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M = Master

C = Carmilla

Knock, knock

C "Master, I'm coming in."

M "Oh...come in."

C "How are you?"

M "Same...I guess. The fever hasn't gone down yet...keh, keh...!"

C "You're coughing a lot.... Here, drink this."

M "Thanks.... Gulp...gulp...gulp.... Is this honey lemon?"

C "Well, I heard from Nightingale that it's good to feed them these things. This is one of them."

M "I see.... Thank you for the food."

C "Thank you for the lousy meal. Then, I'll be back."

M "Oh, wait...!"

C "What? You haven't had enough to drink yet?"

M "No...I just...I was wondering if you could sleep with me..."

C "What?"

M "No, I mean, I want to sweat a lot, and I'm strangely cold..."

C "...huh...good. Then lean a little closer. If you don't, you'll end up sleeping in a crushed position.

M "Oh, thanks...! I'm good.... Why are you naked!?"

C "Huh? You want me to warm you up, don't you? Then it's not something to get naked and cuddle."

M "No, but..."

C "What? You've seen me naked a lot and you still can't get used to it?"

M "It's not that...it's not that...it's not that.... After all, when you see me naked in front of you... right?"

C "Okay, okay, I'm coming in."

M "Mmm! Mwah! Geho, Geho! Too much in at once!"

C "I told you, I'm going to bother you. Come on, take off your clothes and come over here.

M "Nggu~...okay.... I'll be right back.... "

a few minutes later

M "Now, if you'll excuse me..."

C "Here you go..."

M "Yes, come in...Carmilla's meat is so warm...

C "Don't call it meat. Look, your arms are between your chest and stomach...right, a little steamy and warm, aren't they?"

M "Oh...it feels so good... Kehoho, kehoho... with this... you can sleep right away..."

C "...? Master?"

M "Soo... soo..."

C "Oh my, this pampered little boy, he's gone so fast.... Good night, get well soon"


I think I've got a cold or corona, and while I've been in bed raving, an idea came down to me and I wrote it down.

SS with only dialogue is SS, and it is quite good. I feel that the lack of commentary and such stimulated my imagination while I was writing it.

For now, I will stay at rest. I hope all my supporters are also taking care of themselves....

See you soon...👋


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