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 It is mid-May. The rainy season began much earlier than usual this year, and although it was not raining today, sticky clouds were covering the sky. Under such cloudy skies, Kanato Sakurai was heading to school, dragging his heavy body as if his legs were covered with lead.

 Yesterday, he had caught a cold and missed school, but that was not the only reason his body felt heavy.

 With a gloomy feeling, he somehow managed to arrive in front of the classroom entrance just as the pre-bell rang. When he opened the door, he found his classmates sitting in their seats, as was to be expected.

 However, he felt something strange about the scene. The classroom, which would normally be somewhat noisy, was strangely quiet. It was almost as if no one was there. Not a single student looked in Kanato's direction as he opened the door, and everyone was staring at the blackboard.

(…… What's going on, guys?)

 The blackboard with the words 【Forced body-swapping seat changes】 written in white chalk and numbers assigned to each seat in red chalk. The numbers ranged from 1 to 31. It suddenly occurred to him that these might be attendance numbers. However, the number of students in this class is 30, so the number is one more.

(Let's see……)

 Puzzled, he searched for his own number, and to his surprise, Kanato's attendance number, nine, was written on the podium. Immediately concluding that the number written in red was not his attendance number, he looked at the seat he had been using until yesterday. However, there was another student sitting there with his arms crossed. The person who had been the cause of Kanato's heavy heart.


 Souta Hidaka, a male student with an arrogant attitude, is smiling at him. Although he looks like a delinquent in school uniforms, which are against school rules, he is the center of the class, is an all-around sportsman, and, contrary to his appearance, has excellent grades. As a member of the judo club, his body is so well-trained that it is hard to believe that he is a high school student, and his face is deeply chiseled, giving him a masculine, mature appearance.

“…… That's my seat, right there.”

“It's not your seat, it's mine from today.”

 Kanato was disgusted to hear Souta's words. Are you kidding yourself again like that? If it was in a secluded place, it would still be here in the classroom, right?

“What do you mean by……?”

“I told you, this is my seat now. You missed school yesterday, didn't you? I skipped school yesterday, too. When I came to class this morning, I found out that my seat had been changed yesterday and this is now my seat. You see my attendance number on the blackboard?”


 As expected, those red numbers were attendance numbers. So that means Kanato's seat is the podium.

 What in the world is this a joke? He doesn't believe that all of his classmates are harassing him.

 After thinking about it, Kanato realized something. If Souta is here, what about his seat? Turning around and looking at the seat he had been sitting in until yesterday, Kanato couldn't believe his eyes. There sat Takumi Suzuhara, his homeroom teacher, with a bored expression on his face and a cane on his cheek.

“Wait, wait a minute, Mr. Suzuhara! Why are you sitting in Hidaka's seat?”

 Suzuhara did not even try to hide his displeasure as he said to Kanato, who had raised his voice unintentionally.

“I'm not sure why you'd say that…… We changed seats yesterday, and as a result, my seat was decided to be here. And your seat is over there from today, 【Mr. Suzuhara】. The chime has already rung, so can't you hurry up and start homeroom?”

 With that, he yawned and plopped down on his desk and fell asleep.

 Kanato could do nothing but stand there, unable to say anything, as his homeroom teacher had changed so much. The rest of the students were silent and unresponsive, as if they were puppets without will. Having no choice, Kanato decided to stand up to the podium.

 He looked around the entire class with a nervous face, and then he realized the true nature of the strange feeling he had felt when he entered the classroom. Except for Souta and Suzuhara, the faces and bodies of all his classmates were horribly unbalanced.

 Their faces were chubby and their bodies were plump. Chubby faces and thin bodies. If that's all there was to it, it was fine. Some of them wore girls' school uniforms even though their faces were male, and vice versa. Kanato could not help but feel dizzy at the sight of his classmates, who looked as if everything had been reversed. But that was not the only surprise. As soon as he took the podium, he himself began to act like a teacher.

“Alright, then, let's take attendance!”

 His own voice, which should have been familiar to him, sounded like that of a complete stranger. Kanato felt nauseous, as if he were not himself. However, his mouth moves of its own accord, and he smoothly reads out the names of the students.

 In the end, when he called out 【Kanato Sakurai】's name, Souta replied, and when he called out 【Souta Hidaka】's name, Suzuhara replied, as if it were a matter of course.

 After homeroom, Kanato called Souta and Suzuhara into the hallway. To be honest, he has absolutely no idea what is going on with this bizarre situation. How could this happen after just one day off from school? He asked the two 【students】 with his head in his hands.

“Mr. Suzuhara, do you have any idea why this happened?”

“I told you it was because of the seat change. I'm not Suzuhara anymore, I'm a 【Hidaka】. Don't make a mistake.”

 The man, who was a high school teacher until yesterday, told Kanato that in a brusque tone. Before he knew it, he had changed from his polo shirt and jersey pants to school uniforms, which are against school rules. Kanato was astonished to see him like that, but looked at Souta. Souta's outfit had also changed, and he was dressed in his regular school uniform, which had not been altered.

“Mr. Suzuhara, can I go back to my seat now?”

“Uh……, ah……”

 The two men were not going to give him the information he wanted to know, no matter what he asked them. Kanato made this decision and headed to the staff room as 【Takumi Suzuhara】, despite being driven by an inexpressible sense of anxiety.

“Excuse me, Sir! Listen to me!”

 Kanato shouted loudly as soon as he opened the door to the staff room. Hearing his words, the other teachers looked at him in surprise.

“What's wrong? Mr. Suzuhara, you shouted so loudly.”

“Huh?! No, um……”

 After looking at Kanato's face with concern, the teachers look at each other. They all recognized Kanato not as a student, 【Kanato Sakurai】, but as a physical education teacher, 【Takumi Suzuhara】.

 When Kanato realized that, an extraordinary euphoric feeling overtook his entire body. A sweet numbness, as if his brain was being prodigal. His vision became distorted, his footing became dizzy, and a feeling of euphoria ran through his body to the point where he could hardly even stand. Kanato struggled to maintain his ego as the pleasure continued endlessly, as if he were about to ejaculate.

 Eventually, when the sexual excitement subsided, he slowly regained his breathing.

“Ah, sorry……, it's nothing. I guess I was a little sleep-deprived and sleepwalking. Hahaha……”

“Maybe you've been working too hard lately?”

 Kanato sat down in 【Takumi Suzuhara】's seat, while listening to the teachers who laughed and were concerned about him. Even though it is the first chair he has ever sat in, it feels comfortable to his body as if he has used it for many years. He huffed out a breath, plopped down on the desk, and fell asleep as he did.

“Mr. Suzuhara, please get up! Next class is about to start!”

 Someone shook his body and Suzuhara regained consciousness. He looked up in a panic to see a teacher sitting next to him staring at him with concern.

“Oh, ah…… Thank you.”

 He stood up, thanking the teacher sitting next to him, and slapped himself on the cheek. Fortunately, he didn't have his first period class today, which was a relief. Thanks to sleeping for a little while, the anxiety he had been feeling disappeared, and he felt like his head was clearer. He can't quite remember what he was feeling anxious about…….

 After that, he went about his classes as usual without a hitch, and it was time for homeroom. He opened the door to the classroom, stood at the podium, and was about to open his mouth.


 He remembered that he was 【Kanato Sakurai】, a student in this class. For some reason, ever since he woke up in the staff room, he had assumed that he was 【Takumi Suzuhara】. No, it was not as simple as that.

 Suzuhara looked around the entire classroom from the podium. All of the students who looked odd are back to normal. Their faces and bodies, which should have been different from each other, were now correct and matched their names. And it was the same for the three of them. The real Suzuhara became 【Souta Hidaka】. Souta became 【Kanato Sakurai】. And he himself had also changed to 【Takumi Suzuhara】, not only his face but also his entire body──.

 After leaving the students, Suzuhara finished his work quickly and ran to the staff bathroom on a rarely-used floor, where he reflected his entire body in a large mirror hanging on the wall. There, he saw 【Takumi Suzuhara】 wearing sandals, a polo shirt, and jersey pants. He fearfully took off his polo shirt, revealing his upper body covered with thick muscles. His large body gives the impression of being a former rugger man. His arms are as thick as logs, and his chest is big and hefty. His abdominal muscles are well defined, and when he stroked them to check their hardness, he could feel their rugged texture.

“Is this……, me……?”

 The deep voice escaping from his mouth reverberates in the damp bathroom.

 He has a strong, athletic physique that is typical of a physical education teacher. His face is so manly that he receives a large amount of chocolate from female students on Valentine's Day. His eyes and nose are clearly defined, and he is even sexy in a masculine way. If anything, manly would be a more appropriate word to describe his appearance than cool.

“Is this really…… 【My】 body?”

 He muttered to himself and unintentionally reached for his crotch. There it is, the unmistakable symbol of a man. But the feeling made him feel the enormity of his own cock, which was far greater than what he was used to touching on a regular basis. When he held it, he could feel the weight of the massive balls. The fig, which was getting bigger and bigger with just a light squeeze, pushed up his underwear and jersey pants and emerged from them, quickly transforming into a huge cock that exceeded his belly button.

 Suzuhara gulped down his saliva at the sight of that magnificent manhood, which he had never seen before. The size of the cock was truly worthy of being called a big cock. The cock, which must have had sex with women countless times before, was big black and had a grotesquely fine adult shape. The gently curved, ultra-thick cock was jiggling and pulsating with numerous blood vessels floating in the air. The glans at the tip of it was swollen and shiny and obscene, like a ripe fruit.

“It's amazing……!”

 Unable to resist, Suzuhara gripped that huge meat stick with his right hand and began to move it around. With his left hand, he rolled and played with his balls. He is probably so busy with his teaching life that he does not even masturbate, let alone have sex. He felt like rising cum from his balls, which were filled with cum, every time he stimulated them. Soon, the pre-cum began to overflow from the urethral opening and wet his fingers.


 He closed his eyes and surrendered himself to the pleasure. The memories that come to mind are them of a life that is not his own. The life of 【Takumi Suzuhara】 is running through his mind like a flashback. Memories of his student days when he was active in rugby, after he graduated from university and became a physical education teacher, and the joy and happiness he felt when he got married and had a wife……

 As these memories flashed back one after another, Suzuhara felt a particularly strong sensation of ejaculation.

“No, no, noooooooo!! I'm gonna cum♥♥♥♥♥”

──Dop-dop-dop!! Dop-dop-dop! Byururururuuuuuu!!!

 【Takumi Suzuhara】's whole body reflected in the large mirror is sprayed with a large amount of thick, jelly-like cum. The mass of cum, which is like a white waterfall, covers about half of the mirror's surface. The sheer volume of cum was so great that it dripped down to the floor, and a muffled male smell rose from the sea of cum that had collected in a sloppy pool.

 Perhaps from the effects of his ejaculation, he felt as if his mind had adjusted to his new body all at once. There was no longer the slightest trace of the discomfort he had felt earlier.

 He held up his arm, which was beefy, to the fluorescent light that poured down from the ceiling and took a closer look at it. It definitely felt like a part of his own body. The wedding ring on the ring finger of his left hand strongly supports this fact. 'I am now moving this body with my own will. Without a doubt, I am 【Takumi Suzuhara】.'

 As he hugged his own body tightly with his thick arms, Suzuhara let out a hot breath with his eyes closed.

“Yuki, can I have a word?”

 I couldn't resist and called out to my wife, Yuki. She was in front of the mirror applying lotion to her face, but as soon as she heard my voice, she came over to me.

“What's wrong, darling?”

 She asked me in a gentle tone of voice, and I told her the truth.

“Actually, I'm not 【Takumi Suzuhara】……! I'm not your husband now, I'm 【Kanato Sakurai】, a student in my class!”

“Uh, what? What's going on all of a sudden?”

 Yuki made a curious face and tilted her head.

“I'm sorry…… It's not good to be told something like this out of the blue……”

“Yeah…… Because no matter how I look at you, you're my darling. You see, the muscles here and there are still very fine and manly and wonderful. I fell in love with your muscles at first sight……”

 Saying that, Yuki smiled and patted my upper arms. No, different! I'm not your husband, and anyway, this is not the time to be talking about that.……!

“No, not like that, I'm……, I'm……”

“So, do you know where we went on our first date?”

“Local seaside aquarium……”

“So, where did you propose to me?”

“…… Our favorite yakitori restaurant……”

“I'm sure you are my beloved 【Takumi Suzuhara】 after all. There is nothing to worry about!”

“No, that's not like that I want to tell you……!”

“I'm getting wet because…… you remind me of the old days. Hey darling, tonight is the first time in a long time…… Isn't that good? Himari has already had a good night's sleep, and I think it's time to make a second baby. Please……!”

 Yuki said sweetly and put her hands around my neck.

“Wait, wait please……!”

 Her lips came close to mine and overlapped mine. The moment the soft tip of her tongue entwined with mine, I was hit with a thrill of pleasure and I lost the power to resist. She pushes me straight down onto the bed, removes my underwear, and takes my cock in her mouth. The warm sensation in her mouth made my cock erect, and Yuki straddled it and slowly lowered her hips.


 I made an obscene sound as my huge cock slithered in crotch and was swallowed by my wife's wet pussy. A large amount of love juice dripped from where we overlapped, creating a large stain on the sheets.

“I'm sure that your cock is yours, too! Because my womb remembers it!”

 She continues to move her hips up and down and swallow with her lower mouth as my meaty cock is inserted up to the base. Each time she does that, my cock rubs hard against her vaginal walls, and I am overcome with tremendous pleasure.


 For 【Kanato Sakurai】, this is the first sexual act with a woman. But for 【Takumi Suzuhara】, it was the first time in a long time that had sex with beloved wife. The cock of 【Takumi Suzuhara】, encased in the vagina of beloved wife, is trembling with pleasure.

 Furthermore, the immoral situation that I, a virgin, am having sex with a woman I just met today── the wife of my homeroom teacher, accelerates my arousal, as if I am being chased.

 This situation, which would never have happened to me under normal circumstances, in which I am bedding someone else's wife, even though we are physically a married couple, makes my brain, which until this morning was not mine to begin with, boil over. My muscular body is damp from the sweat that has blown off me, making the bed creak and squeak as I make bead-like drops that wet the sheets. And my face, a masculine physical education teacher, was swallowed up in a whirlpool of immorality and comfort, and I was debauched with pleasure.

“Huh……! I'm so excited! It feels so good, Yuki…… I'm gonna cum, honey♥♥♥”

“I'm coming too! I'm gonna cum with you! I love you! I love you, darling♥♥♥”

“Me too! I love you too, Yuki! Conceive a baby with me!!!”

──Dop-dop! Dokk!! Byurururuuuu!!

 The moment I penetrated the deepest part of my beloved wife's vagina, which I had just met, a large amount of cum poured out from my stiffly hardened cock. My swollen testicles repeatedly contracted, pumping fresh cum into my urethra like a pump, in an effort to impregnate my beloved wife. The heat of it quickly filled Yuki's insides, and it continued to overflow from the space our overlapping bodies.

“Okay, then, let's take attendance!”

 On his second day as a teacher, it has become a matter of course that he stands at the podium for morning homeroom. Suzuhara holds the attendance list and reads out the names of the students.

“Next up is…… Sakurai, Kanato Sakurai!”


 'Until yesterday, I was the one who was【Kanato Sakurai】. I feel some nostalgia, but now I can only think of him as a stranger. In his mind, his memory as 【Souta Hidaka】 has disappeared and he has become completely 【Kanato Sakurai】, just like the other students? But if so, why is it that the memories of two people remain with me in this way?'

 Thinking about that, Suzuhara read out 【Souta Hidaka】's name.

“Next, Souta Hidaka.”

“……Ah yes.”

 Suzuhara, who had been looking down at the attendance list, felt uncomfortable with Souta's reply. Looking at him, his face seemed somewhat listless, yet he seemed to be staring at Suzuhara with an eager gaze.

“Hmm, what's the matter, Hidaka? You look…… pale, don't you?”

 Suzuhara was worried and called out to Souta, thinking he might be feeling ill, but he hurriedly shook his head.

“It's nothing! I'm fine, Sir!”

 Although suspicious, Suzuhara could not pursue the matter any further, so he continued to check attendance and finished homeroom as usual.

 It was after school when Souta── the former 【Takumi Suzuhara】, visited in the staff room. He asked to speak with Suzuhara alone in an unpopular place. Suzuhara took Souta to the rugby club room and locked the door. Since club activities are currently suspended before midterm tests, no one is likely to come to the clubroom.

“So, What is it that you want to talk about?”

“Mr. Suzuhara……. umm……”

 He was in the middle of saying something, but he choked up, turned his head down, and fell silent. The appearance was obviously strange, but Suzuhara decided to wait for Souta to say something.

 The room was filled with the smell of young males due to the sweaty high school rugger men's equipment here and there, and Suzuhara felt a little suffocated. On top of that, it was steamy and hot with the windows closed, and sweat began to pour out of his entire body. Unable to resist, Suzuhara was about to open his mouth when Souta raised his head vigorously as if determined to do so.

“Mr. Suzuhara! Are you 【Kanato Sakurai】, right?!”

 Suzuhara was puzzled for a moment by the sudden question, but immediately answered calmly.

“Oh, yes, that's right. If you remember that, then you also remember that you were 【Takumi Suzuhara】, right?”

“Yeah…… But somehow I forgot about it until last night…… And before I went to bed ……, I was masturbating, and the thought of Mr. Suzuhara suddenly popped into my head. Then I ejaculated while thinking about you as it was, and suddenly I remembered everything……”

“Ah, oh, I see…… It's hard to react what to hear that…… But, well, you masturbated because you were excited about your former body, so does that mean you were a narcissist?”

“No, I'm not! The fact that someone else is using 【My】 body is so exciting! I've never been a narcissist, and I've never been interested in men, but now I'm awakened, and I feel weird when I look at you! I don't know how to say it, I get horny……!”

 According to the story of Souta, whose face turned bright red and who was very excited, he apparently has a sexual desire to see his former body used by another person. Suzuhara, too, had been unaware of it, but he felt an inexpressible sexual attraction to Souta. Unlike in the case of Souta, the body of the man in front of Suzuhara is not his former body.

 This means that they are not aroused by the fact that another person's soul are in their former body, but rather they have an sexual arousal toward a person who still retains the memories of the time before this group body-swapping event.

 As Suzuhara was idly thinking about this, something touched his lips.


“Mr. Suzuhara, I can't take it anymore…… The more I think about you, the more my cock gets erect and my erection won't disappear……”

“Hey! Wait a minute! I didn't call you here with that intention.”

“What were your intentions then?”

 The answer of Suzuhara, Souta's mouth twisted into a grin. His gaze fell on Suzuhara's crotch. There, his already engorged cock pushed up his jersey pants and pitched a tent. The tingling in his body did not subside. He is lusting after his student. Thinking of that, his lower body becomes more and more heated.

“Ugh…… That's……”

“I'm sure you feel the same way as I do, too. Because you have such an erection on your cock. And yesterday, you put your big cock in Yuki, 【My】 wife, didn't you?”

 Souta's words made my heart skip a beat. Yuki, my new wife. She had invited me to fuck her, and I had ended up cumming inside her three times last night, having fallen in love with her. And she was the wife of the man in front of me until yesterday. Under normal circumstances, not only he's going to say abusive things to me, but also the situation would have been a bloody affair. But his reaction was surprisied me.

“You slept with Yuki, don't you? Dehehe, I'm so happy, Mr. Suzuhara! Just the thought of you having sex with her in 【My】 body, makes me so excited I could cum!”

 Souta's voice was filled with joy. I had expected him to denounce me for the crime I had committed, so I could not hide my upset at this unexpected turn of events. Then he approached me and pressed his bulging crotch against me under his pants. The sensation of a young man's hard, raging cock rubbing against my equally hardened crotch gave me a pleasure I could not describe.

“It's okay, Mr. Suzuhara. Please fuck her more and more! With 【My】 body! The more I imagine you and her fucking, the more excited I get, and the more my new cock gets erect!”

 Just as I was aroused by the fact that I had had sex with my homeroom teacher's wife, the former 【Takumi Suzuhara】 was also unusually sexually aroused by the fact that his own wife had been cuckolded by another person. At the same time that I felt relieved by that fact, I rapidly became attached to him. Even though his own body was taken from me, his wife, his child, and even his life were taken from me, he still gives me a sense of happiness. My body moved of its own accord at the thought, and I found myself hugging him right in front of me. My cock was erect again, as hard as his, and I could feel the tip of it getting wet and staining my underwear.

“Oh……, Sir?”

“I'm sorry, Hidaka. In truth, I must be blamed by you. But you like me too much, so I……”

“It's okay, Mr. Suzuhara! I'm so happy right now!”

 Souta hugged me back tightly and buried his face in my neck. The body of 【Souta Hidaka】 of the judo club was a little smaller than mine in the body of 【Takumi Suzuhara】, but he was strong and comfortable to hold. I felt a tingle down my spine as his raucous breathing hit my ears.

 I felt a strange sensation running through my body that only two people whose bodies have been swapped with someone else can understand. A feeling of solidarity was born, and this aroused further pleasure in us. We began to seek each other strongly and kissed each other intensely.

“Ah, huh……, Mr. Suzuhara. I love you. I love you so much……! ”

“Ooh, me too, Hidaka……! I love you too. You're the best!!”

 Exhaling roughly and devouring each other's lips, we undress. My── 【Takumi Suzuhara】's body, which I have trained as a rugger man since I was a student. The elastic skin, thin and flabby on top of thick muscles, was drenched with sweat, and the moment I took off my shirt, I could smell the scent of body odor of man. I myself was shocked by the smell, as if my brain had been hit by a blow. For Souta, the former 【Takumi Suzuhara】, the scent probably stimulated his sexual desire even more intensely than it did mine. As if to prove it, he began to sniff and sniff, with a trance-like expression on his face.

“Ah, wow, your smell……♥ 【I】 had such an erotic body odor, pungent…… And on top of that, its strong body of yours. In addition to being macho, your cock is big and black, and you're soooo cool……!”

 Souta seems to be admiring the body of 【Takumi Suzuhara】. He was rubbing his cock, which had risen between his legs, against my cock, which was also warped, and the tip of it was dripping with his pre-cum. But he was not the only one who was aroused. I, too, was abnormally horny for the body of my student in front of me.

【Souta Hidaka】's face is different from 【Takumi Suzuhara】's, who has a honest and sincere look, and gives the impression of a delinquent. He has a deeply chiseled, aquiline nose, masculine face with an air of maturity for a high school student. His chest is big with muscles, and his arms as well as legs are thick. His height is probably close to 180 centimeters.

 And the cock that stands out fiercely at the center of his huge body is also magnificent and commensurate with his physique. It is probably as thick and long as mine now. However, unlike my cock, which was circumcised even in normal times, his cock, which had a pseudophimosis, was completely covered by the skin up to the corona of glans penis, even when erect. Its color was a beautiful pink, giving it a youngblood look that had not yet been used. My level of excitement was considerable when it went from a young child's cock to an adult's big black cock. Then, how would he felt when he had gone from a used, big black cock to a pink cock that was as good as new, even though it was still the same size?”

“Mr. Suzuhara , please fuck my asshole with that big cock of yours…… with the cock that was 【Mine】 until yesterday!”

 Souta lay on his back on the desk with a creaking sound, holding his thighs firmly with his arms, and opened his legs wide. Perhaps last night, after lusting after his former body, he had indulged in anal masturbation alone, thinking about this moment. His asshole was twitching and contracting, revealing a bright red, bloodshot mucous membrane. I covered Souta, positioned my hips and pressed the tip of my cock against his entrance. My cock was already slippery all over the glans from the pre-cum. Using it as a lubricant, I slowly put my weight on him.

“Ohhhhhh……., it's coming in! Your big cock is……! 【My cock】 is…… sooooo hot♥♥♥”

 Souta, with a heart mark in his eyes, screams with delight. At the same time, his anus tightened and squeezed my erected cock hard. The feeling almost made me ejaculate, but I gritted my teeth and held on. Then I hugged his big body and started to piston slowly. The intense stimulation produced by the unevenness of his intestinal wall was different from that of a woman's pussy. The pleasure was stronger than any I could remember from any sex I had ever had as【Takumi Suzuhara】, and I pounded my lower body to Souta's one.

 Each time I did this, Souta would also hold me close and entwine our legs together so as not to let go of my body. Unlike anal masturbation with fingers, Souta kept moaning in agony at the sensation of having every crevice in his intestines filled with hard cock, rubbing and gouging his folds.

“Wow! This is amazing! This is a man's cock, 【my】 cock, huh? It's hot, it's thick, it feels so good……, it's addictive! I'm going to get addicted to it, I'm gonna crazy! Mr. Suzuhara! Sakurai! Hmmmm! My cock!”

 I vigorously thrust 【Takumi Suzuhara】's cock, the hardest and most furious cock I've ever had in my life, into the innermost part of Souta, who kept screaming like a madman. At that moment, Souta's eyes widened, and he pawed at my back until it bled, and then he climaxed, sticking out his tongue.

 At the same time, my cock clamped down hard, and I couldn't resist releasing my cum into his asshole. A large amount of cum poured into his body as my cock pulsed and throbbed. Their balls repeatedly contracted and relaxed until they were empty, and the condensed cum, as if boiled, continued to run down our urethra, creating a large pool all over the floor.

“Yuki, this is Souta Hidaka, a student in my class. He may look like a badass, but he's a good guy at heart, so please get along with him. Just because he's a good guy, don't flirt with him without telling me, okay?”

 When Suzuhara said this in a joking tone, Souta's face turned bright red and he turned his head down, while Yuki got sulky. To the casual observer, it's a funny scene, as if a teacher's pupil is visiting the teacher's house to play, but it's not. And the only two people who know about it, other than Yuki, are the others.

 The three of them sit down to dinner, sitting around 'Nabe(Stew)' in good humor. The conversation is lively, and Suzuhara opened Yuki's favorite wine and poured it into her glass. Every time her glass is empty, he poured wine into her glass again and again. Eventually, she plopped down on the table and began to make cute sleeping sounds.

“She has fallen asleep…… Mr. Suzuhara, please take her to bed.”

“Uh, yeah. That's right……”

 Suzuhara lightly took her in his arms as a princess and went to the bedroom and laid her gently on the bed.

“Mr. Suzuhara, do you love your wife? Will you cherish her? Which do you love better……, me or your wife, Sir?"

 Souta asked Suzuhara, who had returned to the living room, a series of questions. He stares at Suzuhara with an anxious expression.

“Hey, Hidaka, what are you going to do if you ask me that? You are my student, you know. Besides, I have had a loving wife and daughter now. What do you want me to say to you?”

 Suzuhara said sternly and reproachfully. He glared at Souta, pushed him down on the clean table, and took his lips.

“Nmmm? Nchuuuuu……, Mr. Suzuhara……, nnh……♥♥♥”

 Suzuhara fucks Souta's mouth with his mouth, snorting and devouring him. He plays with Souta's nipples in his shirt with his fingertips while Suzuhara slides down Souta's pants and underwear with his other hand. When Souta's cock was exposed to the air with a shudder, Suzuhara grabbed it with his hand and began to handle it up and down.

 Souta's cock was already erect and full of pre-cum. Suzuhara also took off his own jearsey pants and underwear and moved his own lips away from Souta's one. The thread of saliva that had been connecting the two of them was cut off.

“Who do I love more, you or Yuki? It's obvious…… I love you more than my wife Yuki and my daughter Himari. Of course……, I love you the best!!”

 Suzuhara, his manly face scrunched up and his eyes moistened, closed Souta's mouth with his lip again.

'When I brought the former 【Takumi Suzuhara】 to my home with my wife and dauther I loved, I expected something to change. I thought that I would be able to live peacefully as 【Takumi Suzuhara】, a husband who loves my family.

 However, it was wrong. Rather, I was made aware once again that what I truly loved was not my wife and daughter, but Souta.

 I can't help it. There is nothing I can do. I have no choice but to continue teaching as 【Takumi Suzuhara】, a physical education teacher for the rest of my life, and live with sexual arousal toward him.'

“I love you, I love you too! Please put your cock in my asshole and fill me with your cum in this house with Yuki and Himari!”

 Souta's large palm grabs Suzuhara's hardening cock and presses it against his own anus, inviting him to go deeper into it. Slowly, slowly, through the intestinal wall, 【Takumi Suzuhara】's cock buries itself inside 【Souta Hidaka】.

  In this world, the situation has been messed up, the two of them still have memories of the past. But they will be in ecstasy, and abandoning all thoughts of the future, they may continue to indulge their carnal desires.


Difference pictures are under.




I found your tweet about this post a few weeks ago. I like the body-swap theme so I started supporting. And after reading all your previous works (including Pixiv) I must say that I love your work. Every story has a different body-swap method and I like that. Love your illustrations too <3 Keep it going!


I forgot to ask: Can you share the PSD files too? Maybe as a new support Plan.


Thank you for supporting me! I am very happy to hear that you like my work. But I'm not considering to share the PSD files at this time. Sorry.