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April Director Commentary: Week 1

Hi Everyone!

Here's the weekly commentary video! I think I made a pretty bad-ass intro video for this month. In truth I just needed an art project to get me to step away from emails for a little bit, so I came up with this. I sort of wanted to convey the sort of emotional pitch I've gone through over the last couple weeks. It needed to have an arc of going from sad to determined, and I wanted something with wings to symbolize rebirth. Because I'm SkunkFrakker I made the wings form a neat high-tech heart out of the wings and her body. I thought it ended up looking really cool, visually. Synthy aesthetic to go with the music selection.

Anyway! Here you go <3 https://www.dropbox.com/s/vaiy4c9f1zf4rld/DirectorCommentary406.mp4?dl=0



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