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Here's v013 :)



Uploaded v013b - > better optimized & better fps than v013

Uploaded v013c - > better optimized & better fps than v013b. Also driving-AI-related fixes.


v013d - > refineries bug resolved, some optimization (+10fps here), ¡rudimentary! player car reset: while in pause menu press "r" + "e" to reset your car when stuck. Expect barrel rolls.







now that the main map is finished, does this mean that updates are going to continue to be more common? i honestly am very exited to see where the game goes from here!


I'm going to stream this and point them to your Patreon. Good work and I can't wait to try this out after work!


Question - I know its hard to say that as of right now. But what is your goal year to release the game?


Downloading now,.. Yay!


VR version too, pleeeease? :)


Hello, where can i find the link of this version pls ?, it seemed to have dissapeared.


Hey Ondrej! This v013b update did not fix the main issue that happens when activating an enemy car. In other words, a strong frametime stuttering problem occurs as soon as the very first enemy is activated, I think it is caused by the new vision-based system. Once this is activated, the framerate will no longer be restored, by which I mean that the rendering will not be smooth even when none of the enemy cars are near the player. As I noticed, my GPU utilization is not at its maximum at this time either. In the first version, the FPS number was really worse, even if there was no active enemy car, I see you fixed it now, but the stuttering generated by the vision-based system is still the same. If you don't notice this issue, then I can make a video about it, because the Frametime graph shows very strongly that as long as there is no active enemy car, the frametime is a nice, straighter line, as soon as the first car is activated, a very dashed, thick line is drawn. How does this vision-based system work? Does it manually generate low resolution images and does the game run it all on the main thread? Maybe a new image is generated too often? Is it possible to handle this image generation asynchronously, so that it does not block the main thread?


Hey, Ondrej! When the game is finally released in its final state. Do you intend on releasing it on steam? Or plan on doing something else? Unless you have stated this somewhere else and I have just missed it haha :). Do you also plan on giving the game minor updates after it is released? Just curious on what some of your plans are but keep up the good work! Incredibly underrated but I hope that changes soon.


Yes, the vision script was still trying to access the AI vision camera, even if it's disabled (unneeded), that was most probably the reason for the irreversible slowdown. That's fixed now but I still kept working on improving the performance the last days. A big slowdown was caused by ReadPixels() and today I managed to replace it with another approach using AsyncGPUReadback, which basically spreads the pixel reading over several frames. The system works like this: after some preliminary conditions are met, an "enemy vision" camera is activated which analyses what it sees through: camera -> RenderTexture GPU to CPU Texture2d (that was the slow part) -> analysis if player visible or not. I'll try getting v013c ready asap :)


I'm glad you managed to find a solution. I would also add that if you now solve the "vision" camera by periodically disabling - enabling, or destroying and creating it again, it might be faster in terms of performance if the Camera.farClipPlane property is set to zero when you don't need it to render. My own experience this is a faster solution than switching objects on-off or destroy-create them at frequent intervals. I only wrote this because when I ported my mod to this new version, out of curiosity I displayed in OnGUI the number of all the cameras in the scene (Camera.allCamerasCount) in each frame and I noticed that a 5th camera appears and many times it seems to cease to exist, that is, it switches back to 4 and then to 5 again. Oh and one more little bug. For some reason, the water drops from the windshield wiper are now also rendered on the top of the rearview mirror.


I've never downloaded a game via patreon before, I downloaded. How do I open it, new to this and couldn't wait to try


Ok, the main problem (fps stuttering) is solved, but i found another critical issue. This was already included in the previous version. If the game starts from the 4th checkpoint (in the Refinery region on that small hill), the game freezes almost completely and runs at 0-1 fps. In this case the CPU usage is almost maxed out, and the GPU is almost not in use. If you manage to enter the Pause menu at this time, the problem will disappear, but only for the time that the game is paused.


If you managed to download the game, the game will be in a .zip file, you have to completely unpack it somewhere, in a folder where you store your games. Then you have to look for a "BEWAREv013c.exe" file in this folder, you have to open it. If your problem is that you get a "Windows protected your PC" window, then you can see a "More info" text there, which you can click on, this will display the "Run anyway" button.


hey, is quests still active in this vertion? Why goons dosent walk out to kill me? Where is babushka? I cant find nobody


Hm, Version 13c played now a bit: Very cool intro! Had the fps issue with being chased by 2 cars, so it seems still be there. Hope you can fix the car being too unstable next. The enemies are so deadly now with their attacks. Glad the car is indistructible in the moment. But especially on the forst roads I often steer directly into the mud or woods. And unlike the enemies I often get stuck there, Do the enemies teleport? I have more then once the feeling they come from somewhere wehre they should not be.


Thank you! I followed your instructions and managed to play!


What config do you have? I'm mainly thinking of the graphics card. How much does the fps drop when they start chasing? Enemy cars can reduce fps, because they use higher resolution textures and I assume the polygon count is higher than in the older Unity engine versions. But it could also be that the main issue is caused by the special lights that only enemy cars have. With my gtx 1650, I can play acceptably between 23 - 30 fps with 2 enemy cars in 1080p (without my mod), of course only with real-time shadows turned off. If the game is still playable for you and it causes a minor problem when the enemies are chasing you, the mod I made will probably help, which I will port to the latest version, I'm just waiting for Ondrej to fix a critical issue, which is in the case of the 4th checkpoint happens (I detailed this in the comment above). If Ondrej fix this, I will port the mod to this version, then you will probably find a solution with which you can enjoy playing the game with acceptable fps.


will there be an option to change the resolution like in the older versions because i always have much better fps with 720p compared to 1080p


Great! Graphics are much clearer and got big FPS boost (RTX 2070 Ti) Cant wait to see some gameplay elements!


In newer versions (from v011 and up) there is no option for this, but I have already made a mod for v012 that allows you to manually select all resolutions supported by your monitor from the Pause menu with all possible refresh rates. If Ondrej fixes one more remaining issue, then I will immediately start porting the mod to the current latest version, which allows you to select the desired resolution and other graphics settings, which will allow it to run faster even at the basic resolution. Until then, you can play with the resolution you want if you change the Desktop resolution to 720p in Windows and open the game that way.


Anyone been having issues when trying to use a controller? I'm using a PS4 controller with DS4Windows, and according to the game, it recognises the controller no problem, and I can input everything (accelerating, breaking, handbrake, changing up/down gears etc.) just fine. A major issue which renders the game unplayable with a controller at the moment is that when it's plugged in, the in-game camera constantly moves to the very top left of where the driver can see, and stays there. I can move the camera with my mouse, but when I stop moving the camera, it goes back to that exact spot. The issue stops when I unplug the controller. Anyone been having this same issue? Or better yet, does anyone know a fix? EDIT: Was able to resolve this issue by adding Beware to Steam via. "Add a Non-Steam Game". If anyone else has similar issues like the one I had above, try doing this. It worked for me, it might work for you.


thanks for the tip, I used your mod to make v012 run better by setting the resolution to 720p, I think it would be better for the resolution option to come back in future versions for convenience


Hey Ondrej, after a bit of research I found out that the freezing problem is caused by the enemy cars at checkpoint 4. If I navigate the enemy cars (it's enough if only one) to the Refinery region from the outside (for example, from checkpoint 3), the problem still occurs, and exactly at the moment when we reach the inner zone of the Refinery region, where the labyrinth road section would already begin. I noticed that if I change the code at the 4th checkpoint so that the enemy cars spawn high in the sky, e.g. above the player's car, then the game will not freeze until they touch the ground and start navigating.


is there a quick restart button/main menu button for when the car gets stuck?


just led the dacia to the refinery and the game got stuck to 1 fps


Because from v011, the entire game was ported to a newer Unity engine version. It was here that Ondrej had to rebuild a lot of things for the first time. Since now he has to solve NPCs and other things not only in a placeholder way, I think it will take more time to implement the models, animations, and behaviors, but then it will be the final version.


I have the same issue. But I've noticed that this only happens when the enemy cars are already on the ground trying to navigate. If I teleport them into the air, the fps is restored until they fall down. Or if I completely disable both car game objects, the problem is still solved. Now my suspicion is that there is some AI navigation issue in the Refinery zone. However, this already worked well in v012, so I don't understand what has changed now.


I feel like it is a navigation problem but it could have something to do with the vision system having trouble with the refinery if I were to guess


I found the script and the code that causes the freeze in the Refinery region. There is a problem with the following in the script called VisionTriggerV2: float num = Mathf.Clamp(300f - this.carData.car_speed_kmh * 2.5f, 50f, 300f); float num2 = Mathf.Clamp(300f - this.carData.car_speed_kmh * 2.5f, 50f, 300f); base.transform.localScale = new Vector3(num, num2, 300f); The values of base.transform.localScale should be reduced a lot to reduce the amount of slowdown. For me, even the max value of 100f causes severe freezing, but even 75f freezes the game temporarily, especially when both enemy cars are already chasing me. So the root of the problem here is base.transform.localScale.


please please, pretty please, can we have a 013 with VR support? :)


In the pause menu, you can set "Resolution Divider" to "1" - this will result in 720p if you have a1080p monitor.


Thanks for the help! It was VisionTriggerV2 indeed. Probably overloaded with non-static colliders present in the refineries region - so I just set it to ignore all colliders except the player car.


Yes VR is next :) I just want to dedicate some more time to optimization before releasing the VR version.


Yes it will be on Steam, itchio and possibly other platforms. Not sure yet about providing updates after release but quite possibly updates to the environment, as there is a lot of extra content still possible there.


Thanks for your thoughts Sven :) v013d should give an additional fps boost and I'd also recommend setting "Resolution Divider" to "1" in the pause menu (gives me +20 fps more here). There's an additional camera being switched on when in proximity of the chasing car(s), so that will slightly reduce perf in those situations but I changed the code so it's efficient as possible. Yes, the cars do teleport now after a certain time - the plan for the future is to have the goons push the cars out of trouble, once the NPC animation system is set up.


Not sure what I have. But my PC is usually very good with graphics. I have some games with high quality graphics, no problems there. Well, I try the new Version Thanks for the update!


Alright, Sounds good! Also, Do you plan on trying to have big gaming names on Youtube and other platforms promote your game down the line among things like that? Also you have me interested in the updates towards the environment. Not to say that your work doesn't look spectacular already, But I'm always happy to see more content :). Best of luck!! :D


awesome, found a new bug when trying v013d, i got past the refinery but it seems like the pathfinding broke for the goons when trying to enter the last region, they stop at a certain point and turn back if i go further into last region


Before I ask I want you to know that I've followed this game and it's updates since the beginning and I'm absolutely loving the progress and I'm happy I can help support you now! I am curios though, I know it's early in development but is there an idea where the AI may become more reckless if they get really agitated?


oh one more thing, the beware font on the title screen i notice changed. are you using the DSEG14 font for it?


Although it is not a big problem in the current version, but in the last region the enemies do not follow you. It's just like they stop at a certain point and go in the opposite direction. I went back on purpose, I bumped into it, but they didn't come after me either.


The same thing happened to me, but until now I thought it was just a random navigation bug.


I updated my graphics mod to the latest version. I managed to customize the amount of realtime shadows. In other words, what object can cast a shadow can be enabled or disabled separately. If you disable it for all other objects except the player's car headlight shadow, it won't take away much from the quality of the shadows, since the main visuals are from the player's perspective and the car's headlights. In this way, I managed to achieve a playable frame rate with my gtx 1650. I took special care to make an exception with the shadow of the distant light in the Last Region, as this is the only place where shadow matters very much. Of course, all these features only apply if real-time shadows are enabled in the Pause menu. Also, I added a teleport function, which is worth using if you get stuck in the game. You can do this with the mouse cursor and pressing the middle mouse button (or holding down the T key and clicking with the left mouse button). I also made sure that the car was set to kinematic mode for a short time during the teleportation, so that it wouldn't spin or be affected by other physical forces. Just note that teleportation is limited to terrain and road type objects (so it may not work in the parking lot, for example). I added a new start point, which is the Last Region. You can activate this in the usual way, hold down the 5 key on the Start screen and click on the PLAY button, or you can do the same in-game with the Restart Map button. When you start the game this way, it never overwrites the actual save state. It is possible to disable the animation of the smoke coming out of the giant chimneys in the mines region if you experience incorrect rendering with motion blur on. Just press X + S. Although this is a temporary solution, it works, and it is not noticeable that the smoke is not moving when you are driving. In the newer versions of the game, I'm increasingly experiencing the issue that when restarting the map (and rarely when starting the game), the FPS is very low. In such a case, if you start increasing the Master Texture Limit value (e.g. to 2), the FPS may recover. In this case, if you reset it to 0, the problem will usually not occur again. I suspect that VRAM limit may be the issue. For those who have a very slow GPU and may have already used the "potato" mode from the previous version, it is now possible to further speed it up. If you press X + T, the Terrain texture will disappear completely, replacing it with a dark brown solid color. If you want to challenge yourself, you can now disable Terrain objects completely by pressing R + T. You can re-enable them at any time if necessary. The mod and its detailed description are available as usual on my channel (same as my Patreon name). As soon as Ondrej releases fixes for the current version, I will try to port it as quickly as possible, then I will update the video title and the dll as well.


VR woohoo! Downloading now.


just got the patreon, been following this game for around two years and i got reminded of it when i saw the tweet about v013 on my timeline so i figured i might as well get it! excited to play the VR version, unzipping it right now


Ondrej, you did very well with this version. I cant wait for future versions to come!


i found this game on a random youtube video with 30 veiwes and its seem very promising i love it


Hello! I managed to get the game to recognize my controller by adding the game to Steam and installing the DS4. Now, I can't edit the buttons. The right analog stick works fine (moving the camera) but I can't change the buttons for accelerating, braking, etc. The throttle is on the left analog :( How do I change keys/buttons? One more question... Is the music in the game working? For me it's without music.


Hey dude! How did you manage to change the buttons (for accelerating, braking, etc)?


This is great! really like this game. But v013 seems to be some problem... like the music is not working, and masked man won't get off the car and attack me. Is this normal?


Hello, have you tried: in-game, press "p" to go to the pause menu, then click on the steering wheel icon in the top left corner, and select "Xbox" instead of the default "keyboard" as input? This normally fixes anomalies when using a controller. As for the music, it has been temporarily disabled (with the intent of concentrating solely on the driving AI capabilities, without the emotionality of the music) and will be back soon :)


Yes, this is normal as v012 & v013 are geared toward testing the new driving AI, vision system and physics. Music will be back soon. As for the goons, I'm working on a new animation system for those, and will return as soon as that's done :)


Yes, I thought I'd written about this in the v012 post, but I forgot to mention it. For now, in last region the enemy cars will only follow you up to the warehouses. It's a waypoint-related matter and I still have some planning to do for that part.


Thank you for your support! Yes, this is absolutely part of the plan: to have an AI (representing human drivers) that grows impatient and aggressive over time :)


Quests will be back once I finish work on the new NPC animation system (mix between physics-based animation and classical keyframe animation + face animation) :)


Hello, what are complete keyboard controls??? I just discovered that key Q turn on lights but dont know how to turn on wipers and other stuf. Thank you!


Sure thing, here you go :) WASD: accel, brake, steering Q: headlights E: wipers 1,2,3,4: gears space: handbrake alternatively, if you prefer driving with your right hand, you can use: Arrows: accel, brake, steering right ctrl: headlights right shift: wipers 1,2,3,4: gears space: handbrake


I enjoyed the demo so i decided to support the progress of the game, but when will we get the masked men attacking you again and the music, kinda makes the game a lot better for me. The game is solid tho <3


speaking of controls why was the clutch control removed? I remember the C key controlling the clutch in the older demos but for some reason it wasn't listed on the title screen. And speaking of the manual transmission have you ever thought of making the car stall if used incorrectly?


How do I change the key mapping for my Xbox controller?


this game is awesome, thank you


how to change resolution? pls make game settings more user friendly :)


can u make music optional in menu? really lost all the tension


You can do this with the mod I made. But if I see correctly, you found my channel in the meantime.


i dont think so. the game is still in early development, and ondrej is (i believe) a solo dev. give it some time, we'll get it when we do


Greetings Ondrej! I've recently rewatched IGP's YouTube videos of BEWARE and again realized how much I love your game! So much, that I just had to support the development of the game which I did yesterday. Thank you for this piece of art and your passion to improve it even further. I tried out the v013d for a bit and I love it. I do want to let you know that the audio popping is still present. Also which version would you recommend to experience the most objectives and gameplay elements? Is it still v006? Keep up the amazing work :)


Thank you very much for your feedback :) Yes I still recommend v006 or v007 if you'd like a bigger map and don't mind the falling ash


You're very welcome! And thanks the reply :) I'll be sure to play around with v013d for now to experience more of the latest version


I wish IGP would play Beware again its been a whole year of no Beware content Hopefully he will come back for a full release


I made a new mod for v013d. It includes a completely new 'potato' graphics solution, which creates a relative balance between visual appearance and high performance for lower configurations. The point is, if one of the new modes is activated (one of the selectable options does not disable mirror rendering or particle effects), a completely new camera will be created in real time and will render the game instead of the factory one. Because of this, you may notice minor errors (such as lights going out for a short time or objects in the distance flickering). However, I also created a fake fog, which basically adds a lot to the empty atmosphere in this situation. The new fast/extreme fast mode (which I detailed in my video description) should now actually give even very low budget GPUs a chance. Since even the use of VRAM can be reduced to 2GB or less in this new potato mode, it can also be used with 2GB cards.


what happen to the chase music?


Please add an "Invert Mouse" Option. I like to play with my mouse inverted and when I want to look up I look down. I guess you can say "It's Driving me Crazy" =D

Bryan Olaya Garcia

Hello first of all ty for ur amazing work of art. i been trying the VR version with wheel and its very good!!! inmersion is amazing but it needs the car wheel sync to the simulation wheel caus with the headset its very hard to know in what position the wheel is specially drifting... is not imposibe but its very hard also starting a new game the car go reverse straight to the wall when g920 or g29 is conected. But for me the ingame wheel sync with the real wheel is key. FBB is very good!!!


Hi. If, for some reason, Ondrej doesn't implement this feature, I'll add it to my own mod. As soon as v014 comes out, I will start porting my existing graphics mod, and it will be possible to invert the mouse. :)


This is my first time using Patreon, i find your project completely worth to support, so much effort and dedication. Thank you for making me pee my pants!


Hello, and wow! That intro give me so much chills that i have to run to Patreon and download the game myself. I love the feel of the world you are building up. Keep the good work friend :D


Hi is there any way to increase field of view? because i get motion sickness very easily


Hi, I hope you don't mind me answering. I made a graphics mod for the game, but it includes a setting that allows you to freely set the default fov value, as well as the position of the internal seat camera. Although I don't understand how changing the fov can help, because Ondrej disabled the camera bounce by default. You might also be sick because the camera is almost fixed, so it doesn't naturally follow the bounce of the car, because of this the car moves like a boat in certain situations. In my mod, there is a separate option to turn on a kind of camera bounce, and you can also adjust its intensity. By default, this is 0.5, which naturally causes the camera to bounce and the car also, but if you set this value to 1, then from your point of view the inside of the car is fixed, but the outside world bounces much more. Actually, I don't know if there is a good solution for cases like yours. If nothing helps, maybe the only solution is to switch to third person camera mode with disabled bouncing.


Hello there, do you have a button map legend for the g29? And also if this version is the only one with wheel support. Would love to try the older versions for the enemies with the wheel. Thank you!


Jumped into this for the first time last night, and it's very well done! I played a few different versions, and I do enjoy v013's visuals, but I must admit the ominous tunes that start during chases in the other versions really lend a massive buff to the environment. I'm VERY eager to see more vehicles/interactions put on the large scale. Great work going on here.


The chase music will return, Ondrej already confirmed this in a comment. :) I'm more worried about the goons' hideous and terrifying twitching faces disappearing forever. The real Beware feeling needed the music and those ugly faces at the same time. I know for a fact that I am right, because when I pick up v001 again out of nostalgia, those powerful emotions immediately return. The new masked goons can't make me feel that way.


Very true! The couple times I had the goons alongside my vehicle in v013, I was a bit bummed to see them so stoic and dark. I had a thought that perhaps the first vehicle could be the twitchy squad for that initial plunge into the setting, and then the second car could be the more "security" type vehicle with the red accents, masked figures, and blinding search lights as the stronger party is sent to follow you upon return. Maybe this same type of "progression" of vehicles/goons could be the representation to the player of roughly where they're at in a run? ( ~ this was supposed to be a reply but my phone said no apparently)


That's what I thought too. If Ondrej insists on masks, it should be done in such a way that the old maskless goons remain in the game, and only use masks in certain types of cars that are already more advanced. But here's another idea, as we know goons are very immune to hitting them with a car. If they receive a well-directed blow, it could be that the mask is half or even completely broken off, and then that scary and bloody twitching face appears. With this, you can instill another fear in the player after they get a little comfortable fighting masked goons.


Hello, unfortunately wheel support started late with v011, so v013 is the best choice for now. I can't tell how the buttons are mapped on g29 (I have a T300) but it's basically only the wipers and headlights that are mapped to buttons. Cheers, O)


That's an option I've been thinking about. Possibly mask-less goons at the very beginning, and more advanced gear as one progresses through the landscape.


Dear Ondrej, I have been testing this version after playing the free DEMO, with which I was delighted and frustrated in equal parts. Visually, the game is charming, its landscapes and limited visibility imbuing everything with an eerie charm. And although I enjoy driving through these strange places and the goons have given me a few scares, I must say that (omitting the occasional bug and glitch) the chases may not be my thing, as they have not allowed me to fully enjoy the experience and they suddenly ripped me away from that environment that BEWARE manages to create so well. Thnks.


Just joined, I found a video of this game on YouTube, and it looks great! Got my Oculus 3, the soundtrack to Baby Driver, and I want to have some fun!


Question: what's the most complete game experience? I downloaded this one and it seems very bugged: I don't hear nor can enable in any way the chase music, the enemies doesn't get off the car when they stopped me at all and the E+R for restart doesn't work for me most of the time, nor the game saves the settings I saved for steering wheel, I feel like v13 is one for testing certain features and not to experience the closest experience to the full game. Anyone can advise me on this? is there an option I'm not enabling? is there a version I shall download instead? Thanks beforehand.


In the welcome post, Ondrej wrote that v006 currently provides the most gaming experience. I personally prefer v007 as it is the same as v006, only with a bigger map. Starting with v011, the game was ported to a new Unity engine, and many things have to be redone. So, although you get the full map here, which will be in the final game, the NPCs, music, and the story itself are still missing, as Ondrej is now working on the final solutions, which will obviously take longer than planned. Otherwise, if you are not satisfied with the basic v013d, or you just want to experience the game more freely, you can try the mod I made, which is also available for the latest v013d. Here there is already a free camera and the option to teleport, as well as an exit and restart button in the pause menu. You can also overwrite the checkpoints when starting the game. But the main thing is that you can activate different graphic modes, with which you can achieve quite a lot of performance, while maintaining the original atmosphere of the game visually. It's definitely worth trying v013d, even if it's not complete.


I don't think so, since he wrote this in v011 post: "4) Added proper support for controllers & steering wheel with FFB"


Thank you so much for making the game! It looks amazing and I am so happy you're continuing to work on it. A question I have — does it include controller support and/or Steam Deck support?


First of all, I want to say that I love how the game is shaping up so far, the atmosphere is incredible. I just wanted to ask whether you have a timeline for what still needs to be done and potentially a release window? Don't want to put pressure or anything, just curious how things are coming along


I've been playing and enjoying the VR version. A couple things that I've noticed are that the VR camera angle turns side to side slightly, proporionally to the steering wheel angle, and the VR horizon is locked to the global horizon, not the angle of the car itself, if that makes sense. Together, those issues are a little nausea-inducing. The only other thing I've noticed is that I have no reverse gear on my G920, which should work fine on the G29 profile. Thanks. I look forward to the next release.


is there any way to get a thrustmaster t128p to work with the game?

Stanely Staemer

Seriously can't wait for the next update along with all of the NPC's and missions to be working for the huge map!


i have a fanatec set up and its seemingly not working am i doing something wrong ? i downloaded 13vr .. i wish i could map my own buttons. seems there is nothing on the web to help with this either


i was hype to play this but it seems it needs a few minor fixes. i had to use a controller which took away from immersion, the in game menu is lacking extremely. the fact i cant map my own buttons is just idk leaves me speechless lol. but i like the game alot. its a great idea. for what it is its fun. i think this has alot of potential. if one person worked on this or just a small group, job well done.