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MONDAY! April keys delayed 1 day.

Hi Everyone!

It's Monday! I'm actually going to postpone most of Monday's update to Tuesday, because I don't want to do two server updates this week (it takes most of a day to do the server updates/builds and stuff.) I'm expecting a contact fom Patreon and I could really use some guidelines on how they want me to use their service. Because those guidelines will dictate what the April key unlocks for Patreon, I'd like to give them that extra day and just keep the March keys alive another day. There will always be more stuff here than over there, but I'll hopefully know what the heck they want from me for future Monday updates. I anticipate the final word on that by the end of the day.

So short term plan: I'll sleep, answer all my emails, then make the new April keys.

This week was kind of weak on the programming side of things. I only got around 20 hours in on Besti programming all week and I've (hopefully understandably) been having some difficulty staying focused in Visual Studio. Given that a normal week is usually a little over 70 hours of programming, I don't have enough to justify making a build of what I did.

That doesn't mean I didn't work on a variety of things, instead, but those are all in the pipeline for future weeks. We're working with a few different artists now all on different projects for updates so I can focus on Besti X development, and every one of those things, when they finish, are going to be awesome. I'm excited about all of them and I know you'll love them.

More as soon as I wake up and answer emails! Here's a quick writeup of the new code I did:

  • Altered menu layering properties so they display as intended if you have the menu configured to be below the floor plane. The Floor (your real floor) is given data, so if you have the menu set in such a way that it goes through the floor, it is now visible through the floor
  • Set new defaults for the menu that are more pleasant to interact with.
  • Simplified the internal mechanism for raycasting entitites. This is designed to reduce RAM usage/make modifications simpler.
  • Improved the menu transition effects, made more lightweight shaders, and manipulated shader priorities so they all work together better.
  • Modified the pointer to only hit the menu object layer when in menu mode. This defies an earlier design decision about making it easier to identify a miss, but that had an unforseen shortcoming in the way the menu is handled if you're sitting on the ground. I counter that with the next conceptual point:
  • Created a sphere around the player as part of the menu deployment system that acts as a negative impact for the raycast. Now instead of impacting on nothing (thus giving no indicator of the cursor being off or on) the cursor hits an invisible sphere around the user.
  • Configured the VR remotes to display when the menu is deployed, and they hide when the menu goes away. The idea here is that we'll display floating tooltips that indicate what the buttons do when you look at the controllers while they're visible, but that system ties into the controller ID system which isn't in yet. There are a couple ways to do this and I'd like to make one that doesn't involve me writing a middleware program like I had to do with finger tracking.



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