover episodes). Updating 4 years' worth of links is not worth it.

Sorry for the hassle, is what it is. A detailed explanation in the interests of transparency is below.

Detailed Explanation

What Happened?

Mega appears to have done a purge. A number of people are reporting deletion. As part of their terms of service, you cannot host "Anything that is illegal in any country". If that sounds broad, well you are right. They basically have the right to delete your account for any reason they deem. Obviously hosting pornography is one of these reasons, hosting loli/shota is an extra whipped cream and cherry on top of that.

When they delete an account, they do not email you or tell you why. You simply get a dialog box that pops up telling you it was deleted when you visit the site. You can no longer log back in, nor get any additional detail.

This means that 4+ years of storage and archive was gone with no recourse.

A New Host

Why not make a new Mega? Well because their main benefit is that they have a built in streaming player for video. Of course they have IP banned me so at the moment any account I make simple gets re-banned. But the fact that they don't provide any recourse or warning makes me less inclined to go back to them. Added to this the company has some rather dubious oversight that again makes me hesitant. Simple fact, if I can't host the videos directly (more on that below) then I would rather pay more for a professional host that is more privacy oriented and not as arbitrary.

Therefore I have switched to a host who are hopefully not as likely to ban my account without warning, plus have a sync app and corporate structure I trust more.

I Can't Play the Videos!

There is one simple rule for almost every company on the internet: NO PORN. If you want to actually use a service, almost all of them have a stipulation that it cannot be used for pornography. Mega has this and then some ("If it's illegal anywhere we can delete your account"). Throw in Loli and Shota and you can forget about it. Any host you use will just delete your account if that content is stored on their servers (again, very much Mega included).

The most basic way to avoid this is... dont store the video's on their servers. This is why the files are zipped, because it means I am storing archives, not video files. It also means that any scrubbing or hashing of the files will not turn up video files, but encrypted zips. Similarly, I avoid the files have easily searchable keywords ("sex:, "loli" etc).

Is it a hassle? Yes. Do I wish I could just store the videos natively? Yes.

So even if I was to remake a Mega account, the zip issue would remain, because without it I am simply playing a waiting game until my account gets nuked.

As a final point, it prevents outside hosts from hotlinking my videos. I have come across a number of places that were just linking my mega links from their own site, making me eat that traffic while they steal my content, and exposing my account to reporting/deletion.

Why dont I just use an anonymous host or a bitsync?

Because while this is a hobby for me, especially at the moment with the way things are, you guys help to support me and pay my rent. Part of that is in the Tier structure. In order to facilitate that I need a host that allows certain things, like passworded/timed folder access.

Archived Videos

I lost over 4 years of videos in the deletion (closer to 6). This predates both Pixiv and Substar by a lot. It predates the website by a similar amount again. The website was created to provide a backup to Patreon when it became clear they were turning hostile to adult creators. Almost half of the posts on the website were created the day I made it. There a A LOT of video links that I would need to update. So I am just going to archive them. I still stand by the fact that for a $2/$5 buy in your are getting access to a lot of content (~80 videos), and most of what is being left off is old stuff that frankly isn't very good.

Happy to answer questions, but this is basically the setup I will be using so if the suggestion is "go back to mega and host videos" well.....

If you have gotten this far good on you. As I noted above Clementing video should be up soon for early people.



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