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“Whoa, it's already this late……”

 Hiroyuki Iwaki, the homeroom teacher of the first class of the third grade, muttered to himself as he looked at the wristwatch on his thick-boned wrist. He had been working in detention after school to prepare for the sports festival coming up in a month, but he had lost track of time partly because he had closed the curtains to avoid the sun in the west. Looking out the window, the sun was already setting, and the baseball and soccer clubs seemed to have finished their club activities, and the students are doing the maintenance on the grounds after practice. Iwaki looked a little thoughtful as he watched the scene, then opened his mouth again.

“OK! Let's call it a day.”

 Looking at him clapping his hands, Masaru Tsuzuki, the assistant homeroom teacher, and Tomohisa Yajima and Minoru Kato, the former baseball team members who are the chairman and vice-chairman of the first class of the third grade, respectively, gave a small nod of understanding.

“Well then, let's all clean up and go home!”

 Following Tsuzuki, who stood up after saying that, the other three started to get ready to leave. Then, just as they picked up their bags from desks, a fluorescent light suddenly flicked on and off.

“Hm? ……what?”

 Iwaki raised a suspicious voice, but the speed of the flashing light became faster and faster. Then, the interval gradually became shorter and shorter, the room went completely dark with a loud 'bang'.


“What the hell is this?”

 While Tomohisa and Minoru screamed at the same time, Tsuzuki calmly opened his mouth.

“Calm down! It's probably just a power outage. For now, I'll just use the light on my smartphone……”

 Having said that much in words, his core became burning hot and suffocating, and he involuntarily dropped to his knees on the floor.

(What is this……? My body is burning hot…… And even my consciousness is fading away……, someone help me……)

 Tsuzuki desperately tried to open his eyes while thinking of that, but his eyelids were so heavy that he just couldn't open them. The other three felt the same signs of collapse, but there was nothing he could do about it. Eventually, their consciousness completely ceased.


'ping pong pang pong'

 The four of them woke up to the sound of a dull chime that they had never heard in the school building before. Before they knew it, the lights had been restored and the classroom was brightly lit, making them think that what had just happened had been a dream, but it was clear that this was not the case due to the laziness that still lingered in their bodies. Anyway, their bodies felt heavy──.

 Feeling that way, they looked around to check on the other three.


 The four of them shouted in surprise at the same time. Because there was a person in front of them who looked exactly like them. For a moment, they thought it was their own reflection in the mirror, but they soon realized that it was not. Strictly speaking, their bodies had been swapped with the person in front of them.

“Are you guys Yajima and Kato……? And you are Tsuzuki, right?”

 Iwaki said that intuitively. He had a vague feeling that this was the case. The man who looked like 【Hiroyuki Iwaki】 responded to his puzzled question, followed by the man who looked like 【Masaru Tsuzuki】.

“Yes, I'm Yajima.”

“I'm Kato!”

“Mr. Iwaki…… Mr. Iwaki, is that correct? I'm Tsuzuki. What the hell is going on here?”

 The assistant teacher, Tsuzuki, who looks like 【Minoru Kato】, asks Iwaki, who looks like 【Tomohisa Yajima】, while touching his own face and body.

“I don't have a clue either……”

 The two teachers had no choice but to look at each other, shaved-headed and countrified pimple-faced, with puzzled expressions on their faces. The scenery outside, which should have been pitch black, was once again tinged with sunset and seemed to have returned to its original state, except that their four bodies have been swapping. Anyway, they had to get out of the classroom, explain the situation to the other teachers and students, and figure out what was going on. With that in mind, they put their hands on the door to leave the classroom, but──

“Hmph!! Nghhh!! ……Is no good. It won't even budge.”

 Tsuzuki put all his strength into his voice, but the classroom door didn't even budge.

“How about this one……, Nggooooo! Nungaaaa!!”

 This time, after trying to pull the door, Iwaki hit the door with his body, but the door showed no sign of moving. After that, they made several more attempts. They tried to smash chairs and desks against the doors and windows, and tried to pry the doors open with the metal fittings in the classroom, but all of these attempts were in vain. Not only were there no scratches, but not a single millimeter of movement.

“What in the world is going on here……?”

 Iwaki muttered as if at a loss. Just then the chalk suddenly floated in the air and began to move, and began to write letters on the blackboard.

【You can't leave this classroom unless you have sex. There is no other way out.】


 Everyone stared at the words on the blackboard as if dumbfounded.

“You can't leave this classroom without having sex?”

 Tsuzuki read the words aloud. Unable to keep up with their understanding, the other three let out a dry laugh when they heard his wooden voice.

【You can't leave this classroom without having sex. There is no other way out.】

 Chalk spelled out those words over and over again. Tsuzuki and the other three were no longer able to speak. They had no choice but to stand there, unable to say anything in the face of this unrealistic scene of chalk floating in mid-air by itself and writing letters on the blackboard.

(This is a dream, right……?)


(That's right, isn't it……)

 Iwaki, Tsuzuki, and Minoru each thought of that and pinched and slapped their own cheeks, but there was no sign of waking up, only pain. After a while, all the words on the blackboard disappeared, and the classroom was filled with silence. Tomohisa muttered to them as they were stunned by the bizarre turn of events, unable to catch up with their thoughts.

“If we're going to go outside, we're going to have to have sex……”

 All three of them goggled and looked at him.

“Are you out of your mind, Yajima? Do you even know what sex is? That's an act between a man and a woman! That's impossible! We are all men!!”

 At Tomohisa's words, Tsuzuki talked on and on with threatening looks. Tomohisa, however, continued with a serious look in his eyes.

“But, we can't go outside like this? If that's the case, we have no choice but to have sex.”


 When Tsuzuki choked on his words, Iwaki, who had remained silent until then, opened his mouth. He tried to sound calm, but in fact, he too seemed to be in a hurry, and sweat was beading on his forehead. He asked Tomohisa a question.

“Well, wait a minute. I understand what Yajima is saying, but let's calm down and think about it.”

“I don't think this is the time to be calm. We don't have any food or drink. If we don't do something, we will die.”

“But…… this is an unusual situation no matter how you look at it. First of all, I think it's important to calm down and think things through so we can figure out what's going on. Besides, maybe other teachers out there will notice our situation and come to our aid.”

 Iwaki thought that these were rather empty words, even though he had said them himself. Still, he was certain that he should not panic in this emergency situation. It may be wishful thinking, but there is no chance that teachers outside this classroom will notice the anomaly and come to the rescue.

“That's for sure……”

 Tomohisa, whose stern face was wrinkled between the eyebrows, nodded broadly in agreement. The fact that he was meditating with his eyes closed and his thick arms crossed in contemplation made Iwaki's heart skip a beat. Iwaki's face almost relaxed as he felt happy that Tomohisa had reconsidered his opinion, which had seemed so strong.

──I'm so happy, I love you!!

 The big body of the former rugby player, his masculine, chiseled face, and serious eyes all grabbed Iwaki's heart and brought a tingle that was different from the thumping heartbeat he had felt earlier. He loves Tomohisa so much, he can't think straight. He was tempted to push Tomohisa down, strip off his clothes, insert his own cock, and fuck him on instinct, but he managed to resist the urge. Because the other man's body was his former one only a short time before──

“Mr. Iwaki──, are you listening?”

 Iwaki suddenly came to his senses when his name was suddenly called. In front of him stood not only Tomohisa's figure, but also Minoru, with an anxious look on his face. Tsuzuki's thoughtful face had also been lifted and turned into an expression of dissatisfaction. Apparently, time had passed while he had been developing a fantasy that he had never thought of before.

“……Sorry, I wasn't listening.”

 When Iwaki apologized honestly, Tsuzuki gave a small sigh.

“No, it's okay. We, too, were wondering what we should do from now on…… We can't find any more ways to deal with this, so why don't we take the rest of the day off? I know it's a long shot, but maybe we can sleep and wake up and our bodies will be back to normal.”

 The other members nodded at that suggestion. They all looked exhausted.

“Well, we'll do that…… Maybe tomorrow morning something will be different.”

 Iwaki looked out the window and muttered with a frown. Outside the window, the sun was still setting and the hands of the clock had stopped since then. He did not know what time it was. Would morning ever really come? He is the oldest man in this classroom, so he has managed to maintain his rationality, but he is at the end of his rope.

 Maybe it was because he had encountered such an extraordinary situation as swapping body with another person, but rather than physical exhaustion, he felt tremendously mentally fatigued. The delusion he had earlier must have been caused by exhaustion.

 Perhaps this situation would conveniently return to normal after one night──.

 With such faint hopes in their hearts, Iwaki and the others lay down on the floor of the classroom.

“……Iwaki……, Mr. Iwaki!!”

 Suddenly hearing his name called, Iwaki regained consciousness. The classroom floor was hard, making it difficult to sleep, but having been raised in the athletic field, he was able to fall asleep quickly after lying on the floor. But he felt heavy, as if he had only just fallen asleep.

“Tsuzuki……? What's wrong?”

 Iwaki woke his body up listless and stifled a yawn. The voice that called his name belonged to Tsuzuki. But then he thought back. The voice that called his name was Tsuzuki's, but it was 【Minoru Kato】 who was controlling his body now. With vacant eyes, he looked around and saw Tsuzuki in the form of 【Minoru Kato】, breathing faintly in his sleep.

 He thought their bodies had returned to normal while he was sleeping, but his palms were still covered in blisters, just like those of a former baseball player. On top of that when he stroked his head, he could feel the coarse, short hairs. Apparently, he had not yet returned to normal. Iwaki stood up and looked toward the back of the classroom.

 Outside, the sunset is still tinged with the same glow. It was too bright to sleep, and the curtains were closed, making the inside of the classroom dimly lit. However, he vaguely saw a large shadow moving in the back of the room.

“……What are you guys doing without sleep?”

 If it was not Tsuzuki, then there were only two students left. He walked toward the voice, and there were two people there in the form of 【Hiroyuki Iwaki】 and 【Masaru Tsuzuki】. Iwaki looked at them──, and gasped. Because they were half naked, and their cocks were exposed. Their sweat-soaked bodies were laying on top of each other, breathing hard.

“Wha……, what are you doing, you guys?!”

 Iwaki backed away in surprise. The two half-naked men turned toward him. A shiver ran down Iwaki's spine as he caught sight of the towering things between their crotches. A man who looked exactly like himself and a man who looked like Tsuzuki, his assistant teacher, are flushed and rubbing their cocks together, making their cocks erecting. He couldn't help but shudder at the unusual sight.

“Were we too loud, Yajima? I'm sorry.”

 【Masaru Tsuzuki】, his clothes disheveled and his skin exposed, apologized with a smirk on his face.

 Then he──, 【Hiroyuki Iwaki】 also continued his words in a lighthearted manner.

“Hehe, we can get out of this classroom if we have sex. Then we, the teachers, have to try it before you students do it, don't we? Hey, Tsuzuki♥”

“Yes, Mr. Iwaki♥”

 In response to 【Hiroyuki Iwaki】's question, 【Masaru Tsuzuki】, whose face was enraptured, answered. The two men's crotches shook as if in response, and an expression of ecstasy appeared on their faces.

 I don't know why──. What in the world had happened to the students while I was asleep?

“Hey, you guys, have you lost your minds? You are high school students! You're both my students!”

 Iwaki shouted at the top of his voice. But 【Masaru Tsuzuki】 shook his head with a smirk on his face.

“Right now we are the teachers and you are the students. We two teachers are going to set an example for you guys by having sex with each other, and we're going to prove that we can get out of here in one piece!”


 Iwaki was stunned into silence. Not only are the students going to lose their minds, but he's going to lose his as well.

“Do you understand me, Yajima? Then I'm going to fuck Tsuzuki to get you guys out of this room♥”

 Hiroyuki Iwaki, his cock exposed, puts his arms around the half-naked Tsuzuki's neck and gently lays his lips on his. 【Tsuzuki】 accepts Iwaki’s kiss with a tender look in his eyes.

“Nmph, hah……, Mr. Iwaki……♥”

 Iwaki was confused by the sight of the two teachers making licking sounds and slurping each other's saliva. Such an unusual scene could not possibly be real. As he was wrapping his head around the scene, Tsuzuki came up next to him before he knew it. He was kneeling and watching them intently, as if he could not take his eyes off of them. His cock completely erected, he got a big bulge in his jockstrap, and the tip of it was black with pre-cum.

“That item seems to have been real, right, Minoru?”

“Yeah, I have to admit I was skeptical, but I'm glad I believed about that item, Tomohisa.”

 Slowly, the two men raised their heads and grinned at each other. The two of them had succeeded in bodies swapping, with Minoru in the form of Tsuzuki and Tomohisa in the form of Iwaki. Both of them look like teachers themselves, but inside they firmly have their previous memories as 【Tomohisa Yajima】 and 【Minoru Kato】. Iwaki and Tsuzuki, who were swapped their bodies with two students, are snoring and sleeping soundly because they had done plenty of exercise before all bodies were swapped.

 Tomohisa had hidden an item in his bag for this occasion. A device that would allow them to swap bodies with anyone in the same room, as he wished. Not only that it also has an option to make it impossible to leave the room unless certain conditions are met. In this case, the condition he set was that 【people would not be allowed to leave the room unless they had sex】.

“Hah……♥ Bulky adult body……, you are so good.”

“……Your smell a little old guy.”

 Grinning and sitting facing each other, they reach between each other's crotches and grasp lightly. The bodies of men who were members of the rugby club and the wrestling club during their school days. Every time they move, the surface of their skin smells of sweat, inviting their amorous desires.

 【Tomohisa Yajima】 and 【Minoru Kato】 have been best friends since childhood, and both are homosexual. They revealed to each other that they were gay, and although they were in love with each other, in reality they both had a preference for middle-aged men. And their ideal partners happened to be Iwaki and Tsuzuki.

“Uh……, my balls are so hot……, they itch……”

“Oh, hah……, my ass tingles when you touch my cock.”

 While playing with each other's body, they naturally put their lips on. The first was a light kiss, but gradually became more aggressive, and finally began to suck Tomohisa's ──【Hiroyuki Iwaki】's cock. He made a sound, and moved his tongue and served Tomohisa while he was sucking his cock.

“Oahhh!! I can't! I can't stand it!!”

 Tomohisa grabbed Minoru's head and thrust his cock deep into Minoru's throat. He was so excited that he was breathing hard and his face was flushed. Minoru excited the sight of him, and as he intensified the suction, he also handled his own cock and climbed to a climax. Finally, their testicles began to rise and the base of their manhoods began to tingle.

“Hah, ohhh……! I'm gonna cum, Tsuzuki, I'm cumming!!”

“Mr. Iwaki……, I'm……, I'm cumming too!!”

 Minoru took his mouth off Tomohisa's cock and moaned, and both of them spurted white cum at the same time. The ball sacks contracted and the glans swelled up. The semen spurts out from the tip of it and sprays onto each other's face and body. The two of them shuddered with pleasure as they caught the other's cum with their faces.

““Oh……♥ Ah……♥♥””

 Their bodies are violently leaned back and they are intoxicated by the ejaculation that comes to them. Every time pulsates, they feel the pleasure of the cum stored in their testicles being expelled. With each ejaculation, they felt as if they were being reborn as something other than themselves.


“How…… it feels so good……♥”

 They were both in ecstasy, immersed in the pleasure of it. Each time Minoru and Tomohisa finished ejaculating and relaxed, they felt a pleasant afterglow, even though they were enveloped in a sense of malaise. Beneath their eyes, a cock coated in a large amount of white fluid erected, emitting smell like a squid that resembled the scent of chlorine. They were a fine adult cocks that had been in and out of a women's vagina many times, fertilizing the eggs deep inside. The naked glanses are glisten and quiver.

“Mr. Iwaki. Please put your cock in my ass──”

 Minoru lay on his back on the floor, his legs spread apart with his knees propped up, and his buttocks pulled left and right with his hands to expose his anus. He twisted his bony fingers grimly and forcefully into the valley of his ass, and when he opened the constriction at the back of it from side to side, a lascivious hole, surrounded by pink mucous membrane, came out.

“Yeah, leave it to me, Tsuzuki……”

 Tomohisa swallowed his spit and pushed the tip of his hard erect cock against the exposed anus. Then, as he pushed forward with his hips, that manhood made a sound as it entered Minoru's fleshy buttocks.

“Oh……, aah……♥”

 The sensation of Tomohisa's cock entering Minoru's intestines made his body tremble. The moment the tip of the glans grazes the prostate gland, the stimulation is so great that he can't help but let out a cry. Tomohisa moved his hips slowly as if he was enjoying Minoru's reaction.

“How does it feel, Tsuzuki? Does it feel good?”

“Oh, yeah……, yes, yeeeees♥”

 Minoru nodded honestly as he wiggled his hips and tightened his asshole. The corona of glans rubbing against intestinal wall stimulated his prostate with a vigorously sensation, and each time it did so, a feeling of pleasure ran through him like an electric current. This is the first time he has had sex with a man in 【this body】. His body, which has only had sexual intercourse with the opposite sex for more than 30 years of his life, was so pleased to have the same sex's 【cock】 twisted into the asshole that it naturally broke out into a smile.

“Ohhhh♥ Yeah……♥ Ahhh, ah……!”

 His first anal sex was filled with pleasure. He has two children, a daughter and a son, and he can't help but gasp and moan as the male's cock gradually expands his asshole. The perverse pleasure of having his own body being subjugated by a P.E. teacher of the same sex. The mixture of these feelings fills his brain with numbing pleasure, and he feels as if he is going crazy.

“Oh, God♥ It feels so good……, Mr. Iwaki!”

 A big cock is repeatedly being pulled in and out of his anus on his thick and muscular legs. It is a hard piston movement, like beating buttocks.

 The immoral and perverted pleasure of anal sex with someone else's body is so great that Minoru's rationality is quickly shattered. Every time the buttocks are stimulated by him, his asshole tingles. He wants Tomohisa to fuck him harder──. Such feelings took over his brain.

“Haaah! Huh! Tsuzuki, your face, your body, it's too erotic!!”

 Tomohisa, aroused by Minoru's lasciviousness, further accelerates the movement of his hips. The sound of the collision of crotches echoes in the room, and a mixture of intestinal fluids and juices are overflowing from the gap between the joints.

“Ohh♥ Agghhh♥ Great! My ass is hit by your cock, so deep and so hard! Iwa……, Mr. Iwaki!!”

 A few more rubs of his prostate would bring him to climax. The moment he was convinced of that, Tomohisa stopped moving his hips and pulled his cock out of Minoru's anus with a slurp.

(Oh……! Why……)

 The fact that he was abruptly cut off from pleasure, he let out a small, sad voice. Tomohisa's glans, which was still pressed against the crack, pulsated jerkily, stimulating the butt hole. The liquid that leaked out of it was threading between the glans and the anus.

(Mr. Iwaki……, more please ……)

 When Minoru was about to say so to Tomohisa, a voice came from the other side of the classroom.

“Tsuzuki……? What's wrong?”

“Do you understand me, Yajima? Then I'm going to fuck Tsuzuki to get you guys out of this room♥”

 Sexual activity while being watched by others. And that too, by students in the shapes of their former selves──. Tomohisa and Minoru's arousal continued to grow as they had sex under such perverse circumstances.

 Using bodies they stole, making cocks erect they stole, and spewing the cum produced in testicles they stole into the asses of others. The sex brought about by this mysterious power of 【The body swap】 gave them excitement and pleasure that they have never experienced before in their lives.

 Their bodies are burning hot──. The two of them are drenched in sweat as they devour each other, rubbing their bodies against each other as if to show off to the students in front of them. Tomohisa squeezed Minoru's ample breasts and licked the nipples with his tongue.

“Aaahhhhhh, ahhh……, oooohhhh♥”

 The stimulation from the two nipples made Minoru's whole body jump.

“Aghh♥ Huhhh……”

 The voice coming out of his mouth became more and more like a beast. His asshole was tingling and he couldn't stop it──.

“Oh, God♥ I can't, I can't take it anymore, Mr. Iwaki! Please insert your cock in my anus!!”

 The impatient feeling of wanting to scratch his intestines was too much to bear, and he reached the limit of his endurance. He grabbed his own fleshy bank with both hands and pulled it left and right, wishing for 【Hiroyuki Iwaki】 to insert his glans into his bare asshole.

“Yeah, I know, Tsuzuki. Now I'm going to put my cock in your cute little asshole♥”

 Tomohisa grinned, thrust his hips forward, and at once twisted his extremely hard cock into the anus of the man in front of him. The manhood were swallowed in the wall of flesh and entered the intestines with a sound, and a muffled scream escapes from Minoru's mouth, making his whole body tremble.

“Ooooh♥ Aaaaah……♥”

 Minoru's entire body jerked and convulsed at the sensation of his intestinal walls being pushed apart. His brain, soaked in pleasure, could no longer think of anything else. Only the desire to ascend to a climax was dominating his body. Tomohisa forcefully screwed the glans into his intestines and moved his hips, scratching the folds of them as he himself was going to climax.

“I'm cumming, Tsuzuki! I'm going to creampie you, completely!!”

 Tomohisa cried out in a thick baritone voice and began to shake his hips violently. A watery sound. The gazes of the students who were once their own selves. All of them are sources of heightened excitements.

 The fresh sperm was produced in 【Hiroyuki Iwaki】's testicles and ran up his urethra to pour into 【Masaru Tsuzuki】's body. The time of climax came to Minoru as he surrendered himself to the sensation──.

“Your asshole is the best!! Tsuzuki……♥ I'm going to cum!!”

“Ooooh♥ Aaah, me too! Aaahhhh♥♥ Cumming, I'm cumming!!”

 With the roaring voices of the two muscular males, a large amount of cum splashed out and stained the inside of Minoru's intestines white.

“Agghhh♥ It's so hot♥♥♥”

 The heat of the cum was transmitted to the core of his body each time the throbbing cock spewed out its semen inside his ass. As he moaned from his climax, his mind was dominated by a pleasant pleasure that made him go blank. And each time, the conviction that the ownership of this body was now his filled his mind.

 Perhaps it was the same for Tomohisa. He, too, was ecstatic and grinned as he finished pouring his cum into 【Masaru Tsuzuki】's intestines to the fullest.

“Hah……, hah……♥”

 Tomohisa slowly withdrew his hips, basking in the afterglow of his climax. As the cock was pulled out with a slurp sound, thick mucus flowed out of the asshole, running down their hardened thighs to the floor.

“Whew……, that was great, Tsuzuki……♥”

 With a look of complete satisfaction on his face, he told Minoru so, then stood up and began to get dressed. Minoru, on the other hand, also stood next to Tomohisa and put his sleeves on the shirt, jockstrap, and trackpants without regard to his soggy wet cock.

 The two of them, now fully clothed. They are dressed the same way they were before the incident. As soon as they were dressed, the classroom door, which could not be moved until then, opened with a sound.

“Okay, let's go outside together then……, Tsuzuki♥”

“Yes, Mr. Iwaki♥ Yajima and Kato. You guys too should have sex and go outside to follow us. I'm sure it's easy since you two are lovers and you do it all the time, right?”

“……Wait, wait, Yajima! Kato!!”

 The two of them step out of the classroom. Tomohisa and Minoru tried to follow them back, but couldn't in time, and the door closed before their eyes.

“Damn it, damn……! It won't open! What are they going to do when they get out of here in our bodies……?”

 The door closed tightly again. The two teachers who were left in the classroom in 【the form of students】 were angry and impatient at the same time. They have no idea what those students in the form of teachers can do to them without their knowledge──. Iwaki and Tsuzuki looked at each other and then at each other's bodies.

“Yajima……, Kato…… We can't let them do whatever they want. You understand, Mr. Tsuzuki, we must go outside too. In order to do that──”

 At Iwaki's words, Tsuzuki also nodded strongly. Then, they put their lips on top of each other's, and their tongues entwined with each other's.

“Nmm♥ Kuchu♥ Mwah……♥”

 This is something they have no choice but to do in order to get out of the classroom──.

 They exchange saliva with each other as they tell themselves that. Since they became married men, they have only had sexual intercourse with their wives. They have only had sexual intercourse with the opposite sex in their lives, so the idea of kissing someone of the same sex was supposed to be weird for them.

 But── For some reason, this feeling of disgust did not arise. On the contrary, as the sweet and sour sensation spread through their mouths, their cocks became powerfully erect. Surrounded by a sweet and sour pleasure that made them want to rub up the walls of each other's intestines with a hot meat stick, the two of them took off their pants and underwear while continuing to kiss each other on the mouth.

“Hah, Tsuzuki……♥”

 Iwaki's hand reached between Tsuzuki's legs. The moment his fingers touched, Tsuzuki's hips trembled, but he did not reject it.

“Mr. Iwaki……, please fuck me quickly♥”

 【Minoru Kato】's anus was twitching and wriggling, it opened hungrily as he dripped intestinal juices. The moment he saw that, Iwaki's mind was dominated by the intense desire that surged up from his lower body, as if in tune with the body of 【Tomohisa Yajima】.

“I know, Minoru! I'm going to fuck you with my cock 【like I always do】!!”

 【Tomohisa Yajima】's raging manhood thrusts noisily into 【Minoru Kato】's anus. At that moment, Minoru's body jumped with pleasure.

“Oh, oh, oh♥ Oh……!! Good, My ass feels so great, Tomohisa♥♥”

 The classless and charming voice of 【Minoru Kato】 overflows from Tsuzuki's mouth. The pleasure that rushed up his spine made his whole body convulse violently.

“Oh, yeah……♥ More……♥”

 His cock shakes wildly at the sensation of being rubbed against the walls of his bowels. It pulsates and drips clear drops as if it were another living creature. The fact that they were teachers only a short time ago, that they are having sex with in the bodies of their former students, is no longer in their minds. Now they just want to be intoxicated by the pleasure they can get from anal sex. Tsuzuki's hips rocked and his bowel walls undulated, and as if in response, Iwaki began to move his hips vigorously.

“Ohhh♥ Aggghhhh! It's so intense! Tomohisa! My ass is going to break!”

 A lewd sound of water rang out from Tsuzuki's anus. Iwaki kept shaking his hips to the rhythm.

“Nghhh♥ Hah♥ I'm gonna cum, Minoru, I'm cumming!!”

“Aaahhh♥ Come on, Tomohisa! I'm gonna cum, too, cause you fuck me in the ass♥♥”

 The hardened cocks of the former baseball players with voracious sexual appetites shuddered and white semen shot out from the glans with great force. The swollen manhoods repeatedly twitched and spasmed, one side pouring a flood of cum into the man's asshole, while the other kept spraying thick seed so thickly that it puddled on the floor.

““Hah……, hah……♥♥””

 They both finished ejaculating and fell limply to the floor. Tsuzuki was entranced by the sensation of cum overflowing from his ass, and Iwaki smiled as he watched the whiteness of fresh sperm dripping from his young pink cock. Then, having fulfilled the condition, the classroom door automatically opened.

“Phew……, now we can get out……【Minoru】♥”

“Yeah, 【Tomohisa】. I don't know why we were having sex in the classroom, but let's have sex again at my home. Tomorrow is my day off.

 After having sex according to their own desires, they dressed in their school uniforms and stepped out of the classroom together. Their minds, which had become comfortable with their bodies after having sex, had been completely overwritten by the consciousness of 【Tomohisa Yajima】 and 【Minoru Kato】.


“Hmph, hmph! How about it, Yajima, Kato! How do you like the taste of our teachers cocks?!”

 While students were still engaged in club activities in the school yard, Iwaki and Tomohisa, Tsuzuki and Minoru were having a physical encounter in the P.E. teacher's room.

“Aahhh♥ Ohhh♥ It feels so good! I love Mr. Iwaki's cock!”

“Oh, yeah……♥ That feels so good, Mr. Tsuzuki!!”

 On the floor, Tomohisa was on all fours and Iwaki was violently inserting his cock into Tomohisa's anus, while on the sofa, Minoru and Tsuzuki were sucking each other's cocks.

“Haha, that's good! You two, our teachers' cocks taste good!?”

 The smell of sweat and bodily fluids from the four muscular men fills the P.E. teacher's room.

“Arrrghhhh ♥ Mr. Iwaki's cum…… Mr. Iwaki creampie me and make me cum♥♥”

 Tomohisa arches his back and screams out at the heat spreading through his bowels. Iwaki gloats and twists his cock deep into Tomohisa's anus, injecting his own desire in a grand manner.

 Tomohisa, who was fucked by Iwaki, was ecstatic and spread his own semen on the floor gushingly. Minoru also ejaculated at the same time as Tsuzuki, pouring cum filled with male essence into each other's mouths.

“Did it feel good, both of you? Then, let's have an orgy in the classroom with other teachers and students next time. Right, Tsuzuki?”

 With two of their students ecstatic after ingesting their former selves' cum, the two P.E. teachers, Iwaki and Tsuzuki, once again beginning to plan the body swaps with others.


Difference pictures are under.




The bottom is so handsome and hot😍🤩😋🤤🤪❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥