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An animation? I still make these?

I dropped projects to work on this because its sort of time limited to the current moment, and obviously it is pretty substantial. Sorry to Candy for telling her to Shut the Fuck Up.


Not sure whats next - will be the short intro of the Ellie/Pizza thing so that I can start the vote. Probably a thott patrol or something quick next. I was considering bringing back the Abductors series (if anyone remembers that) as a darker alternative to the Thot patrol stuff. Is there interest in that? Would end up operating like the Thot does, a chance for shorter arching series.



Always interested in even worse/dark endings


For some reason I am getting a fatal error when I try to unzip :(


Ah cool - am trying to keep on top of people teething, could you tell me which one didnt work (so if others have the same problem I can see if they are using it)?


It says the file has been delted by the owner? Is a re-upload possible please? ^.^