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※This story is a continuation of the previous story, “Suffering of the Judo Club Captain, Yoshiyuki Sasaki”


“Nnghhh, that feels good……♥ I can feel the cum being made inside my balls♥♥ That's the body of the active company rugby player……kuuuuuu♥”

 Kensuke Kuramochi, the P.E. teacher, stuck out his tongue and began to move his hips back and forth again, bubbles pooling at the edges of his mouth.

 His child-sized cock, though completely tanned and blackened from his intercourse with women, was veiny, moving in and out of the man's asshole with a gurgling sound.

 Kuramochi himself has already had sex with men many times, but this is the first time 【his current body】 has had sex with a man. Therefore, he was obsessed with keeping shaking his hips, experiencing for the first time a series of stimulating sensations, such as the tightening of his hard anus, which was different from that of a woman's pussy.

“Hmghhh!? Sasaki……, this is awesome! I didn't know it could feel this good♥♥♥”

 The pleasure of the first male-on-male sexual act was so great that he couldn't help but let out a pitiful scream. The corners of his mouth naturally started to drool as he let out a breath, and his deep voice was laced with the sheen of pleasure.

 As if to ridicule him, Yoshiyuki Sasaki lifted the corners of his mouth, which was the spitting image of Kuramochi.

“Mr. Kuramochi, do you like the asshole of an active company rugby player?”

“Oh, yeah♥ I like it! It feels so good!! I love to get my cock inside of your hard and tight ass♥♥♥”

“Hehe, that's great. I'm going to make you feel even better……”

 Yoshiyuki pushed Kuramochi down on the bed and swallowed his immature cock into his own asshole, clamping down on it. The obscene sound echoed through the room as Kuramochi's manhood was sucked into the hole up to the root.

“Oh, oh, oh!? It's small but……feels so good……, fgghhhh♥♥”

 Although it does not allow deep penetration, the short cock, which is hard enough, rampages around inside to its fullest, stimulating the walls of Yoshiyuki's intestines. The same sized foreskin cock that was erecting in crotch, splattered with pre-cum mixed with white.

“Ohhhh♥ It feels so good to have your cock in my asshole, it's disgusting, but it feels sooo good♥♥”

 Two bodies that have only ever made love to the opposite sex are rejecting the idea of sexual intercourse with a man. The surface of Yoshiyuki's brown skin got goosebumps, his nipples rise up in resistance, and his anus tighten to expel the foreign object. The brain also tries to reject anal sex, sending them signals of discomfort. However, this led Kuramochi and Yoshiyuki to a more exciting crucible.

 They force their new bodies to give in and strongly imprint on their bodies that they are the original owners of them. The disgust and immorality, discomfort and arousal, which were supposed to be contradictory sensations, were sublimated into one and became a perverse pleasure that attacked their bodies and minds.

“Hghhh, ohh……♥♥”

“Huh……♥ You're feeling it in my ass, aren't you? Your body is already a faggot. You're erecting so hard in my fucking noob ass. But it's the same for me, too♥ This body which is now mine, is so horny for the first homo sex♥♥ Ahh……, while my ass is sucking your cock, and it's moving by itself and tightening up on yours”

 Yoshiyuki's manly face is contorted with discomfort and pleasure as he shakes his hips. Below him is Kensuke Kuramochi , a man with short, shaved sides hair and a chiseled face. Thick eyebrows, large eyes, a stringy bridge of the nose, and thick lips. Everything about him was identical to Yoshiyuki's, as if he had been copied. It is no wonder. Their 【bodies】 are identical twins. But there is also no doubt that they are a teacher and a student, as far apart in age as parent and child.

“It's too good to rape a man's asshole while looking at a face that looks just like my own! I'm cumming, I'm cumming again♥♥”

“Ooooh……too fast, Mr. Kuramochi! But I'm at my limit too, so I'm going to cum with you! Agghhhhh!!”

“Agghhh!? Your move is too fast! Nnooooooooo! I'm cumming♥♥”

──Bubyuu! Burrrrrrr!!! Dokk-dok-dok-dok-dok!!

 Kuramochi and Yoshiyuki both turned into the same exact Ahe-Gao and ejaculated at the same time. On Kuramochi's well-defined abs, the cum from Yoshiyuki's erect but still skin-covered immature cock fell in white patches, as if coated with paint. And from their union, the backwash of hot, seething mucus gurgled and overflowed.

“Ahee……, it came out soooooo much……♥”

“Shouto's cock is so small, but the amount of cum he's cumming is just too much……♥♥♥”

The two muttered contentedly to each other, and then fell down, prostrate. The bed creaked loudly as it took on the weight of both of them.

“Raito's cock is the same size as mine……”

 Kuramochi let out an unfaithful sound, but he immediately smiled and looked at Yoshiyuki. Perhaps from the effects of the ejaculation, the memories of the physical bodies came to the forefront of both of their minds. As they looked at the man in front of them, who looked the same but felt somewhat like a stranger, they began to feel closer to him as if he were their own blood brother. Kuramochi was involuntarily drawn to the lips of Yoshiyuki, who was showing the same face with a tender expression on his face.

“Nnnn, chuu, chu, chuu……♥ Phew, kissing my twin brother feels so delicious♥ It feels totally different from before……♥”

“Hehe, you're right♥ Kissing my big twin brother with the same face is…… very exciting♥♥”

 The king-size bed creaks and screams again because of the two heavyweights' disorderly interaction. Kuramochi and Yoshiyuki's lips were on top of each other's, their tongues seeking and entwining with each other's.

“Nmmm♥ The twins are kissing and fucking each other, it's the most erotic thing……♥ They've gone from being twins to strangers, so they're probably having as much sex as they want right now. Hey, let's have sex again, shall we? This time, fuck me♥ Next time, I want to be fucked while looking at your face……, nggg!? Mwah!!”

 Before Kuramochi could finish, Yoshiyuki held him down on the bed and forcefully took his lips. He then grabbed his own short foreskinned cock and pushed it against Kuramochi's asshole, inserting it into the interior where it was allowed to enter for the first time.


 Twin brothers, Shouto Iki and Raito Iki. They're as active company rugby players, who belong to the Touto Mutsuboshi Sky Stars, a part of the rugby league, and spend their days practicing every day.

 They are one of the most agile and muscular players in Japan, and have finally won a place on the regular team. From next season, they will take the field as regular players on the glamorous stage. ──No, they were supposed to be.

 Suddenly, the twins were struck with a mysterious health problem. They used to boast of their inexhaustible stamina, but now they feel short of breath even after half a mile of running, and their whole body feels intensely tired. Older brother, Shouto, was particularly ill, unable to participate in matches or even practice properly for the past few days.

“Damn……! What the hell is this……, I can't control my body the way I imagine at all!”

 In frustration, Shouto threw the dumbbell away with all his might. His arms were somehow more powerful than before. The dumbbell hit the wall and rolled on the floor with an exaggerated noise.

“……Calm down, Shouto.”

 Next to him, his younger brother, Raito, also in training wear, watched the scene with a dumbfounded look on his face.

“Shut up! You don't know how I feel! Unlike you, whose movement is just a little bit awkward, my back hurts right away, and I can't even run! I'll be just dragging the team down!”

“……So calm down! You can't help it if you get emotional like that! ……And I ain't even at the level to compete too if I keep going like this……”


 Shouto ruffled his stiff hair into a mess and held his knees. This is a gesture the twins often do when they are in trouble. Raito, seeing that gesture, scratched his own shaved head and let out a sigh.


 Something is wrong. They suddenly had that feeling, and they both looked at each other at the same time.

“……Did you grow a beard until it got that thick?”

“When did you get a shaved head too……?”

 The words trailed off. The moment they spoke up about their discomfort, they felt as if a haze had settled over their head and consciousness began to blur.

“Eh……, why? We're twins, we're supposed to look and voice exactly alike, so why do we look so different from each other……?”

 Shouto's appearance about forty years old, with a tousled, bouncing head of hair, and a stubble beard like a bandit. He has a muscular body, but with fat in some places, he looks more like a wrestler than a rugby player.

 In contrast, Raito has an older face, but his skin is shiny and body is covered with strong muscles, giving him a youthful appearance that would make him look like a teenager.

“Hey, what the hell is this……? Did you eat something weird……!?”

“No way! What the hell happened to you to make you look like such an old guy?”

 Confused, the two stood in front of the mirror and stared at each other after seeing their own bodies. They looked so unlike each other that no one would believe them if they told they were twins, they would have snickered at them. Not only their faces and bodies, but even their body odors and the atmosphere they wore were so different. The discomfort makes them feel as if they are going crazy, but for some reason, they feel an even more intense lusts toward the person in front of them, who is supposed to be their brother.

 I adore my brother's handsome, masculine face──

 I can't resist the urge to touch my brother's well-trained body──

“Damn……, hey Shouto……!”

“I know……!"

 The two bodies moved on their own, slowly approaching each other as if controlled by an invisible thread. And two thick tongues covered in drooling drool intertwine like snakes and invade the other's mouth.

“Nchu♥ Hmmm♥ Mwah……♥”

“Huh♥ Nmmm……♥”

 Their bodies desire each other's bodies. When they realize that, their cocks become heated and erect. Then, unconsciously, they were rubbing their cocks against each other.

“Ahhh♥ Fuck♥ Our cocks rubbing against each other, it feels so good♥”

“Oh, my God♥ This feels so great♥♥”

 The twins' manhoods, which are not even similar in shape, stimulate each other and amplify the pleasure. Whereas only a few days ago they had small foreskin cocks and could hardly satisfy women, they have now transformed into huge cocks of larger-than-average size. Every time their exposed glanses touch each other, tingling sensations run through their entire body.

“Ohhh♥ I'm gonna cum……, I'm cumming♥♥”

“I'm cumming too……! Oh my God, I can't take it anymore♥♥♥”

 They ejaculated almost simultaneously. However, the excitement still did not subside. In fact, once they had ejaculated, it only made it even more intense lusts. Although they are brothers by blood, they feel as if they are the ones they are in love with, and their lusts accelerate even more.

“Raito……! I think I might be in love with you……!”

“Yeah, me too. Shouto……!”

 The two naturally put their lips together.

 There is no resistance to the act, as if they had always done this. The fact that they are not at all like each other is no longer a concern. Shouto repeatedly kissed Raito's bulky chest and abs, gradually moving toward his lower body and finally burying his face between Raito's thighs. Through his underwear, the steaming male smell pierced Shouto's nostrils, and that alone was enough to make him feel as if he were about to reach an orgasm. The smell of his crotch is something he rarely smell, even on his own. He had never imagined that he would be burying his face in his brother's crotch, even though he was my twin, and now Shouto has become so enamored with Raito──

“““Thank you for always supporting us!!!”””

 After the game, after greeting the cheering crowd in the stands and changing in the locker room, the twins came out of the stadium together. It had been another day of just warming the bench after all, but they didn't care about that now. Their minds were occupied with what they were going to do when they got home. Sleeping with their blood brothers. Such immoral fantasies never left their minds. They can feel their brains turning pink. While Shouto was thinking about the upcoming affair, suddenly Raito whispered from behind him in a low, trembling voice.

“Hey Shouto……, aren't those guys…… us?”

 Shouto turned and looked at his brother's face. The bottom of his thin eyebrows drooped, and he looked pale, as if he had seen a ghost. He looked in the direction Raito pointed and there he saw two familiar figures.

(What do you mean those guys are us……? I think I've seen their faces somewhere before……)

 Mixed in with their teammates' fans, two athletic-looking, sturdy men stare at the twins. They have the same face as us……? Shouto thought to himself, and then he suddenly realized.

“Oh…… hey! What's going on with their faces and their bodies?”

“You ask me, I don't know!!”

 As the teammates and their fans mingle amicably, the two sturdy men approach the twins. As they stood in front of them, they smiled as if they were one and the same and spoke to them in a friendly tone.

“Nice to meet you, Shouto Iki and Raito Iki. You don't know anything about us, but we know everything about you. If you want to know what happened to you, would you come with us, please?”

 One of the men said this in a manner that sounded as if he looked down on twins, and then began to stroke his hand over his own crotch. The other man glanced at him with a sideways glance, blushed a little, and remained silent. The crotch the man is touching is erecting, pushing up his shorts and getting a big bulge.

“Hey Shouto…… Shouldn't we be listening to what these guys have to say……?”

“Yeah, I was just thinking that too……”

 They don't know who the two men are, but for some reason there's an air of not being able to go against them. More than that, they can't take their eyes off his crotch, which has been a boner.

 Even though he is getting more and more excited, his erection is not so big because of his small foreskin cock. This fact makes them more and more convinced that the bodies in front of them are exactly like their own. For Shouto and Raito, there was no choice but to obey them.

“Nnghhh♥ Nnghhhhh……♥”

“Nnh♥ Huh♥ Ah ah ah……♥”

 Two men are shaking their hips against the assholes of Shouto and Raito, who are crawling on all fours. Each time they are inserted cocks from the back and their intestines are stimulated, they let out a sweet sigh. The twins were being fucked by two men in a position that reminded them of dog mating.

“How do you feel to be fucked in the ass with your former cocks?”

“Aghhh♥ It feels…… so good♥♥”

“Me, too♥ I've never felt such a good feeling before♥♥”

 The feeling of being gouged inside by the manhood of their former selves. The twins' current bodies are Kuramochi and Yoshiyuki's former bodies, and their anuses have been completely developed through repeated intercourse. At first it was uncomfortable, but now it is the most pleasant feeling. Every time tips of the small cocks knock against the prostates, a pleasant sensation runs through their entire body as if an electric current is flowing.

“Oh, ah……! I'm about to cum……!”

“Huh, me too……! I can't take it anymore……!”

“When we're cumming, you'll do it together……! If we do at the same time, our bodies will be swapped back and return to original selves?”

 The twins gritted their teeth and seemed to be out of breath as they were about to climax at the same time. Kuramochi and Yoshiyuki, hearing Shouto's panting question, were aroused by the aggravation and increased the speed of their pistons even more.

“I can assure you of that……, so please cum as hard as you can!”

““Cum! I'm cumming!!!””

 Perhaps relieved by Yoshiyuki's response, the twins ejaculated vigorously. The twins, with their bodies turned up, spread a large amount of cum from their red, swollen glans, and a large pool of it formed on the floor.

“Agghhh……, I'm cumming too!!”

“……Me too!!”

 After watching the twins finish, Yoshiyuki and Kuramochi also ejaculated into their former bodies. The pulsing, white-hot lust poured out of them, and Shouto and Raito looked happy.

──I can go back to my original body.

 More than that pleasure, I love the sensation of hot cum spewing out of my extremely thick cock while being fucked by a foreskin cock.

((Oh……, I don't care if I can't go back to my original body like this……))

 As if he sensed that Shouto and Raito were muttering that in their hearts, Yoshiyuki saw the smirk on their faces and smiled.

“Well then, I'll take them back to 【original】……!【Position Robbery】! The targets are 【Shouto Iki】 and 【Raito Iki】!!”

 A blinding light struck the four of them. And the position the four were in has been replaced by the opponent in front of them.

“Oh, what……? Are our bodies back to our original one? Ngghhh!!”

 The moment he felt that his body, which had seemed somewhat like someone else's, had become familiar, 【Yoshiyuki Sasaki】 was tightened his own manhood which had inserted into 【Raito Iki】's anus and let out a pitiful groan.

“Oh, yeah♥ I love your big cock, an active high school boy Yoshiyuki♥"

 As Raito shook his hips, Yoshiyuki's face contorted in pain, but he shuddered with pleasure. The cock, which was deep inside Raito's body, was stuck like a hook in the mouth of a fish that was hungry for bait.

“Why……? Your cock was in my ass just a minute ago!? But, damn it……, why……?”

“Hey, hey, what are you talking about? Are you all right, 【Yoshiyuki】? We went out of our way to lend you active rugby players' asshole for the sake of you guys who say you're fans of us. Did you forget that?”

──Was that so? If he put it that way, I feel like I did.

 The oppressive feeling that made him feel as if he was about to let go of his consciousness turned into something more and more comfortable. Perhaps noticing that change, Raito looked into Yoshiyuki's face with a satisfied expression.

“Nmph♥ That's right, Yoshiyuki♥ You two are crazy fans of us, aren't you? We are happy to have fans who love us so much♥

“Hah♥ Hah……♥ Yeah♥♥ I love……, I and Mr. Kuramochi love you two……♥ No, no…… I'm……, 【I】 am……”

 Every time Raito's low voice whispers in Yoshiyuki's ear, he feels a tingle of pleasure run down his spine. Just the fact that he is having sex with these guys, which he's biggest fans of, is enough to send his brain into a state of debauchery. But he can't let himself fall into that peace of mind──

 He looked sideways at Kuramochi, who was also engrossed in intercourse with the twin big brother, Shouto. Kuramochi is letting out a hot breath as dripping down sweat on Shouto's tanned, copper-colored skin and the sound of the body colliding with the one echoes through the air.

“Nggghhhhh! This feels so much better than my wife's pussy♥♥ The young rugby player's chunky ass feels so good that I can't stop moving my cock♥♥♥”

 His twenty-four years of life had been rapidly and forcefully overwritten and painted over by the forty-three years of the life of a man named 【Kensuke Kuramochi】, and he had been reborn as a different person, not only in body but also in mind. A lustful smile was pasted on his stern face, and he was fucking his anus with his hips pounding furiously, as if to mix the pre-cum from his stiffly erected cock with Shouto's intestinal fluids.

“Ngh♥ Oh,aah♥♥♥ Mr. Kuramochi……, pour your semen inside my ass♥♥”

“Yeah, Shouto! I'm about to cum♥♥”

 Kuramochi's huge cock began to jiggle and pulse, and the next moment he was spewing a lot of cum inside Shouto. He has long since forgotten that the man in front of him is the man he once was. But the soul in the depths of his heart cried out for him to return to his original body. However, his cries were in vain, and everything about him has completely fitted the body of 【Kensuke Kuramochi】.


 At the same time as Kuramochi's ejaculation, Shouto also climaxed. He was intoxicated by the sensation of having the sensitive part of his asshole rubbed, which he was still not used to, and he was in ecstasy.

“Oh……, ugh……”

 Meanwhile, Yoshiyuki is in a desperate situation, but he continues to subconsciously feel that it is still dangerous to ejaculate. His body wishes he could just end up inside Raito's anal, but his brain is ringing alarm bells that it would be dangerous to do so.

“Nnnn, nmmm……♥ Oh, wow, Yoshiyuki's cock, it's trying so hard! My ass is clenching so tight that it doesn't want to let go of 【my former big cock】, but you know, this body is mine now♥♥”

 Raito lovingly stroked his own sweat-soaked skin, tightening his anus to squeeze Yoshiyuki's cock and lifted his testicles with a hand and kneaded them.

“Oh, no, Stop it! If you do it to me like that, I'm going to……”

 The simmering cum, refined by the young male's body, rushed into his urethra in search of an outlet under the influence of the gentle kneading of his balls. There was nothing more he could do. Reaching the limit of his endurance, Yoshiyuki ejaculated vigorously inside Raito. The hot and thick cum hit the wall of 【his former self】's intestines, prompting him to tighten Raito's anus, and the stimulation squeezed out another load of cum.

“It's sooo hot♥♥ I can feel the young male juices gushing out of my ass……♥♥♥”

“Damn……! Give me back my……, 【our】 bodies!!”

 Seeing Yoshiyuki's frustration, Raiito, despite basking in the afterglow of his climax, raised his hips to stand in front of Yoshiyuki. Then, as if to show him off, he thrust his buttocks out with his bowlegs and spread his own anus. Yoshiyuki's manhood began to tingle again at the sight of Raito tempting Yoshiyuki by showing off his asshole, which was dripping with lewd fluids.

“Huh……♥ I got another boner when I saw you in such an erotic way♥♥”

(What……? My mouth moved on its own and……)

 The barely remaining spirit of 【Raito Iki】 is being invaded by 【Yoshiyuki Sasaki】's one. Yoshiyuki felt a thrill of pleasure at the sensation and smiled with delight. A feeling of excitement and euphoria, unlike anything he had ever felt before, enveloped his entire body.

(No……! If I keep this up, 【I】 won't be 【me】……)

 Even though he knew he had to reject it, Yoshiyuki could not do so. On the contrary, he was so eager to insert his cock into the asshole in front of him that he hugged Raito's thick, strong body and ran his tongue up and down Raito's neck.

(I don't care if I can't go back to being 【me】 anymore, I want to put my cock in a big, bulky, active rugby player's asshole and creampie♥♥)

 Yoshiyuki, who had completely lost all reason, gripped Raito's buttocks tightly and placed his manhood, which was now more than one size larger than before, in Raito's anus. Then, he moved his hips forward at once and inserted it up to the root.


 He could not hold back any longer. The sensation of never-before-experienced pleasures rushing in one after another almost burned out his brainstem. It was so comfortable.

“Nhoooo♥♥♥ I love Yoshiyuki's cock, it's the best♥♥”

 Raito also continued to be excited by the thick cock rubbing the mucous membrane of his anus. He shuddered at the pulsations transmitted through his bowel walls and moved his hips back and forth so that his prostate could be stimulated by Yoshiyuki's cock.

“Raito's ass is also very nice♥♥”

 Yoshiyuki was so aroused by Raito's manly face contorting and panting that he put his hands on Raito's hips and began to piston his cock. His cock was erected to the point of pain and dripping with pre-cum, and he shook his hips desperately so that he could reach deeper.

“Oh, yeah♥ Deep……, it feels so good deep inside my ass♥♥”

 Raito moaned in a low voice each time the glans hit the prostate gland. Yoshiyuki, too, was intoxicated by the pleasure of his own cock rubbing against the prostate, and he kept moving his lower body back and forth like a maniac. Raito's hips began to quiver and move, and his bowels began to tighten in response.

“Ahhh, it's so tight♥♥”

 Yoshiyuki hugged the muscular body in front of him as he continued his piston movement. Raito responded by putting his hands behind Yoshiyuki's back and hugging him tightly. Their sweaty bodies were in close contact, feeling each other's body heat and accelerating the movement of their hips.

“Oh, God, my ass is so hot♥♥♥”

 The intestinal fluids were overflowing from Raito's anus, making an obscene sound with the movement of the manhood. The sound and the sensation of his cock made Yoshiyuki even more aroused, and he pushed his thick cock into Raito's anus up to the root, finally penetrated deep inside his intestines.

 The two stern-faced men convulsed, roaring at the same time. Raito's anus swallowed Yoshiyuki's huge cock up to the base, and tightened while his intestinal walls undulated.

“Damn……, I'm cumming♥♥”

 At that moment, a large amount of white spunk gushed out from Yoshiyuki's manhood. Filled with hot and thick mucus, Raito climaxed in anal orgasm and ejaculated at the same time. The cum spurted out in a huge com and painted Raito's body white.

“Aaaahhhh♥♥ It feels so good to be creampied♥♥♥”

 The ejaculation was long and the volume was tremendous. Raito, who had been climaxing the whole time, was drooling from his mouth and moaning in a lewd voice. On the other hand, Yoshiyuki, in a completely shaky state of consciousness, creampied his former self's anus with a heavenly feeling and collapsed in the same position.

 While the cum creampied by his big cock was spilling out of the asshole, Raito pulled out Yoshiyuki's manhood with a hot exhale and stood up, moving Yoshiyuki's body out of the way. Yoshiyuki's cock, which had popped out of Raito's anus with a slurping sound, was still erect and twitching.

“Huh……♥ You have the best cock and balls. Thanks to you, my cum tank is full.”

 He took a deep breath as he watched the pure white cum dripping from between his legs with satisfaction. 【The body he has now】 is lovely, but 【the body he once had】 is just as lovely. After licking and cleaning Yoshiyuki's manhood, Raito finally stood up with a satisfied look on his face. He then looked at Shouto, who looked equally satisfied, and left, putting back on the clothes he had taken off.

““Uh……, agghhhh♥♥””

 The remaining Yoshyuki and Kuramochi were so overcome with the pleasure of having ejaculated inside 【their former bodies】 that they were left on their backs and left to their own devices. The cum that was still dripping from their anus was soaking the valley between their asses.

“Sasaki, are you okay……?”

“How about you, Mr. Kuramochi?”

“Yes……, I'm fine somehow.”

 The two finally became conscious and checked each other's condition. Their skins, taut with muscles, are sweating profusely, and the pre-cum continue to overflow from cocks, which are still erect.

 Their faces were flushed and they embraced each other, inhaling the male stench that made them want to pick their noses.


“Shouto Iki, Raito Iki──. You'll be back as regulars tomorrow!”

 After practice, the coach announces the news, and the teammates congratulate him. It had been a while since they were dropped from the regular roster, but they had finally returned, their bodies pumped up even more than before, and they were exuding the pheromones of a male. Their bodies and minds were already completely at one with each other, and they could confidently say that their bodies were now their true selves.

“Thanks, guys!”

“I'll do my best!”

 They expressed their gratitude to the teammates and disappeared into the shower room. Their libido was in excess for the games starting tomorrow. While showering, they embraced and kissed each other fiercely. Their cocks, which had become erect with excitement since they were told they would be returning to regular play, clashed with each other, causing a slippery pre-cum to drip from the tips.

“Nchu♥ Huh……, Shouto, you look so erotic♥”

“You're the one…… inviting me with your manly face. I love your pumped up big body too♥ Huh……, I don't want to give up this face and body……”

 They played with each other's bodies as they exchanged heated kisses. Raito squeezed Shouto's muscular breast plate and ran his fingers along the crack of his abdominal muscles. Shouto, on the other hand, was not to be outdone, stroking Raito's body and sucking on his pectoral muscles.

“Agh, huh……♥♥ I love my body, too♥ I'm sorry about them, but let's use these muscular bodies for a longer time. If you want, we can have these bodies forever♥♥”

“I'd like that, too. With these great bodies and faces and the title of active rugby player, we're sure we can have all the sex we want with all the sturdy men we want♥♥”

 The two lay on the floor of the shower room, their bodies wet with sweat, saliva, and pre-cum, and sucked each other's identical shaped cocks.


Difference pictures are under.



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